专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
上海证券报  ·  央行重磅!信息量极大 ·  9 小时前  
中信建投证券研究  ·  中信建投:TMT科技本周核心推荐 ·  2 天前  
中国证券报  ·  提交申请,宁德时代赴港上市 ·  2 天前  
上海证券报  ·  马云,现身阿里 ·  2 天前  
51好读  ›  专栏  ›  瑞达利欧RayDalio

《每日原则》:  在沟通上运用杠杆。

瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-06-06 12:00



While open communication is very important, the challenge is to do it in a time-efficient way—you can’t have individual conversations with everyone. It is helpful to identify easy ways of sharing, like open emails posted on an FAQ board or sending around videotapes or audio recordings of key meetings. (I call such approaches “leverage.”) The challenges become greater the higher you go in the reporting hierarchy because the number of people affected by your actions and who also have opinions and/or questions grows so large. In such cases, you will need even greater leverage and prioritization (for example by having some of the questions answered by a well-equipped party who works for you or by asking people to prioritize their questions by urgency or importance).



上海证券报  ·  央行重磅!信息量极大
9 小时前
中信建投证券研究  ·  中信建投:TMT科技本周核心推荐
2 天前
中国证券报  ·  提交申请,宁德时代赴港上市
2 天前
上海证券报  ·  马云,现身阿里
2 天前
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