专栏名称: 一土教育
一土学校是奴隶社会创始人一诺和华章创办的,基于 IT 技术的个性化教育创新学校项目。我们的教育理念是“内心充盈,乐天行动”。一土的目标是构建教师职业发展体系,通过IT和互联网,实现可复制的全球学校网络,传递以人为本的教育理念,推动教育公平。
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一土教育  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-10-23 18:20


这是一土教育的第 268 篇文章

作者: Brad,一土教研副校长

翻译: 陈楚, 一土创校数学老师

视频: 芬兰孩子们的垃圾分类比赛


"The Finnish education system is built on trust. We don't have people coming to check on our teachers. We don't need assessments." - Educator at Voures School in Tampere, Finland.

我们在芬兰坦佩雷参加未来教育论坛(the Future of Education Forum)期间,测评与评估一直是热议话题。如何测评学生?用什么样的评估方式确保学生达到学习目标?芬兰教育工作者们回答通常是“我们芬兰的教育体系是基于信任的。”或是“我们并不测评。”

Throughout our time here at the Future of Education Forum in Tampere, Finland, assessments and evaluations have been a consistent topic. How are students assessed? What evaluations are used to ensure students are achieving learning standards? The typical answers from the Finnish educators are “the system is built on trust,” and “we don’t assess.”


Chinese educators crave data, standards and benchmarks to gauge progress, so these answers seem somewhat incomprehensible. In fact, there are assessments in Finnish education, just not what we are used to.

广州一土负责人李志伟(左)和Brad在 芬兰坦佩雷Voures学校。Brad/供图

Zhiwei Li, the Executive Principal of ETU Guangzhou and Brad at Voures School in Tampere, Finland. Photo by Brad Walsh.


We had the opportunity to visit Voures School, which is a fast-growing, progressive public school located just outside Tampere’s city center. They offer a full on-site health and dental clinic, classrooms in the form of cottages in the woods, and all the other great amenities you would come to expect from a Finnish school. What stood out most at this school was their rich, yet subtle, method of evaluating student development.


The classroom in the form of cottages in the woods. Photo by Brad Walsh.


Walking past the pre-k, daycare and kindergarten classes, something spotted our group’s eye. There was a wall full of speech bubbles, puzzles, cards, student drawings, and notes. “This is our ‘sharing wall’ where we post development goals and feedback on student growth.” Doesn’t that sound like a form of evaluation?


A "sharing wall" at Voures School inTampere, Finland. Photo by Brad Walsh


Voures, like all early childhood care schools in Finland focus on five main learning areas: rich world of languages, diverse forms of expression, oneself and their community, exploring and interacting with one’s environment, and growing, moving and developing. Each of these learning areas has their own definition and set of standards.


On the sharing wall, the teachers post the five learning areas as speech bubbles and puzzle pieces. At the beginning of each semester, and continuously every few weeks over the semester, the parents and teachers meet to discuss actionable behavior goals for the students in each of the learning areas. By doing so, they create interpretations of these learning areas that are understood and agreed upon by everyone.


Student drawings and notes document student growth. Photo by Brad Walsh.


The goals are then listed next to the learning areas. The goals are written in language that the child comprehends, because in the end they are the ones working on developing these skills.


As children accomplish these goals through various tasks and activities at home or at school, parents and teachers (or students) record this development in different forms (i.e. notes, drawings, etc.) on the wall. At the end of the semester, a picture is taken of the wall, and documented in the child’s portfolio.

来自老师、家长和学生的关于学习目标的行为解释。 Brad/供图

The behavior interpretations of the learning goal from parents, teachers and students. Photo by Brad Walsh.


From the teacher’s standpoint, there are many benefits to using this evaluation method. For one, public presentation of the goals show what are being most targeted and which goals need more attention. This helps teachers differentiate targets, and make learning goals more needs-based. Additionally, the sharing wall method is effective in motivating students to achieve their goals. With parents, teachers and kids providing input on their learning goals and publicly sharing the progress, there is greater buy-in from all parties.

学生所记录的关于“好”“一般”“糟糕” 的经历。Brad/供图

A student wrote the number of good, so-so, and bad experiences thay had one week in a learning area. Photo by Brad Walsh.

事实上,芬兰的教育系统中的确有评估体系存在,尽管在八年级之前很少有对学生分数性的评级,但对于学生的评估贯穿于整个学习过程,甚至在儿童教育的早期(小班)就开始进行了。 这些也许不是我们惯常所见的评估方式,却充分体现出芬兰人偏爱打破常规又还能实现高质量教育的常态。

In reality, the Finnish education system does have an evaluation system. And, it’s even implemented in the early years (as early as pre-kindergarten). This may not be the traditional evaluation format we are used to seeing, but the Finns have shown a penchant for breaking the norm and still delivering effective education.





1. 在学科及非学科能力评估报告方面,每学期末,家长都将在晨犀 App(一土自主开发的教学辅助工具和家校沟通平台)上收到电子版学生评估报告。评估报告主要包括根据语文、数学、英语等课程标准制定的学生学科能力评估;项目制学习中,学生在问题解决、创造力、团队协作、沟通与展示等方面的综合评估;包括手眼协调、注意力、记忆与推理能力等多项指标的学生心理素质评估;学生在校行为数据评估。

2. 在学生档案袋方面,老师在学期初通过和学生共同商议,形成既能涵盖学科知识和主题,又能发展个人能力和兴趣的个性化学习计划,并在整个学期过程中,持续收集学生的学习成果,最终形成专属于每个学生的学生档案。


3. 项目成果展示方面,展示是项目学习的一部分,也是评估的一种形式:学生们有机会选择和决定展示什么;有机会选择和决定如何展示;有机会思考和发展自己的特长;有机会给予和获得来自小伙伴的反馈。
