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经济学人 | 常识其实不太常见

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-01 08:00



常识,即平常之识,指的是从日常社会生活、劳作、学习中总结和积累下来的基本知识。伏尔泰曾说过:“常识并非那么常见。”(Common sense is not so common.)大家都知道到的未必是常识,大家都看到的未必是常识,大家所相信的未必是常识,大家所明白的也未必是常识。

Common sense is not actually very common


Very few claims meet with universal agreement


In 1776Thomas Paine, a traitorous Englishman living in the American colonies, published a seditious 47-page pamphlet. Called “Common Sense”, it became a best-seller. It argued that the colonies should seek independence from British rule. Later that year they did exactly that.


Appeals to common sense are a staple of politics, especially when an insurgent wishes to distinguish himself from a supposedly aloof and out-of-touch elite.


But in a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Mark Whiting and Duncan Watts, a pair of computational social scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, note that the idea has seldom been rigorously studied.


The two researchers set out to fix that. They started by noting that the standard concept of common sense has a somewhat circular definition: common sense is a set of claims that sensible people agree with, and sensible people are those who possess common sense.


To get around such philosophical tangles, the researchers turned to Mechanical Turk, a website run by Amazon, a big tech firm, that allows people to post odd jobs. They recruited 2,046 human participants and asked them to rate 50 statements from a corpus of 4,407 claims that might plausibly be seen as commonsensical.

为了解开这团哲学上的乱麻,研究人员使用了 Mechanical Turk,这家网站由大型科技公司亚马逊运营,人们可以在上面发布各种零工杂活。他们招募了2046人参与研究,让他们给50个陈述评分,它们来自一个有4407个可能被视为常识的说法的语料库。

As common sense might have predicted, the researchers found that plainly worded claims concerning facts about the real world were the most likely to be rated as demonstrating common sense (“triangles have three sides”, for example, which is true by definition, or “avoid close contact with people who are ill”).


The more abstract the claims, the less likely participants were to agree that they were common sense (“all human beings are created equal”; “perception is the only source of knowledge”).


When they split the claims by subject, the researchers found that those concerning technology and science were the most likely to be rated as commonsensical, while matters of history and philosophy were the least likely.


A respondent’s age, sex, income and personal politics had little effect on what they thought counted as common sense, although psychological measures of social perceptiveness and the ability to reflect on one’s opinions did.


Having investigated individual opinions, the researchers looked at how common sense works across big groups. Here, they found much less agreement than might have been expected. Only around 44% of claims in the corpus were rated as commonsensical by at least 75% of respondents.


A stricter definition of common sense, in which everyone has to agree with a claim for it to count, cut that number to just 6.6%. Where exactly a sensible cut-off lies is a matter for debate. But truly “common” sense, it seems, is an elusive thing.




traitorous [ˈtretərəs] adj. 叛逆的;不忠的;背信弃义的

seditious [səˈdɪʃəs] adj. 煽动性的;煽动叛乱的

insurgent [ɪnˈsərdʒ(ə)nt] adj. 起义的;暴动的;造反的 n. 造反者;叛乱者

aloof [əˈluːf] adj. 不友好的;冷淡的;疏远的

rigorously [ˈrɪgərəsli] adv. 严厉地;残酷地;严密地

elusive [iˈluːsɪv] adj. 难以捉摸的;不易想起的

