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北京大学光华管理学院会计系 卢海教授
Review of Accounting Studies
(简称RAS)接受一篇中美比较研究:金融分析师职业中的性别与美貌,其通讯作者是来自北京大学光华管理学院会计系 卢海教授 。
Gender and beauty in the financial analyst profession: evidence from the United States and China
Congcong Li, An-Ping Lin,
Hai Lu
& Kevin Veenstra
Review of Accounting Studies
We examine how gender and beauty affect the likelihood of being voted as an All-Star in the financial analyst profession in both the United States and China. We find that female analysts are more likely to be voted as All-Star analysts in the United States, but good-looking female U.S. analysts are less likely to be voted as All-Stars. The conclusion is the opposite for Chinese analysts. We find that female analysts in China are less likely to be voted as All-Stars, but the likelihood increases with their facial attractiveness. These findings implicate a beauty penalty for female analysts in the United States and gender discrimination against female analysts in China. This career path evidence from a competitive financial industry suggests that gender and beauty biases may be rooted deeply in culture and the legal environment and should not be treated homogenously.