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威海「W.A.Y未海岸」青年共建之旅暨“精致六公里 海岸微改造”设计竞赛顺利启程!

Hi设计  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-30 12:30


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2024年10月26日, 威海 「W.A.Y未海岸」青年共建之旅启程会暨“精致六公里  海岸微改造”设计竞赛启动会于威海经济技术开发区的东浦湾房车营地顺利举行。

On October 26th, 2024, the kick-off meeting of W.A.Y Coast Youth Co-Building Journey and The Refined six-Klometer Miero Design Competition was successfully held at Dongpu Bay Caravan Campground in Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone.

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在启程会正式开始之前,活动现场的晚餐与场景布置让到场嘉宾从海边的视觉、味觉、听觉、触觉感受了威海这座城市的风情。海浪伴着青年, W eihai A nd Y outh。

Before the official start of the departure party, the dinner and scene decoration at the event site allowed the guests to feel the city of Weihai from the sight, taste, hearing and touch of the seaside. Waves accompanied by youth, Weihai And Youth.

威海市精致城市建设办公室主任、威海市住房和城乡建设局局长 李瑞玲女士 ,威海市经济技术开发区管理委员会副主任 邵明光先生 ,威海市经济技术开发区管理委员会商务局副局长 宗燕女士 ,威海经济技术开发区商务局招商促进中心 于晓波女士 ,威海市城乡规划编研中心主任 张江华 女士 ,威海广安城市建设投资有限公司董事长 王维利先生 ,威海华滋海洋工程有限公司总经理 李海峰先生 ,威海仁安旅游服务有限公司总经理 徐观先生 ,威海广安城市建设投资有限公司建设管理部部长 杨秉霖先生 等领导出席活动。

Ms. Li Ruiling, Director of Weihai Exquisite City Construction Office and Director of Weihai Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau;Mr. Shao Mingguang, Deputy Director of Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone Administrative Committee;Ms. Zong Yan, Deputy Director of Commerce Bureau of Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone Administrative Committee;Ms. Yu Xiaobo, Investment Promotion Center, Bureau of Commerce, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone;Ms. Zhang Jianghua, Director of Weihai Urban and Rural Planning and Research Centre;Mr. Wang Weili, Chairman of Weihai Guang'an Urban Construction and Investment Company Limited;Mr. Li Haifeng, General Manager of Weihai Huazhi Marine Engineering Co;Mr. Xu Guan, General Manager of Weihai Ren'an Tourism Service Co; Mr. Yang Binglin, Director of Construction Management Department;Weihai Guang'an Urban Construction Investment Co. attended the event.


Together with young co-constructors, they listened to the call of the sea and explored the concept of “Exquisite City” from the perspective and attitude of young people. We will listen to the call of the sea, and explore together the possibilities of scene creation and new practice under the concept of “Exquisite City” from the perspective and attitude of young people.

威海市精致城市建设办公室主任、威海市住房和城乡建设局局长 李瑞玲女士 作开场致辞。她表示,“W.A.Y 未海岸”项目鼓励青年参与到项目的设计、建设和运营中来,将“W.A.Y 未海岸”打造成为一段具有青年社群吸引力的新文旅经济岸线。青年的活力和创新精神将是推动项目成功的关键。

Ms Li Ruiling, Director of Weihai Exquisite City Construction Office and Director of Weihai Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, delivered an opening speech. She said that the W.A.Y Coast project encourages youth to participate in the design, construction and operation of the project, and to make the W.A.Y Coast a new cultural tourism and economic shoreline attractive to the youth community. The vigour and innovative spirit of youth will be the key to the success of the project.

威海经济技术开发区商务局招商促进中心 于晓波女士 ,向大家展示了这片于1992年10月成立的国家级开发区的4大特点:高质量的对外开放、最繁华的商业中心、高水平的人才高地、最优质的产业生态。

Ms. Yu Xiaobo, Investment Promotion Centre, Bureau of Commerce, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone (ETDZ), showed the 4 main features of this state-level development zone, which was established in October 1992: high-quality opening to the outside world, the most prosperous business centre, a high level of talent highland, and the best industrial ecology.

威海广安城市建设投资有限公司建设管理部部长 杨秉霖先生 ,向大家详细表达对了“精致六公里 海岸微改造”5大节点的营造期望,与“盘活沉默资产,以点带面地激活海岸线空间”的改造目的。

Mr Yang Binglin, Director of Construction Management Department of Weihai Guang'an Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd, expressed in detail his expectations for the creation of the 8 nodes of the ‘Exquisite Six Kilometres Coastal Micro-Renovation’ and the purpose of the ‘revitalisation of the silent assets and activation of the coastline space by point to point’. The purpose of the transformation.

W.A.Y 未海岸是一片面向年轻人的场域,本次活动邀约的分享人中,涵盖了学者、策展人、社群运营者、建筑设计师等多元类型的青年,以及两位威海在地主理人,来展现当地的青年态度。

W.A.Y Coast is a field for young people, and this event invites a wide range of young people, including scholars, curators, community operators, architects and designers, as well as two local organizers in Weihai, to show the attitude of local youth.

活动现场,我们也邀请了本次竞赛入围的5家团队的设计师代表,上台为大家分享他们的观点与思考。更多内容信息,请关注 W.A.Y 未海岸小红书(账号:323030947), 采访视频会陆续发布。

At the event, we also invited the designer representatives of the 5 finalist teams of the competition to share their views and thoughts on stage. For more content information, please follow W.A.Y Coast Xiaohongshu (account number: 323030947), interview videos will be released.

