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今日佳音  · 公众号  · 基督教  · 2017-07-25 11:59


今日佳音 7月25日


制作:每日箴言 | 诵读:楚云 | 片头:张妙阳

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Greet One Another

“你们亲嘴问安,彼此务要圣洁。” - 罗 16:16

"Greet one another with a holy kiss."

- Romans 16:16

🙏 灵修


In Japan, on many roads leading to schools, there are signs that remind students, "Greetings are the foundation of our social life." Sometimes I think signs like these would be helpful to children, parents, and others in nations everywhere.

你有没有留意到,保罗的书信通常都是以热情的问安来开始和结束的呢?罗马书 1:7说:“我写信给你们在罗马为神所爱、奉召作圣徒的众人。愿恩惠、平安,从我们的父神,并主耶稣基督,归与你们!”今天的经文,则给我们一般性的提醒:“你们亲嘴问安,彼此务要圣洁”。保罗以爱和关怀来鼓励他的读者。

Have you ever noticed how Paul's letters usually begin and end with warm greetings? Romans 1:7 says, "To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ." And today's verse offers general advice: "Greet one another with a holy kiss." Paul encourages his readers with love and concern.

在他的经典歌曲“这是一个多么美好的世界”中,路易斯阿姆斯特朗说:“我看到朋友握手相问:‘你好吗?’其实他们是在说:‘我爱你。’”这是真的啊!另外,你知道吗?在与人道别时我们通常说“Good-bye(再会)”,这其实是源于很久以前“God be with you(神与你同在)”这句话的。

Louis Armstrong in his classic song "What A Wonderful World" says, "I see friends shaking hands, saying, 'How do you do?'/They're really saying, 'I love you.'" How true! And did you know that the common farewell in English, "Good-bye," began many, many years ago as "God be with you"?
