原文来自Farnam Street blog. 我们喜欢研究成功,然而成功通常是个例,由于样本太少和路径太长,通常的结果就是过度总结。最著名的例子就是Jim Kollins写的《基业长青》一书。 经常被忽略的是对错误的研究,特别是对自己错误的研究。而研究错误最重要的是:承认错误!如果你不能承认你的错误,你不会成长。Enjoy!
“I like people admitting they were complete stupid horses' asses.
I know I'll perform better if I rub my nose in my mistakes.
This is a wonderful trick to learn.”
— Charlie Munger
- 查理·芒格
“Forgetting your mistakes is a terrible error if you are trying to improve your cognition…
Why not celebrate stupidities!”
— Charlie Munger
“If anyone can refute me – show me I'm making a mistake or looking at things from
the wrong perspective — I'll gladly change.
It's the truth I'm after and the truth never harmed anyone.
What harms us is to persist in self-deceit and ignorance.”
— Marcus Aurelius
“如果有人反驳我 - 告诉我我犯了错误或看事情
的角度错了 - 我会很乐意改变。
- Marcus Aurelius
Sometimes we lose our way.
We make mistakes. We focus on the wrong things. We pursue goals at all costs. We teeter on ethical and moral cliffs. We get too far down a slippery slope. We steal. We cheat. We lie. We deceive others. We deceive ourselves. We don’t open ourselves up to our friends. We see crime or fraud and don’t speak out.
You can be a good person and still exercise poor judgment.
In these moments we’re not the friend others deserve, the partner others choose, the child our parents raised, the exemplar we wish to be, nor the person we’re capable of being.
It can happen to the best of us. We’re human. We all make mistakes.
Just because we’ve lost our way doesn’t mean that we are lost forever. In the end, it’s not the failures that define us so much as how we respond.
Many of us get steered off course at some point in our lives, but what really counts is the choices that follow those mistakes. A teen who gets in trouble with the law, for example, can accept responsibility for his actions, change his behavior, and go on to lead the nation, or he can see only failure and tumble into a vicious cycle of committing ever-larger crimes.