本周分享链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hsvdE3i 密码: uh4u
本周的封面关注委内瑞拉乱局,不过我对那个国家实在不了解,所以也就略过。看看我们亲爱的祖国吧,本周有相当多的文章关注,中俄关系的文章有两篇,都是从中俄的联合军演演化而来,这次在波罗的海的秀肌肉着实让北约紧张了一番,那么中俄关系到底如何,杂志给出的定位是behave like the best of buddies,文中一方面给出了两国首脑的各种互动,经贸的合作,另一方面也在讨论两国的利益差异,最后还用俄国表演者认为在中国表演是羞辱来结尾,我也是醉了。另外在科技方面,一方面是百度高调提出的All In AI,同时也成为Deep Learning的国家实验室,而在7月20日也制定了在2030年成为AI强国的发展战略,AI的发展在中国相当迅速,但后面还有哪些隐忧,杂志用code red这篇文章做了分析。 本周还关注了国内的在线音乐市场,国人音乐付费的观念在当今互联网时代有了很大进步,但对于腾讯系一支独大的情况也是充满了忧虑,毕竟他掌控了华纳,环球,索尼三大唱片公司,理论上说腾讯想让你听什么,你才能听什么。。。就如同每天全球大事都仅在微信新闻推送的几条一样。
本周分享的这本书是之前杂志所推荐的一本与女性有关的书籍。这本书籍在重新思考男女之间的差异,试图证明大家之前所接受到的对于女性的缺省认识是错误的。 也许有一些所谓世俗的观点总是要被打破的。
Inferior:How Science Got Women Wrong
Angela Saini
224 pages
Beacon Press (May 30, 2017)
Why the view that women are gentle, caring and empathetic, whereas men are strong, rational and dominant, is misguided
“Inferior” by Angela Saini, a British journalist and broadcaster (who has written in the past for The Economist), is an illuminating account of how science has stoked the views that innate preferences and abilities differ between men and women. Ms Saini unpicks some of the most influential studies that have framed women as gentle, caring and empathetic and men as strong, rational and dominant—differences attributed to biology and evolution. A striking pattern emerges: almost all of the prominent scientists behind these studies are men, whereas much of the growing, more recent research that disputes them is done by women.
Women have come a long way since the days when they were rarely seen in universities or laboratories. “Inferior” is the story of how science made the journey tougher—until now.