参考文献: Henderson, A. A., & Horan, K. A. (2020). A meta‐analysis of sleep and work performance: An examination of moderators and mediators. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 1–19.
文献证据表明,员工可以在工作中参与其他类型的创造性行为,而不仅仅是为组织创造新的和有用的东西。本文旨在增进我们对这些非典型创造性行为的理解。我们将一种类型学概念化,它既包括通常被研究的员工创造力形式(conventional steward-type),也包括其他三种未被理论化的员工创造力类型(critical steward-type, cunning agent-type, and innocent agent-type)。我们提出一种概念模型,以识别可能导致员工以不同方式使用他们的创造性潜力的情况。此外,我们还研究了这些创造性行为对组织、员工和社会的不同含义。我们的概念框架为工作场所创造力提供了一个更广阔的视角,其中必须考虑更广泛的行为、机制和结果。这为未来的研究提供了新的方向,并对不同组织和文化背景下的创造力管理提供了启示。
参考文献: Yuan, F., & Woodman, R. W. (2020). The multiple ways of behaving creatively in the workplace: A typology and model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 20–33.
参考文献: G Mao, J., Chang, S., Gong, Y., & Xie, J. L. (2020). Team job‐related anxiety and creativity: Investigating team‐level and cross‐level moderated curvilinear relationships. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 34–47.
参考文献: Wei, L., Zou, X., & Ormiston, M. (2020). Founder need to belong, tertius iungens orientation and new venture performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 48–67.
参考文献: Liang, B., Knippenberg, D.V., & Gu, Q. (2020). A cross‐level model of shared leadership, meaning, and individual creativity. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 68–83.
参考文献: Zacher, H., & Rudolph, C. W. (2020). Relationships between psychological contract breach and employee well‐being and career‐related behavior: The role of occupational future time perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 84–99.