专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-10 11:35



Turkish welded pipe exporters have enjoyed animprovement in demand this week


Although they were unable to increase theirprices to desired levels, some of their long-lasting negotiations have beenfinalised following the rises seen in scrap prices

土耳其焊管生产商对以 S235 热轧卷为原料生产的电阻焊管报价大多为 500-510 美元 / fob 土耳其

Turkish welded pipe producers’ offers for electric resistance welded(ERW) pipe made from S235 grade hot rolled coil stand mostly at $500-510/tonnefob Turkey

一位土耳其焊管生产商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询):“我们的目标价高于 510 美元 / fob ,但目前尚未实现。本周我们的成交价大多在 490-500 美元 / fob ,因目的地和客户而异

A Turkish welded pipe producer tells Kallanish: “Our target price is atabove $510/t fob. However, it is yet to be realised. We have concluded most ofour sales at $490-500/t fob this week, depending on the destination andcustomer

“本周来自欧盟和中东的询盘增多,”另一位生产商说。“欧盟在对 6 月船期询盘,新的配额期将于 7 月开始。正常情况下,我们预计在新的配额期内将对欧盟销售至少 2-3 万吨焊管,但由于冠状病毒疫情导致市场状况无法预测,业务已大幅放缓

“Inquiries from the EU and Middle East have increased this week,” saysanother producer. “The EU is inquiring for June shipment, for the new quotaterm that begins in July. Under normal conditions, we would expect to concludeat least 20,000-30,000 tonnes of welded pipe sales to the EU to be delivered inthe new term, but business has slowed significantly due to unpredictable marketconditions arising from the coronavirus.

由于欧钢联请求将配额削减 75% ,欧洲焊管买家目前不愿购买。此外,疫情也导致买家暂缓交易

European welded pipe buyers are now seen to be more reluctant due toEurofer’s request for a 75% reduction in quotas. This coupled with the virussituation is causing buyers to refrain from concluding deals


Although Middle Eastern buyers have also increased demand, Turkishwelded pipe producers say they find it difficult to work with Middle Easterncustomers. Some small-tonnage sales have been concluded to Israel and Asia thisweek



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


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