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曝德芙巧克力矿物油含量超标 或将损害肝脏诱发癌变

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-03-16 10:16


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Dove Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate was found to contain excessive mineral oil components that could cause liver, spleen and lymph gland damage.
Third-party testing organization okoer.com said a laboratory in Germany found excessive mineral oil in samples of Dove Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate.
The components, called MOSH or POSH, were above the standard level of 4 mg per kg, the examination report said.
The mineral oil may come from lubrication used in machinery during the production or packaging process, or from printing ink, the report said.

Wang Xuede, a professor at Henan University of Technology, said mineral oil cannot be digested and absorbed by the human body, but excessive harmful components could get into the hematologic system and cause cell mutation.
Consumers, especially children, should keep away from food containing mineral oil, Wang said.
A paper published by the Chinese magazine China Oils and Fats also argued that mineral oil can damage the digestive system and even cause food poisoning or a coma.
Dove Silky Smooth Milk Chocolate is one of the flagship products of Dove, a brand owned by Mars that has become one of the most popular in China after operating in the county for more than 20 years.


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