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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2025-03-18 20:12




Employees in China may get a chance to take a breath from the grueling "996 work culture", where people work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week, after several Chinese companies issued internal reminders to prevent formalistic overtime working and workplace rat race.

rat race:激烈的竞争;你死我活的竞争,你争我夺的生活

近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《提振消费专项行动方案》,《方案》明确要“ 依法保障劳动者休息休假权益,不得违法延长劳动者工作时间 ”。

The central government has also shown greater determination to regulate the unwholesome "work culture”.

In an action plan released recently by the State Council, China's Cabinet, local authorities have been urged to better protect workers' right to rest and tighten supervision of employers' behavior of illegally lengthening employees' working hours.

unwholesome /ˌʌnˈhəʊlsəm/:不健康的


Before the release of the action plan, several Chinese companies sought to relax their tiring working schedules.

Shenzhen-based drone manufacturer DJI became a trending topic on social media platform Sina Weibo recently after some of its employees posted their experiences of not being allowed to work overtime after 9 pm.

The posts said that DJI's human resources managers patrolled around the building and asked the employees to leave by 9 pm.


不过大疆并不是“反加班”第一人,今年1月,美的集团就发布内部文件,要求美的全员简化工作方式,“下班时间禁止开会和形式主义加班”、“ 减少微信群数量,并禁止各类喊口号等形式主义行为”,明确表示“任何不以用户为中心、不以业务为中心、不以一线为中心,不产生价值,不增加收入的工作都属于表演式工作”。美的也向多家媒体证实文件的真实性。

Midea, a home appliance manufacturer, issued an internal notice in late January, asking its staff members to streamline their working patterns. Midea confirmed the existence of the notice, according to Shanghai-based news outlet The Paper.

The group asked the employees not to have meetings or work overtime, reduce the number of work-related WeChat groups and prohibit any formalistic behavior.

As employees have seen increased working hours in recent years, even longer than the length regulated by the nation's Labor Law, their complaints about the unreasonable schedules intensified after the "996 work culture" was promoted by some large companies or industrial titans.

记者梳理国家统计局数据发现,国内劳动者劳动时间普遍较长,且呈上升趋势。 2024年全国企业就业人员周工作平均时长为49.0小时 ,和2023年持平,2022年为47.9小时。

Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics show that employees at domestic companies have had longer working hours in recent years — reaching 49 hours a week in 2024, up from 47.9 hours in 2022.


However, based on the Labor Law, employees should work no more than eight hours a day and a maximum of 44 hours a week. Employers can lengthen the working day by one hour at most after negotiating with trade unions and employees.

▲ 截图自全国人民代表大会 中华 人民共和国劳动法

“我们经常都说自己有‘下班羞耻症’了,不好意思踩点下班。其实现在很多公司的加班文化都挺畸形的,比如领导没下班员工就要待在办公室、比领导早走或者不主动加班就等于不努力工作等。” 今年30岁的王晓峰称自己是加班文化的“受害者”,目前他在北京一家公司任通信工程师,日常上班分“大小周”,早9晚8已是常态。 CD君:“大小周”指的是通过单周和双周交替的方式进行工作和休息。单周工作六天,休息一天;双周工作五天,休息两天。


"My colleagues and I usually joke that we get a 'sense of shame' by leaving the office at 6 pm sharp. It has become a stereotype that you are not hardworking if you don't stay very late to work in the office," said Wang Xiaofeng, a telecommunications engineer in Beijing, who works from 9 am to 8 pm and on Saturday every other week.

The 30-year-old said he was happy to see this news and hopes that his company can relax its working schedules, as the job has almost taken all of his time so far. However, he expressed his concerns that it may be hard to quantify the overtime work and overtime fees if an employee has to continue work after returning home.

