虽然我和其他人都想做各种事情去创造更平等的经济机遇来帮助实现美国梦,但是我最希望政策能够被纳入一个两党的合作计划,把经济这块“饼”做大并且分配好。比我任何个人愿望都迫切的是,我希望有广阔视野的人才可以协商制定一个巧妙的两党合作计划。而我最大的担忧是,分化和人才缺乏可能会引起更多冲突,导致经济这块“饼”变小且不能分配好,因此,最重要的是这个计划需是两党的,以及巧妙构建的。虽然有很多我个人会想推动的具体事项(例如:推动教育制度改革,实现更平等的教育质量和教育经费;翻新基础设施;以公私合作的模式去审查及资助不同计划;与Business Roundtable和股东团体合作,践行企业公民责任,搭建更好的融资环境;征收碳排放税,从而确保能源成本被纳入经济体制中, 并筹集资金以缓解环境破坏问题;支持自筹小额贷款;加强财政和货币政策的协调性;在不影响动力和资金流动的前提下增加对个人和企业的征税),但是对我而言,我和其他人推崇的政策远不及把那些不同部门的、深知如何在相应领域创造机会和生产力的人聚集起来共同制定有效合理的计划来得重要。如果我们能够很好地合作,我们就可以汇集大家的资源和能力去应对这个挑战。关于如何让人们很好地合作,我在《原则》书中深入讨论了我所运用的创意择优机制和经过深思熟虑的分歧中的艺术。如果你有兴趣,可以在iOS苹果商店(美国)下载"Principles in Action"免费阅读《原则》内容,也可在常规书店买到这本书。
While there are many different things that I and others would do to create more equal economic opportunity to foster the American Dream, I most want policies to be coordinated into a bipartisan plan that both increases the economic pie and divides it well. So more than anything I personally want, I want there to be great coordination of skillful people who have the wide range of perspectives needed to create a skillfully engineered bipartisan plan. My greatest worry is that fragmentation and lack of skill will lead to more conflict and to programs that will shrink the pie and not divide it well, so what’s most important is that the plan be bipartisan and skillfully built. While there are a number of specific things that I personally would do (e.g. renovate education to create much more equal quality and equal funding, renovate infrastructure, use private-public partnerships to vet and fund projects, work with the Business Roundtable and shareholders groups to create better corporate citizenship and funding, tax carbon emissions so the total cost of energy is in the economics and raises funds to remediate damages, support self-funding microfinance lending, have fiscal and monetary policies better coordinated, and raise taxes on individuals and companies in ways that would not disrupt incentives and capital flows), my and others’ specific preferred policies are much less important to me than bringing together skilled people from different constituents and who have deep on-the-ground knowledge of how to provide opportunities and create productivity in their areas to have them together create a well-coordinated, effective plan. We collectively have the resources and skills to deal with this challenge well if we can work well together. As for how I’d personally get that working together well done, my approach to idea-meritocratic decision making and the art of thoughtful disagreement is laid out in my book Principles. If you like you can download it for free via my app “Principles in Action” which is available on the iOS Apple App Store or you can buy it in the usual book stores.