2017年09月10日 (17:00) @ Mixpace//
米域·飞元 淮海中路566号(入口在成都南路)MIXPACE·Amyitis 3F, No.566 Middle Huaihai Road, corner of South Chengdu Road
| 周边交通 地铁13号线 淮海中路站 | 地铁1号线 黄陂南路站 Metro: line 1 South Huangpi Road | line 13 Middle Huaihai Road
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About the Event:
Do you sometimes feel out of control? Overwhelmed by the constant and ever increasing flow of information? Do you feel stressed at work and or at home? Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts and ideas and can’t find proper sleep again? Do you sometimes forget things? Are you sometimes/often procrastinating?
"The mind is for having ideas, not holding them" - David Allen
There is a simple, yet sophisticated way to bring any situation in your life under control. It is called Getting Things Done, or GTD. If you want to manage your busy life more effectively, get more of the right things done, in less time, with less stress and greater mental clarity, GTD is the key to managing the flow of your life and work. It has proven equally valuable to individuals and organizations across the widest spectrum. It has been successful for both senior executives and new hires, in Fortune 50 corporations and NGOs as well as start-ups. It also serves the widest range of people: students, creative artists, entrepreneurs, physicians, homemakers, solo professionals...