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What has your child done that is technically 'wrong' but……

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-07-03 08:32


What has your child done that is technically 'wrong' but you were proud of them for doing it?

Scott Kilroy , Vice President, Technology at American Towns Media (2017-present)

Answered Jun 21

138.7k Vie ws · 8.6k Upvotes

My son (11 years old) was ordering a smoothie at a juice bar. He asked for a strawberry smoothie but the woman behind the counter told him “we only make strawberry banana smoothies” without missing a beat my son tells the woman “I’m allergic to bananas”. She made the smoothies without bananas.

I try to instill in my children that lying is wrong but I was impressed that he very quickly figured out how to get what he wanted.


smoothie n. 善于讨好女人的男子、举止优雅的人;果汁(加奶或者冰激凌等);

without missing a beat :if you do or say something without missing a beat, you continue confidently with what you are saying or doing.
