专栏名称: 社会学理论大缸
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社会学理论大缸  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-01-17 11:54



Musto, Marcello, ed. 2020. The Marx Revival: Concepts and New Critical Interpretations. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.



Musto, Marcello是加拿大学York大学社会学系副教授。虽然他才40+岁,但作品已经被翻译成26种语言,是当代马克思学(研究MEGA2而非法国意大利式的学者,如奈格里)的代表人物。当然,他本人也可以以5种语言作为写作语言。


中文界已经出版了他的几本著作和编著,如《马克思的<大纲> <政治经济学批判大纲>150年》。






Hanke, Edith, Lawrence A. Scaff, and Sam Whimster, eds. 2020. The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.



主编Edith Hanke是《韦伯全集》the Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe 的编辑室主任(managing editor),任职于the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Munich







這是一個自1980年構思策劃,1984年開始陸續出版,迄今已出版50卷冊,卻仍未竣工的龐大學術工程。兩週前從韋伯全集編輯室主任Edith Hanke處得知,韋伯全集第一部分「論文與演講」(MWG/I)中,關於兩卷方法論《方法論,1903-1907》(MWG I/7;書名暫訂)以及《理解社會學與免於價值判斷,1908-1917》(MWG I/12)可望於未來一年(2018)出版面世。意謂著韋伯全集第一部分「論文與演講」即將大功告成。


说到德国的社会学,明年还会出一本文选《现代德国社会学》,重印收集了近百年来各路德国社会学家的一些作品。这是中国社会学界翻译,还非常缺的一种文类,像苏国勋、刘小枫当时编译的四卷本《社会理论》黑皮书一样。不过那套书翻译太烂了。其实,在英文界有非常多的这种文选,Routledge的这个书系是Routledge Revivals,还有很多8090年代的著作,也被重印出来。因此,不用中文界自己再去编,比如Sage就出过Strucutre/agency的文选(Mike O'Donnell 2010),收录从涂尔干到当代美国的网络学派对于这些概念的论文合集,还包括在性别、职业研究等领域的应用。只不过这种文选的版权太难搞了。



Volker Meja, Dieter Misgeld, Nico Stehr. Ed. 2020. Modern German Sociology. Routledge.


Part I: German Sociology: A Retrospective

Sociology in the Interwar Period: Trends in Development and Criteria for Evaluation, M. Rainer Lepsius

Part II: Approaches to Theory

如:Sociology as a Science of Social Reality, Helmut Schelsky

Part III: Diagnoses of Contemporary Society

如:Life Chances, Class Conflict, Social Change, Ralf Dahrendorf

Part V: Identity and Social Structure

如:Psychoanalysis as Social Theory, Helmut Dahmer



Delanty, Gerard. 2020. Critical Theory and Social Transformation: Crises of the Present and Future Possibilities. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.





el-Ojeili, Chamsy. 2020. The Utopian Constellation: Future-Oriented Social and Political Thought Today. Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Delanty, Gerard已经出了两个中译本,一是《历史社会学手册》,还有

知识社会中的大学》。el-Ojeili, Chamsy作品,是近年社会学/理论研究的未来取向,不管是探讨真实的乌托邦还是探讨期望/希望等议题。


明年另一值得期待的理论作品,是近十几年来,唯一一位以纯理论研究为博士论文的美国社会学学者Isaac Reed。他每篇论文发出来,我都会去跟,虽然能看出他把power作为博士论文(Interpretation and Social Knowledge: On the Use of Theory in the Human Sciences2011年芝大出版社)之后的第二个议题,但是再看他明年又在芝大出版社的专著,还是和他近几年发表的论文有些不同,并非论文集,花了相当时间再去改进提升。






Reed, Isaac. 2020. Power in Modernity: Agency Relations and the Creative Destruction of the King’s Two Bodies. Chicago ; London: University of Chicago Press.


