专栏名称: 李晨老师教英文
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李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-08-17 16:48



Time Slips Away, Like a Steed in Flight

by 李晨老师

Time slips away, like a steed in flight,
Moments fleeting, day turns to night.
In the blink of an eye, the year has flown,
More than half of 2024 is already gone.

From dawn till dusk, I’ve given my all,
In projects big, in ventures small.
Each word I spoke, each thought I shared,
A testament to how I dared.

With every challenge, I stood tall,
In every forum, answering the call.
The stage became my canvas true,
Painting visions with a voice that grew.

Now I pause, in this fleeting space,
To look back at each milestone, each embrace.
August has come, and the clock ticks on,
Reminding me how quickly time is drawn.

Videos capture what words may miss,
The passion, the drive, the moments of bliss.
But time, relentless, continues to race,
As I stand here, in this brief trace.

May these memories, though they fade,
Serve as markers of the path I've made.
Though more than half the year has passed,
The journey ahead is vast and vast.

三月 | Beauty in Words - 日常英语 vs. 诗歌辞藻
四月 | 四月的布莱顿,仿佛一位多变的画家,用大海的微风和云朵的舞步描绘出春日的诗篇。晨曦初露,气温尚在10°C左右,略显清寒,而午后的阳光却又悄悄洒下温暖,使人感受到春天的温柔抚慰。天空如同一块调色板,时而明媚如画,时而云雾缭绕,偶尔还会伴随着一场雷雨。正是这种瞬息万变的天气,为布莱顿的四月增添了几分诗意与神秘。
在英国的第六天,终于迎来自己在IATEFL 2024的“戏份”。一刀未剪,原样呈现当时的发言。
五月 | 核心素养如何在英语学科中落地—— 新课标倡导的英语学科核心素养如何简易理解——以驾车为例
六月| 接受经济观察报的采访


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