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民航数据控  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-14 11:30


航数 | CA DATA






停停停!东航、川航再停两条洲际航线!春运前停,效益那是真不好! 东航季节性停飞斯德哥尔摩

我们在 2020航空市场展望 提及,飞行耻辱运动。该运动在欧洲蔓延态势,瑞典机场发布数据印证这一观点。



瑞典最大的机场斯德哥尔摩阿兰达机场(Stockholm Arlanda Airport)在2019年的旅客超过2560万,与2018年相比减少了4%。国际旅行减少了4%,国内旅行减少了8%。





In 2019 more than 40 million passengers flew to or from Swedavia’s ten airports, representing a 4 per cent decrease compared to the 2018 all-time high record of more than 42 million passengers. The decrease was primarily in domestic travel, while international travel overall decreased to a lesser extent. International traffic increased at a number Swedavia’s airports, notably at Göteborg Landvetter Airport, Sweden’s second biggest.

More than 40 million passengers in all flew to or from Swedavia’s airports in 2019, a 4 per cent decrease compared to 2018, when for the first time ever Swedavia had more than 42 million passengers. The number of international passengers decreased 2 per cent to nearly 28 million, while the number of domestic passengers totalled about 12.4 million, a 9 per cent decrease compared to 2018.

Stockholm Arlanda Airport, Sweden’s largest airport, had more than 25.6 million passengers in 2019, which is a 4 per cent decrease compared to 2018. International travel decreased 4 per cent, and domestic travel decreased 8 per cent.

At Göteborg Landvetter Airport, passenger volume decreased by a total of 2 per cent compared to 2018 to nearly 6.7 million. However, international traffic, which accounts for the bulk of traffic at the airport, continued to grow to nearly 5.5 million passengers.

Along with Göteborg Landvetter, a number of Swedavia’s airports saw an increase in international traffic, but all of Swedavia’s ten airports showed a decrease in domestic travel during the year.

In December, nearly 2.9 million passengers flew to or from Swedavia’s ten airports, a decrease of 4 per cent compared to the same period in 2018, which is in line with the trend for the year. International traffic decreased 2 per cent during the month, while domestic traffic decreased 7 per cent compared to December 2018, which is a somewhat smaller decrease compared to the figure for the full-year 2019.

At Stockholm Arlanda, both international and domestic traffic decreased in December. International traffic increased during the month at a number of airports, including Göteborg Landvetter, showing continued growth. Domestic traffic however decreased at all airports except Kiruna Airport and Visby Airport in December.
