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集思会读书  · 公众号  · 读书  · 2017-07-22 16:45


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她就是 裕德龄 ,也就是通常所说的德龄公主,英文名Lizzie。




两年后,姐妹俩离开了紫禁城。德龄用“德龄公主”(Princess Der Ling)的笔名写了好几本书, 全英文的, 其中比较有名的是《清宫二年记》( Two Years in the Forbidden City )、《御香缥缈录》( Imperial Incense )。


容龄的书里描绘了慈禧的很多生活细节。比如慈禧见了客人,总爱先说 “吉祥如意” 作为寒暄语。外宾们如果是共和国来的,她便问 “你们的大总统好!” 如果是君主国来的,就问 “你们的国王好!”








德龄笔下的慈禧,总结起来,就是自认为很美,也很喜欢打扮, 收到人家从法(fà)国带来的香水、镜子、肥皂盒,会很开心。


When I first came to the Court, a lot of the people were jealous of me because I was considered to be a beautiful woman at that time. I must say that I was a clever one, for I fought my own battles, and won them, too. When I arrived at Court the late Emperor became very much attached to me and would hardly glace at any of the other ladies.


Her majesty asked all sorts of questions about our Paris gowns and said we must wear them all the time, as she had very little chance to see them at the Court. She was particularly in love with our Louis XV high heel shoes.


It must seem to you quite funny to see an old lady like me taking so much care and pains in dressing and fixing up. Well! I like to dress myself up and to see others dress nicely. It always gives me pleasure to see pretty girls dress nicely; it makes you want to be young again yourself.



How is it that these foreign ladies have such large feet? Their shoes are like boats and the funny way they walk I cannot say I admire. I haven’t yet seen one foreigner with pretty hands. Although they have white skins, their faces are covered with white hair.


慈禧不仅对自己的美貌很有信心, 对自己的才华也是自信心爆棚,她觉得连英国的维多利亚女王也不能跟自己相比, 还对英国的君主立宪制,进行了一番点评。

I have often thought that I am the most clever woman that ever lived and others cannot compare with me. Although I have heard much about Queen Victoria and read a part of her life which someone has translated into Chinese, still I don’t think her life was half so interesting and eventful as mine.


England is one of great powers of the world, but this has not been brought about by Queen Victoria’s absolute rule. She had the able men of parliament back of her at all times and of course they discussed everything until the best result was obtained, then she would sign the necessary documents and really had nothing to say about the policy of the country.


Now look at me. I have 400,000,000 people, all dependent on my judgment. Although I have the Grand Council to consult with, they only look after the different appointments, but anything of an important nature I must decide myself. What does the Emperor know?



I was watching her while she was talking to my mother and marveled to see how she could eat, after having eaten such a quantity of candy, walnuts, etc., while in her bedroom…


This day we had pork cooked in ten different ways, such as meat balls, sliced cold in two different ways, red and white, the red being cooked with a special kind of sauce made of beans which gives it the red color and has a delicious taste. Chopped pork with chopped bamboo shoots, pork cut in cubes and cooked with cherries and pork cooked with onions and sliced thin.

This last dish was Her Majesty’s favourite and I must say it was good. Then there was a sort of pancake made of eggs, pork and mushrooms chopped fine and fried, also pork cooked with cabbage and another dish cooked with turnips. The fowl and mutton was cooked in several different ways.



Then we prepared glass dishes of candy, which were to be offered to the God of the Kitchen. On the twenty-third day of the last moon the God of the Kitchen left this earth to go on a visit to the Kind of Heaven, to whom he reported all that we had been doing during the past year, returning to earth again on the last day of the year. The idea of offering him these sweets was in order that they should stick to his mouth and prevent him from telling too much.

