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【保险学术前沿】NBER 2024年3月-5月保险精选文章目录与摘要

13个精算师  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-20 10:00




“National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Papers Series” NBER(美国国家经济研究局)工作论文系列是一个广泛认可的经济学研究发布渠道。这些工作论文在同行评审前发布,以便更广泛地分发和讨论。NBER每年发布超过1200篇工作论文,这些论文由NBER的附属成员撰写,可能包含对政策影响的分析结果。












※ 本期目录

Wage Insurance for Displaced Workers

●Access to Credit Reduces the Value of Insurance

●Does Consolidation in Insurer Markets affect Insurance Enrollment and Drug Expenditures? Evidence from Medicare Part D

●Unemployment Insurance Fraud in the Debit Card Market

●Deposit Insurance, Uninsured Depositors, and Liquidity Risk During Panics

●Navigating Higher Education Insurance: An Experimental Study on Demand and Adverse Selection

●Evaluating and Pricing Health Insurance in Lower-income Countries: A Field Experiment in India

●How You Pay Drives What You Choose: Health Savings Accounts versus Cash in Health Insurance Plan Choice

Wage Insurance for Displaced Workers



Benjamin G. Hyman (纽约联邦储备银行), Brian K. Kovak (卡内基梅隆大学), Adam Leive(加州大学伯克利分校)

摘要:Wage insurance provides income support to displaced workers who find reemployment at a lower wage. We analyze wage insurance in the context of the U.S. Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program by merging linked employer-employee Census data to TAA petitions and leveraging a discontinuity in eligibility based on worker age. Wage insurance eligibility increases short-run employment probabilities and leads to higher long-run cumulative earnings. We find shorter non-employment durations largely drive increased long-term earnings among workers eligible for wage insurance. Our results are quantitatively consistent with a standard non-stationary partial equilibrium search model. The program is self-financing even under conservative assumptions.



Access to Credit Reduces the Value of Insurance



Sonia Jaffe(微软), Anup Malani (芝加哥大学), Julian Reif (伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校)

摘要:We analyze the value of insurance when individuals have access to credit markets. Loans allow consumers to smooth financial shocks over time, decreasing the value of consumption smoothing from insurance. We derive formulas for the value of insurance that can be taken to data, and show how that value depends on individual characteristics and features of loans. We estimate that access to a five-year loan decreases the values of community- and experience-rated insurance for the average beneficiary by $232-$366 (58--61%). Even for the sickest decile, this loan access reduces the value of community-rated insurance by $1,099 (17%).



Does Consolidation in Insurer Markets affect Insurance Enrollment and Drug Expenditures? Evidence from Medicare Part D

保险公司市场的整合是否影响保险投保和药品支出?来自Medicare Part D的证据


Pinka Chatterji (纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校), Chun-Yu Ho (奥尔巴尼大学), Tao Jin (纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校), Yichuan Wang (纽约州成瘾服务与支持办公室)

摘要:Since the inception of Medicare Part D in 2006, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and regulatory changes have led to increased concentration and reduced plan variety in the standalone prescription drug plan (PDP) portion of the market. We examine how this industry consolidation affects Medicare beneficiaries’ enrollment in PDPs and their out-of-pocket (OOP) drug expenditures using individual-level data from the 2006-2018 waves of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) merged with PDP market-level characteristics. Overall, we find that lower plan variety in the PDP market decreases the likelihood that elderly individuals enroll in PDPs, and higher PDP market concentration increases OOP drug expenditures. Our main results are robust to considering possible effects of unobserved individual-level heterogeneity, region-specific time trends, and entry/exit of insurers, as well as to the use of an alternative identification scheme based on a quasi-experimental design. Further, we find that younger, more advantaged, and healthier individuals respond differently to industry consolidation compared to their older, less advantaged, and sicker counterparts. The former groups are more likely to adjust their PDP enrollment in response to reduced PDP variety and have higher OOP drug expenditures in response to increased PDP market concentration compared to the latter groups. Finally, we find that not only do lower PDP variety and greater PDP market concentration directly affect PDP enrollment and OOP drug expenditures, but these changes also affect Medicare beneficiaries indirectly through impacting PDP characteristics.

