威廉·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯有句名言:“没有想法,但在事物”。W. J. T. 米切尔的作品表明“没有观念,但在图像”。根据米切尔的说法,元图像为有关我们世界的理论提供了逻辑依据。这一点在我们对人际关系的想象中最为真实。征服或相互住宿的元图像在历史上是分散的,因为在任何时代和地方,人与人、群体与群体,国家与国家之间的平等不是被肯定就是被否定。这是结构性的;几乎没有其他选择。因此从历史上看,人们常常把人际关系想象成不平等,很少想象成双方在同一水平面上。
William Carlos Williams famously said “no ideas but in things”. W.J.T. Mitchell’s work suggests “no ideas but in pictures.” According to Mitchell, metapictures figure the logic informing theories about our world. This is nowhere more true than in how we imagine human relations. Metapictures of domination or mutual accommodation are scattered throughout history, because in all times and places equality between persons, groups, or nations is either affirmed or denied. This is structural; there are few other options.
Historically human relations were most often imagined as some above and some below, rarely as both sides on a level plane. Our textbooks tell us the mainstream European view of human relations is democratic, but European metapictures tell another story. As Rousseau, Paine, and Jefferson all affirmed, in Europe, society was always imagined as top-down, dominant or dominated, and 零和。Historically speaking, it’s only in Imperial China that we find metapictures of society figured as 和谐、互鉴与双赢的。In China, “编户齐民”、“任人唯贤”、“公议” and “名实相符” were all relational and bilateral in structure, never top-down.
Men like Rousseau, Paine, and Jefferson developed the modern understanding of “rights,” “equality,” “free speech,” and “checks” in dialogue with these four Chinese precursors. Your textbook likely didn’t mention that, but in this series, we’ll explore those dialogues one-by-one, showing how metapictures figured the logic permeating modern images of humankind.