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2.15 欢迎来到我们的 INTERCULTURAL DAY 中外文化交流日!

海国图智研究院  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-07 08:00



Day 2025

Celebrating the

Year of the Snake



|活动主题 Theme|


Intercultural Day: Guangzhou's Cultural Mosaic

|活动时间 Time|

2025/2/15 10:30-17:00

|活动地点 Location|


Canton Place, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

打造 猎德街区国际文化盛景

Creating a Global Cultural Spectacle in Liede District

2025年2月15日,广州市天河区广粤天地将迎来一年一度的“中外文化交流日”。这一活动由InterCulture往来文化、Idea Exchange思想汇、语言力LEAD联合主办,联动新世界广粤天地,将在元宵佳节周末的喜庆氛围中,呈现一场传统与现代交融、东方与西方辉映的文化盛会。

On February 15, 2025, Canton Place in Tianhe District, Guangzhou, will host the annual "Intercultural Day." Jointly organized by Idea Exchange, Speak & Lead, and InterCulture, and with the support of Canton Place, this event will take place during the festive Lantern Festival weekend, offering a cultural feast that blends tradition with modernity and East with West.



Multicultural Performances

以“广州的多元文化拼图”为主题,活动当日,观众可以欣赏到来自 广州国际合唱团的动人演唱、国际学校乐团的精彩演奏、阿根廷探戈的激情舞步(Tango Story)、巴西尊巴的活力演绎 (J&P Sport),非洲歌舞的欢快韵动 。所有表演都有现场互动,观众可以边看边学,一起参与跳起来。在午间的安静时间,观众可以跟随印度老师练习 瑜伽动式和正念放松 ,与 普拉提 教练一起练习呼吸和伸展,跟着 太极 师傅弓步推搂、转体云手,让心灵和身体合二为一。

Under the theme "Guangzhou’s Cultural Mosaic," attendees will enjoy a variety of multicultural performances, including enchanting melodies from the Guangzhou International Choir, the wonderful performance of the International School Rock’n’Roll Band, the passionate dance steps of Argentine Tango, the energetic interpretation of Brazilian Zumba, and the joyful rhythms of African songs and dances. All performances will be interactive, so the audience can watch, learn, and join in together.

During the mindful period around lunchtime, audience can choose to follow an Indian teacher to practice yoga and meditation, a Pilates instructor to exercise breathing and stretching, a Tai Chi master to learn some fundamental stances, or simply browse through the 70 booths present.

领略全球 领事馆展位精彩亮相

Consulate Booths on Display


A special highlight of the event is the consulate booths, where attendees can explore the unique charms of different cultures up close. Without traveling abroad, you can embark on an international cultural journey, from Italy, to Poland, Turkey, India, Nepal, Israel, Uganda, and then to Peru, spanning Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, right here at Canton Place.



Exciting Prizes Await




In addition to the visual and cultural delights, attendees will have the chance to win exciting prizes, including international airline tickets. This event is not just a cultural celebration but also an opportunity for participants to go home with memorable rewards.

There are still a few booths available, please contact us if you would like to present your company or your organization.


Part of the Sponsors and Performers


松赞酒店集团 Songtsam Hotel Group

广州新侨学校 Guangzhou SCA School

英国外籍子女学校 The British school of Guangzhou

领盛财税咨询 LINKING Finance and taxation

土耳其航空 Turkish Airlines

亦芦度假村酒店 Yilu resort hotel

渣打银行 Standard Chartered Bank

汇丰银行 HSBC (The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)

星展银行 DBS Bank

新东方 New Oriental Education & Technology Group

誉德莱国际学校 Utahloy International School

加拿大国际学校 Canadian International School

华外同文学校 HUAWAI-TONGMAN Foreign Language School

ISA 国际学校 ISA International School 华外PIEP爱培幼儿园 PIEP (Personalized Innovative Education Preschool)

LEH 佛山霍利斯 Lady Eleanor Holles International School Foshan

广州市番禺区诺德安达学校 NAS Guangzhou Panyu

爱思达国际教育 Astar Education Institute

中黄国际幼儿园 Zhongshan Whampoa International Kindergarten

威学一百 Weixue 100

卓越教育 Excellent Education

CY 音乐 CY Music

点点艺术 Dian Dian Art

龙格亲子游泳 LOONG Parent-Child Swim

爱尔威骑行葙 Airwheel  Smart Riding Luggage

极速达阵橄榄球 ZoomPark Rugby

诺亚医疗 New Medical Center

琦品美容 Qipin beauty

70 健身俱乐部 70th Fitness

Trolli 德国糖果集团 Trolli Candy