您对“精致城市” 如何





Principal Architect at HCCH

精致城市 在小而美的基础上 ,关注使用场景、挖掘在地特征、追求艺术高度、控制落地难度。 新鲜但不猎奇、吸引人而不媚俗, 兼顾短期的可传播性和设计价值的长效性。

On the basis of being small and beautiful, Exquisite City pays attention to the usage scenario, explores the local characteristics, pursues the artistic height, and controls the difficulty of landing. It is fresh but not strange, attractive but not kitsch, and takes into account short-term communicability and long-term design value.




Principal Architect at Atelier XI

相比于传统的规模型建设模式,“精致城市”将要求设计师尊重自然与生活的原初美感, 以更加审慎的态度、更加巧妙的方式介入到现实问题之中, 进行空间营造与环境提升,塑造具有可持续发展价值的生活美学示范。

Compared with the traditional scale construction mode, the ‘exquisite city’ will require designers to respect the original beauty of nature and life, and intervene in real problems in a more prudent and ingenious way to create space and enhance the environment, so as to shape an aesthetic demonstration of life with sustainable development values.


LI Zhi

Mur Mur Lab主持建筑师

Principal Architect at Mur Mur Lab

“城市的逻辑就是制造兴奋和提供刺激,就是假设存在一个令人信服的领域,在那里各种相互矛盾的可能性可以并存”。 精致城市就是基于兴奋点,创造出日常的想象空间。

The logic of the city is to create excitement and provide stimulation, that is, to assume the existence of a compelling realm where contradictory possibilities can coexist.’ The sophisticated city is based on excitement and creates everyday imaginative spaces.


WANG Lanqin


Founder and Principal Architect at

tobe Architecture

精致,我觉得特别符合威海的内核,是一种北方漫天大雪和壮阔海面下的细腻浪漫。 精致营造是城市解决完“有无”后,对更高品质更人性化城市空间的全新追求, 也是我们一直在城市更新中的设计理想。

Delicacy is the core of Weihai, which I think is particularly suitable for Weihai, it is a kind of delicate romance under the snowy sky and magnificent sea in the north. Delicacy is the new pursuit of higher quality and more humane urban space after the city has solved the problem of ‘having or not having’, and it is also the design ideal that we have been pursuing in the urban renewal.


QIN Chen


Partner at SEED

精致城市既是 在宏观层面上 对城市背景、地理特征的有效回应,也是 在微观层面上 对市民与人文背景的悉心关怀。

A sophisticated city is both an effective response to the urban context and geographic features at the macro level, and an attentive care for the citizens and the human context at the micro level.




Founding Partner, Principal Architect

at MAT Office

“精致城市”营造体现 在城市物理空间上 ,是高品质的公共场所、人性化的空间营造; 在城市精神空间上 ,是开放自由包容的态度和积极向上的生命力;在社会空间上是丰富的日常生活,每一个城市公民的气质都是城市的风景线。

The creation of a ‘fine city’ is reflected in the physical space of the city, which is a high-quality public place and humanised space creation; in the spiritual space of the city, which is an open, free and tolerant attitude and positive vitality; and in the social space, which is the richness of daily life, with the temperament of every city citizen being the city's scenic beauty.





Principal Architect at HCCH

平行比较其他山东海滨城市(如日照),威海的地景和风貌更为粗粝清冷,适合具有雕塑感和原始感的海边小品,体现人对自然诚实而本能的介入。 我们希望通过形式、空间和材料的塑造去体现小建筑的“发光发热“。

Parallel to other Shandong coastal cities (e.g. Rizhao), Weihai's landscape is more coarse and cool, which is suitable for sculptural and primitive seashore vignettes, reflecting man's honest and instinctive intervention in nature. We reflect the ‘glow’ of small buildings through the shaping of form, space and material.




Principal Architect at Atelier XI

认知中的威海有着绵长的海岸、舒适的尺度、细腻的沙滩,这座城市丰富的历史痕迹以及随季节变化的时间感受。对于这片美好的土地, 设想将“设计”以一种松弛的方式融入这种城市与生俱来的生活感, 让“别处”与“日常”相遇。

Weihai is perceived as a city with long coasts, comfortable scales, fine sandy beaches, rich historical traces and a sense of time that changes with the seasons. For this beautiful land, it is envisioned that ‘design’ will be loosely integrated into the city's innate sense of life, allowing ‘elsewhere’ to meet ‘everyday’.


LI Zhi

Mur Mur Lab主持建筑师

Principal Architect at Mur Mur Lab

对威海的了解来自海、食物和很多自然。 合适的活动和合适的场域是最理想的状态,普通人的日常在这里发生也会是非常美好的场景。 除了塑造有品质的公共空间,我希望有机会参与到这些公共空间后期的展览策划和艺术活动的运营中,创造持续的公共价值。

Knowledge of Weihai comes from the sea, food and a lot of nature. The right activities and the right venues are the most ideal state, and the daily life of ordinary people happening here will also be a very beautiful scene. In addition to shaping quality public spaces, I hope to have the opportunity to be involved in the later planning of exhibitions and the operation of art activities in these public spaces, creating sustained public value.


WANG Lanqin


Founder and Principal Architect at

tobe Architecture

威海是一个精致而宜居的滨海小城。对于滨海空间的创意性打造, 事件性的活动是高潮,常态化的设计是日常, 能同时支撑两者存在的空间场所,则是一举两得的妙笔,也是在地而有生命力的创造性设计。

Delicacy is the core of Weihai, which I think is particularly suitable for Weihai, it is a kind of delicate romance under the snowy sky and magnificent sea in the north. Delicacy is the new pursuit of higher quality and more humane urban space after the city has solved the problem of ‘having or not having’, and it is also the design ideal that we have been pursuing in the urban renewal.
