4个正常人的NK细胞以及一个AF1的3种处理(250 ng/mL PDGF-DD or PMA/ionomycin or left unstimulated)的数据,共15个样本,数据都在GSE107047
Colo38,Meljuso (both melanoma),OVCA (ovarian) and MCF7 (breast)
的3种处理(negative_supernatant,NKDD_supernatant,media)数据, 共12个样本,数据都在GSE107047
TCGA GBM mRNA gene expression data
(n = 539 patients)
was downloaded through the UCSC data portal (https://xenabrowser.net) and matched to the gene expression data.
04 结果
PDGF-DD Is a Ligand for NKp44
unbiased screen of a secretome protein library 无偏差筛选分泌蛋白库
使用PDGF-DD刺激与否的人类扁桃体ILC1细胞表达水平的变化:GSE107043 使用的是 Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST 芯片。
In comparison to un-stimulated ILC1, PDGF-DD induced the expression of 127 genes and downregulation of 102 genes,发现PDGF-DD 作用于人类扁桃体ILC1细胞的效果与作用于NK细胞的效果类似。
PDGF-DD-Activated NK Cells Induce Tumor Cell Growth Arrest
upregulation of PDGF-DD-induced
NK cell cytokine genes
downregulation of tumor cell-cycle genes
greater survival
TCGA GBM mRNA gene expression data obtained using the
Affymetrix HT Human Genome U133a microarray platform (n = 539 patients)
was downloaded through the UCSC data portal (https://xenabrowser.net) and matched to the gene expression data (Figures 4C and 4D). 7 of 9 cytokine genes (Figure 4C) and 27 of 34 cell cycle genes (Figure 4D) were matched with the GBM cohort.
PDGF-DD Binding toNKp44 Limits Tumor Growth In Vivo