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新加坡眼  · 公众号  · 新加坡  · 2024-12-09 19:34


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新加坡内政部长尚穆根在国会书面答复 盛港集 选区议员蔡庆威有关 2023 年获得新加坡公民和永久居民居住年限的 问题。


蔡庆威 (盛港集选区议员) 先生询问内政部长,关于2023年获批的新永久居民和公民:

(i) 成年外国人在获得永久居民之前在新加坡居住时间的第 25 百分位数、 中位数、平均值和第 75 百分位数分别是多少?

(ii) 成年永久居民在获得新加坡公民之前在新加坡居住时间的第 25 百分位数、中位数、平均值和第 75 百分位数分别是多少?

尚穆根 (内政部长) 先生:每年颁发的永久居民 (PRs) 和公民 (SCs) 的数量,包括选定的概况指标,例如年龄组、20 岁及以上人群获得的最高学历和原籍地区,每年都会公布。

在授予永久居民和公民身份时,移民与关卡局会根据一系列因素评估每份申请。 申请人的居住年限只是考虑因素之一 。其他因素 包括但不限于 申请人与新加坡人的家庭关系、经济贡献、学历、年龄和家庭状况、申请人融入我们社会的能力以及在新加坡扎根的承诺 。不同的申请人可能适用不同的标准,具体取决于他们的背景和情况,例如,以新加坡公民配偶身份申请的申请人与以在新加坡居住一段时间并为新加坡创造就业机会做出贡献为基础申请的申请人的考虑将有所不同。

政府不会按百分位数公开新永久居民和公民的居住年限数据。这可能被其他人 (包括潜在的申请者) 利用这些数据,试图定制他们的申请来玩弄系统。外国也可能以不符合我们国家利益的方式使用这些数据。因此,虽然我们公开了一些指标 (如第一段所述) ,但我们必须小心谨慎,确保我们这样做的方式符合我们的国家利益。

Mr Chua Kheng Wee Louis asked the Minister for Home Affairs with regard to new permanent residencies and new citizenships granted in 2023, what is the 25th percentile, median, average and 75th percentile of the duration in which (i) adult foreigners have resided in Singapore prior to obtaining permanent residence and (ii) adult Permanent Residents have held their permanent residence prior to obtaining Singapore citizenship.

Mr K Shanmugam : The number of Permanent Residents (PRs) and Singapore Citizens (SCs) granted each year, including selected profile indicators, such as age group, highest qualification attained among those aged 20 and over, and region of origin, are published annually.

In granting permanent residency and Singapore citizenship, the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority assesses each application based on a range of factors. The applicant’s length of residency is only one of the factors considered. The other factors include, but are not limited to, the applicant’s family ties to Singaporeans, economic contributions, educational qualifications, age and family profile, the applicant’s ability to integrate into our society and commitment to sinking roots in Singapore. Different criteria may apply to different applicants, depending on their background and circumstances, for example, an applicant applying as a spouse of an SC will be considered differently from someone applying on the basis of having stayed in Singapore for a period of time and contributed to employment creation in Singapore.

The Government will not make public data on the length of residency of new PRs and SCs by percentile. This could be used by others, including potential applicants, who may try to tailor their applications to game the system. Foreign countries could also make use of the data in a way that may not be consistent with our national interests. Thus, while we make public some indicators, as referred to in the first paragraph, we have to be careful that we do so in a way consistent with our national interests.

HQ丨 编辑

Alex丨 编审








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