来源 news.yale.edu
编译 金庄维
遥远星系团(MACSJ 0416)的3维暗物质分布图。该图是根据哈勃太空望远镜前沿场项目的数据重建而成,显示了光滑背景上子结构(图中的“尖峰”,代表大量暗物质集中分布于此)的精确分布。(图片来源:论文原文)
由耶鲁大学天体物理学家 Priyamvada Natarajan 领导的一支国际研究小组绘制了迄今为止分辨率最高的暗物质分布图,为冷暗物质(cold dark matter, CDM)的存在提供了详细证据。论文在 2017 年 2 月 28 日发表于《皇家天文学会月报》。
Abell 2744(图片来源:论文原文)
MACSJ 1149(图片来源:论文原文)
这次发布的暗物质分布图是根据哈勃太空望远镜前沿场项目的数据重建而成,涉及三个星系团——Abell 2744,MACSJ 0416 和 MACSJ 1149。这些星团就像放大镜,透过它们能看到宇宙中更古老、更遥远的地方。这就是所谓的引力透镜。
通常认为,暗物质提供了星团的大部分质量,使得来自遥远星系的光线发生弯曲。弯曲的光线导致我们通过透镜看到的星系是畸形的。而 Natarajan 的研究组正是从这种变形中“反推”出暗物质的分布。
Natarajan 表示,通过充分挖掘观测数据,研究组成功地绘制出三个星团中的暗物质分布细节,得到了最迄今为止最精确的暗物质分布图。但是即便现在清楚地知道了宇宙中暗物质的含量及分布,暗物质粒子仍然“在逃”。
原文链接 http://news.yale.edu/2017/03/01/yale-led-team-puts-dark-matter-map
【标题】Mapping substructure in the HST Frontier Fields cluster lenses and in cosmological simulations
【作者】Priyamvada Natarajan et al.
【摘要】We map the lensing-inferred substructure in the first three clusters observed by the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields Initiative (HSTFF): Abell 2744 (z = 0.308), MACSJ 0416, (z = 0.396) and MACSJ 1149 (z = 0.543). Statistically resolving dark-matter subhaloes down to ∼109.5 M⊙, we compare the derived subhalo mass functions (SHMFs) to theoretical predictions from analytical models and with numerical simulations in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) cosmology. Mimicking our observational cluster member selection criteria in the HSTFF, we report excellent agreement in both amplitude and shape of the SHMF over four decades in subhalo mass (109 − 13 M⊙). Projection effects do not appear to introduce significant errors in the determination of SHMFs from simulations. We do not find evidence for a substructure crisis, analogous to the missing satellite problem in the Local Group, on cluster scales, but rather excellent agreement of the count-matched HSTFF SHMF down to Msubhalo/Mhalo ∼ 10−5. However, we do find discrepancies in the radial distribution of sub haloes inferred from HSTFF cluster lenses compared to determinations from simulated clusters. This suggests that although the selected simulated clusters match the HSTFF sample in mass, they do not adequately capture the dynamical properties and complex merging morphologies of these observed cluster lenses. Therefore, HSTFF clusters are likely observed in a transient evolutionary stage that is presently insufficiently sampled in cosmological simulations. The abundance and mass function of dark matter substructure in cluster lenses continues to offer an important test of the LCDM paradigm, and at present we find no tension between model predictions and observations.
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