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Femorning Daily 9.4.2017

财经早餐  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-04-09 06:21


Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Today is Sunday April 9th, 2017. Welcome to today's Femorning.


1、Chairman of CHINA SECURITIES REGULATORY COMMISSION (CSRC), Liu Shiyu, said that the important decision of the construction of Xiong’an New District is inspiring, it stimulated heated discussion globally. To implement these policies and strategies, it is both rare opportunity and unshirkable responsibility for listed companies. In addition, listed companies should abandon short-sightedness, to focus on their main business, carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, be the industry's vanguard, and do not conduct blind cross-border operations using the financing functions of the capital market.


2、CHINANEWS reported, for the rumors of State-owned Key Enterprises moving to Xiong'an New District, Commissioner of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of China, Ning Jizhe, responded that rumors can not be believed, some enterprises have declared to move to Xiong’an New District, it is their autonomy behavior, the future planning still needs to be done. Xiong'an New District serves the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy, which is the key area for the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. The key task of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is to build Xiong'an New District.


3、The WeChat official accounts of CAIJING MAGAZINE news, the green financial division program of seven ministries and commissions including THE PEOPLE’S BANK OF CHINA (PBC), Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and CHINA BANKING REGULATORY COMMISSION (CBRC) will be introduced in the third quarter of this year, when the assessment program of green credit being included in Macro Prudential Assessment (MPA) will publish the exact time points. The above programs are based on last year's "Guidance on Building a Green Financial System".


4、Chairman of CHINA SECURITIES REGULATORY COMMISSION (CSRC), Liu Shiyu, said that the Commission will firmly shoulder the protection of investors, and throw heavy blows to the market chaos, punish those should be punished, delist those should be delisted, strike out those should be stricken out. In addition, companies do not pay dividends without legitimate reasons in a long time, it may be the signal of financial data fraud or insider control. The Commission has been paying close attention to this issue, there will be no laissez-faire, and corresponding hard measures will be carried out.


5、 Ji Xiaonan, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Key State-owned Large Enterprises of the State Council, said that for the next step, it should be getting to the keys of state-owned enterprise reform work from the five aspects. It highly emphasizes the role of mixed ownership reform for the reform of state-owned enterprises, perfecting the modern enterprise system is the key to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises; the reform of state-owned assets has the leading effect on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises; the state-owned enterprise reform is closely related to the supply-side structure reform; strengthening the party building must penetrate throughout the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises.


6、According to the new regulation policy from Zhuhai municipal government on April 8, the scope of the purchase restriction was upgraded to “all the city" and covering "all housing types", non-city residents must have paid 5 years of personal income tax or social security in order to purchase housing. On the basis of the current policy of loan restriction, for the residents who have housing and with different loan circumstances, the down payment ratio was increased to not less than 40% or 50% when applying for commercial personal housing loans to buy ordinary housing, for the purchase of non-ordinary housing, the minimum down payment proportion was increased to 60% or 70%.


7、SECURITIES DAILY news, in recent years, with the introduction of relevant documents for encouraging small internet loan in Chongqing, Guangzhou, Jiangsu and other places, especially while consumer financial market is rapidly developing of and some of the P2P internet loan business is limited, the number of small internet loan license plates has been developing rapidly. According to incomplete statistics, as of March 27th, China approved a total of 82 small internet loan licenses, of which 51 were held directly or indirectly by listed companies, accounting for up to 62%.


8、Tianjin Daily news, after the purchase restriction policy and new mortgage policy, 5% discount gradually becomes the mainstream of the mortgage interest rates for the first set of housing in Tianjin, buyers with the best credit qualification may have the chance to get 10% discount, the previous first suite benchmark interest rate of almost 85% almost becomes “the moon in water” and “flowers in a mirror.” Some banks have even raised mortgage rates for the first suite to the benchmark interest rate.


9、Beijing Daily news, with the new regulation in Beijing "recognizing housing, loan and divorce", many people began to pay close attention to their own personal credit records. Each person has opportunities to check their own personal credit 2 times a year free of charge, there are 43 outlets that providing self-service inquiry service in Beijing. For the online rumors that “gray list” will be set for personal credit, Business Administration Department of the people's Bank of China clearly denied. However, the industry insiders remind that if the credit query is too dense, it may increase the difficulty for mortgage application to pass the bank audit.


10、Xinhua News Agency learned from Miao Autonomous County of Songtao, Tongren City, Guizhou Province that Pujueyinfu super-large manganese deposit located in the county recently completed the national detailed survey record filing, there is 203 million tons of resource in the entire mining area. Manganese ore ranks third among the bulk metals, following iron ore and aluminum ore, it is one of the national strategic minerals in short supply and is widely used in the battery, magnetic new materials, etc.


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