自2006年Medicare Part D成立以来,合并和收购(M&A)以及监管变化导致了市场独立处方药计划(PDP)部分的集中度增加和计划种类减少。我们利用2006-2018年健康与退休研究(HRS)的个体级数据,并结合PDP市场层面的特征,研究了这种行业整合如何影响医疗保险受益人参与PDP的情况以及他们的自付(OOP)药品支出。总体而言,我们发现PDP市场计划种类的减少降低了老年人参与PDP的可能性,而PDP市场集中度的提高增加了OOP药品支出。我们的主要结果对考虑了未观察到的个体层面异质性、地区特定时间趋势、保险公司的进入/退出以及基于准实验设计的替代识别方案的可能影响都是稳健的。此外,我们发现较年轻、更有优势、更健康的个体与较年老、较无优势、病情较重的个体相比,对行业整合的反应不同。前者更有可能根据PDP种类的减少调整他们的PDP参与,并且在PDP市场集中度增加时有更高的OOP药品支出。最后,我们发现,PDP种类的减少和PDP市场集中度的提高不仅直接影响PDP参与和OOP药品支出,这些变化还通过影响PDP特征间接影响医疗保险受益人。


Unemployment Insurance Fraud in the Debit Card Market



Umang Khetan (爱荷华大学), Jetson Leder-Luis (波士顿大学), Jialan Wang (伊利诺伊大学香槟分校), Yunrong Zhou (普渡大学)

摘要:We study fraud in the unemployment insurance (UI) system using a dataset of 35 million debit card transactions. We apply machine learning techniques to cluster cards corresponding to varying levels of suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity. We then conduct a difference-in-differences analysis based on the staggered adoption of state-level identity verification systems between 2020 and 2021 to assess the effectiveness of screening for reducing fraud. Our findings suggest that identity verification reduced payouts to suspicious cards by 27%, while non-suspicious cards were largely unaffected by these technologies. Our results indicate that identity screening may be an effective mechanism for mitigating fraud in the UI system and for benefits programs more broadly.


原文链接: https://www.nber.org/papers/w32527

Deposit Insurance, Uninsured Depositors, and Liquidity Risk During Panics



Matthew S. Jaremski (犹他州立大学), Steven Sprick Schuster (中田纳西州立大学)

摘要:The lack of universal deposit insurance coverage can create liquidity risk during financial crises. This aspect of deposit insurance is hard to test in modern data because of the broad coverage of most systems. We, therefore, study the role that the U.S. Postal Savings System played in commercial bank closures during the Great Depression. The system offered households a federally insured deposit account at post offices throughout the nation, and its structure provides a near-ideal environment to identify this competitive liquidity risk during a crisis. We find that banks that operated nearby a post office that accepted deposits were more likely to close between 1929 and 1935. We further make use of a structural change in the availability of postal depositories in the early 1910 to estimate an IV regression that confirms the results. In either model, the effect is strongest for those banks with low reserves, suggesting that the mechanism was through depositor withdrawals rather than other factors.



Navigating Higher Education Insurance: An Experimental Study on Demand and Adverse Selection



Sidhya Balakrishnan (Jain Family Institute), Eric Bettinger (斯坦福大学),  Michael S. Kofoed (田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校), Dubravka Ritter(费城联邦储备银行), Douglas A. Webber (联邦储备委员会), Ege Aksu (Jain Family Institute), Jonathan S. Hartley(斯坦福大学)

摘要:We conduct a survey-based experiment with 2,776 students at a non-profit university to analyze income insurance demand in education financing. We offered students a hypothetical choice: either a federal loan with income-driven repayment or an income-share agreement (ISA), with randomized framing of downside protections. Emphasizing income insurance increased ISA uptake by 43%. We observe that students are responsive to changes in contract terms and possible student loan cancellation, which is evidence of preference adjustment or adverse selection. Our results indicate that framing specific terms can increase demand for higher education insurance to potentially address risk for students with varying outcomes.



Evaluating and Pricing Health Insurance in Lower-income Countries: A Field Experiment in India



Anup Malani (芝加哥大学), Cynthia Kinnan (塔夫茨大学), Gabriella Conti (伦敦大学学院), Kosuke Imai(哈佛大学), Morgen Miller, Shailender Swaminathan(印度金融市场研究中心, IFMR), Alessandra Voena(斯坦福大学), Bartosz Woda(芝加哥大学法学院)

摘要:Universal health coverage is a widely shared goal across lower-income countries. We conducted a large-scale, 4-year trial that randomized premiums and subsidies for India’s first national, public hospital insurance program, called RSBY. We find substantial demand (∼ 60% uptake) even when consumers were charged a price equal to the premium the government paid for insurance. We also find substantial adverse selection into insurance at positive prices. Insurance enrollment increases insurance utilization, partly due to spillovers from use of insurance by neighbors. However, healthcare utilization does not rise substantially, suggesting the primary benefit of insurance is financial. Many enrollees attempted to use insurance but failed, suggesting that learning is critical to the success of public insurance. We find very few statistically significant impacts of insurance access or enrollment on health. Because there is substantial willingness-to- pay for insurance, and given how distortionary it is to raise revenue in the Indian context, we calculate that our sample population should be charged a premium for RSBY between 67-95% of average costs (INR 528-1052, $30-60) rather than a zero premium to maximize the marginal value of public funds.


