专栏名称: 环境人Environmentor
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加州大学河滨分校Fudong Liu课题组招收非均相催化博士后研究人员1-2名

环境人Environmentor  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-21 12:56


加州大学河滨分校(University of California, Riverside) Dr. Fudong Liu课题组招收博士后研究人员1-2名,研究方向为非均相催化、环境催化、环境污染控制、单原子催化、团簇催化、温室气体消除和资源化利用、催化产氢、清洁能源转化等。课题组具有很强的环境催化及工业催化研究和应用背景,实验平台优越,设备先进齐全,具有丰富的高端材料表征和理论计算合作资源(如同步辐射技术(X射线吸收谱)、球差电镜、DFT计算 + KMC模拟等)。请有志于深入研究非均相催化方向的博士Email联系Dr. Fudong Liu ([email protected]; https://profiles.ucr.edu/fudong.liu),随信请发送个人简历、Cover Letter、三名推荐人联系信息(姓名、工作单位、邮箱)。 博士后位置起始时间为2025年1-7月至2027年1-7月(至少两年期限)。
Introduction to Dr. Fudong Liu: Dr. Liu has been working in heterogeneous catalysis, environmental catalysis, pollution control, greenhouse gas reduction/utilization, hydrogen production, and synchrotron-based technique (X-ray absorption spectroscopy) for material characterization for 20 years, in both academia (Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of California, Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of Central Florida, University of California, Riverside as a tenured associate professor) and industry (BASF Corporation). He has published 150+ peer reviewed papers (including Journal of the American Chemical Society , Nature Communications , ACS Catalysis , Environmental Science & Technology , Applied Catalysis B: Environmental etc. ) with 11,000+ citations and H-index of 59 (Google Scholar), applied 40+ patents, and published 4 book chapters in heterogenous catalysis field. Dr. Liu received the 2009 CAS P&G Scholarship, 2010 CAS President Scholarship, 2011 CAS Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2012 International Association of Catalysis Societies (IACS) Young Scientist Award, 2013 Lu Jiaxi Young Talent Award, 2014 National Science &Technology Progress Award, 2019 National Natural Science Award, China, 2020 TechConnect Defense Innovation Award, 2023 Research Incentive Award at University of Central Florida, 2024 RINENG ( Results in Engineering , Elsevier) Distinguished Scientist Award, and 2024 CAPEES-Carina Frontier Research Award, etc .
Postdoc Positions in Heterogeneous Catalysis at the University of California, Riverside (1-2 Openings)
Thermal/New Concept Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Sustainable Chemical Transformations

Job description

Postdoctoral Scholar in Heterogeneous Catalysis, including Thermal Catalysis, Environmental Applications, Chemical Transformations, Single Atom/Cluster Catalysis, Emission Control, Greenhouse Gas Reduction/Utilization, Clean Energy Source Conversion, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy etc.
We have 1-2 postdoc positions open now at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (CEE), University of California, Riverside. The postdoc researchers will be supervised by Dr. Fudong Liu (https://profiles.ucr.edu/fudong.liu; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5gRxLTwAAAAJ&hl=en). The duration period for the positions is Jan-Jul 2025 to Jan-Jul 2027 (at least two years; early starting date is highly preferred).
The research directions include but not limit to heterogeneous catalysis, thermal catalysis, nanomaterial synthesis, single atom catalysis, cluster catalysis, environmental pollution control including HC/CO oxidation, NO/NH 3 oxidation, NH 3 decomposition, NO x reduction and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal, greenhouse gas (CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, HFCs etc .) reduction/utilization, clean energy source conversion etc . Duties include heterogeneous catalyst synthesis, experimental design, catalyst aging, reactor testing, catalyst characterization (preferentially with skills on synchrotron based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) technique), and reaction mechanism study etc.
The research team has strong catalysis research and application background, with advanced instrumentation for catalyst synthesis, aging, testing, characterization, and reaction mechanism study, as well as rich collaborative resources including synchrotron-based XAS, HAADF-STEM and DFT calculation + KMC simulation etc .

Candidates with PhD degree in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering or a closely related field, as well as strong motivation in both fundamental and applied heterogeneous catalysis research are encouraged to apply
Candidates with strong interest can contact Dr. Fudong Liu ([email protected]) by sending (1) A cover letter detailing specific experience; (2) A copy of CV/Resume; and (3) A list of at least three references (only names, emails and institutions)
Only complete application materials will be considered. The search will continue until the position is filled.

For questions regarding the position, please contact Dr. Fudong Liu at [email protected]

Minimum qualifications

1、PhD must be     completed prior to start date.

2、PhD degree in     Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering or a     closely related field, with strong heterogeneous catalysis research     background.

3、Strong motivation in     fundamental and applied heterogeneous catalysis research; Hands-on     experience in thermal catalysis research, especially for heterogeneous     gas-solid interface catalysis.
4、Demonstrated experience in the synthesis, catalytic activity testing and stan dard  characterization techniques of metal, metal oxide and zeolite catalysts
Preferred qualifications

1、Demonstrated     experience with heterogeneous catalysis, thermal catalysis, nanomaterial     synthesis, and/or single atom/cluster catalysis.
2、Demonstrated     experience with physisorption, chemisorption, temperature-programmed     reduction/oxidation/desorption/surface reaction techniques, and performing     catalytic conversions in gas phase under flow-through ambient pressure or     high pressure conditions.
3、Demonstrated     experience with instruments including Mass Spec, FTIR (transmission mode),     GC, GC/MS etc .
4、Demonstrated     experience with microscopy and spectroscopy techniques such as TEM, SEM, in     situ DRIFTS (FTIR), Raman Spectroscopy, XPS, XAS (XANES and EXAFS) etc .
5、Demonstrated     experience with environmental pollutant control (diesel and gasoline     vehicle emission control, indoor air purification) including HC/CO     oxidation, NO/NH 3 oxidation, NH 3 decomposition, NO x reduction and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal, greenhouse gas     (CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, HFC etc .)     reduction/utilization, clean energy source conversion (alkane     dehydrogenation, catalytic H 2 production) etc .
6、Mentorship     experience of undergraduate and/or graduate researchers.
Strong writing     ability as demonstrated by publication record and fellowship/grant     application.

投稿: 加州大学河滨分校Fudong Liu课题组 投稿、合作 、转载、进群,请添加小编微信Environmentor2020!环境人Environmentor是环境领 最大的学术公号 ,拥有 20W+活跃读者 。由于微 信修改了推送规则,请大家将环境人Environmentor加为 星标 ,或每次看完后点击页面下端的 “在看” ,这样可以第一时间收到我们每日的推文! 环境人Environmentor现有综合群、 期刊投稿群、基金申请群、留学申请群、各研究领域群等共20余个,欢迎大家加小编微信Environmentor2020,我们会尽快拉您进入对应的群。




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