Introduction: Two Parables from Kafka1 Rector, Actor, Other

2 Agency Relations

3 Dimensions of Delegation and Domination

4 Binding Performances

5 Agency, Alterity, and the Two Bodies of the King

6 Performing the People’s Two Bodies in the Early American Republic

7 Within and without the King’s Two Bodies in London and Paris

8 Modernity as the Creative Destruction of the King’s Two Bodies


明年还会出的一本,具历史社会学趣味的,是Fordal, Clayton的博士论文,谈西方政治/宗教历史上的牺牲/献祭。这个议题在中国史上还没有专门讨论过。我在2017年发表研究《意识形态正当性:明清易代与天命正统》时,注意到他的博士论文,因为魏斐德的《洪业》的书末,就是以范、马两家在吴三桂威胁时尽忠于康熙,于是被视为天命转移的体现。


FORDAHL, CLAYTON. 2020. The Ultimate Sacrifice: Martyrdom, Sovereignty, and Secularization in the West. S.l.: ROUTLEDGE.




Tang, Shiping. 2020. On Social Evolution: Phenomenon and Paradigm. First Edition. New York: Routledge.


另一本尺度更小的,是老将柯林斯的《卡里斯玛:微观社会理论》,应是《暴力:微观社会理论》的续作。近年有些学者在发展韦伯的概念,在Sociological Theory等刊物上都有发表(还有位在香港大学社会系任教)。





Collins, Randall. 2020. Charisma: A Micro-Sociological Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.


1. Jesus in interaction: the micro-sociology of charisma


2. Playing off networks: becoming Lawrence of Arabia


3. When are women charismatic leaders? Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Madame Mao Zedong


4. Charisma and self-destruction: Marilyn Monroe's networks pulled her apart


5.What is charisma anyway? And how do you get it? Eleanor Roosevelt; Adolf Hitler


Appendix Three micro-sources of power


同样谈微观的,明年会有些社会学意味的行动/认知哲学的研究出版。其实,吉登斯当时写书时,自陈不从英美行动哲学入手,而改从现象学这些方式进入,确实因为当年行动哲学不够社会学。但如今英美的行动哲学研究似乎在经历社会转向,很多在谈collective, shared, group agency之类的。时过境迁,我们批判的外学科已经超上来,也许是要另眼看资源了。


Gallagher, Shaun. 2020. Action and Interaction.  New York: Oxford University Press.


 谈到互动,Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology book series明年会继续出两本书(有点出得太滥了~)。其中,John Dewey这本或许值得一看,因为关系社会学的奠基性概念,trans-action,就是杜威那来了。


Morgner, Christian, ed. 2020. John Dewey and the Notion of Trans-Action: A Sociological Reply on Rethinking Relations and Social Processes. Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Abbott, Owen. 2020. The Self, Relational Sociology, and Morality in Practice. Cham: Springer International Publishing.




Abramson, Corey M. and Neil Gong. 2020. Beyond the Case. The Logics and Practices of Comparative Ethnography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Chapter 5: An Ethnography of Comparative Ethnography: Pathways to Three Logics of Comparison

Ching Kwan Lee

Chapter 6: Critical Realism and Contrastive Ethnography: The Curious Case of Autism in Somali Refugee Communities

Claire Laurier Decoteau

Chapter 7: Sequential Comparisons and the Comparative Imagination

Iddo Tavory and Stefan Timmermans


Chapter 9: Elite Ethnography: Studying Up Or Down In US And French Sociology

Lynn S. Chancer



Korgen, Kathleen Odell, ed. 2017. The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.


Janoski, Thomas, ed. 2019. The New Handbook of Political Sociology. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press




裴宜理、阎小骏等人编,2020Ruling by Other Means: State-Mobilized MovementsCambridge University Press





Fingar, Thomas and Jean C. Oi, eds. 2020. Fateful Decisions: Choices That Will Shape China’s Future. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

