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药明康德连续四年入选道琼斯可持续发展指数(DJSI)| Bilingual News

药明康德  · 公众号  · 药品  · 2024-12-30 20:00



上海,2024年12月30日 - 药明康德近日宣布公司入选2024年道琼斯可持续发展世界指数(DJSI World)和新兴市场指数(DJSI Emerging Markets),这也是药明康德第四年入选道琼斯可持续发展指数(DJSI),充分彰显了公司对推动可持续发展和践行负责任商业实践的坚定承诺。

DJSI是全球公认的可持续发展参考标准,通过评估企业长期的经济、环境和社会效益,衡量企业的可持续发展表现。对于将可持续发展纳入综合考量的投资者而言,该指数也是一项重要的参考依据。其中,道琼斯可持续发展世界指数代表了标普全球BMI指数中最大的2500家公司中排名前10%的公司,而新兴市场指数选取了20个新兴市场中800 家最大公司的前10%的公司。

入选DJSI的关键因素是企业在标普全球企业可持续发展评估(S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, CSA)中的评分。2024年11月,药明康德在2024年CSA评估中获得行业最高分,位列全球“生命科学工具与服务”领域第一。特别值得一提的是,药明康德是该行业领域里入选世界指数的四家公司之一,同时也是唯一一家入选新兴市场指数的公司。


作为创新的赋能者、客户信赖的合作伙伴以及全球健康产业的贡献者,药明康德将ESG理念融入公司战略和运营的方方面面。2024年,药明康德在CSA中获得行业最高分,位列全球“生命科学工具与服务”领域第一;同年,药明康德连续第四年被MSCI评为ESG AA级,在EcoVadis企业社会责任评级中获得“金牌”认证;2023和2024年,公司连续两年入选标普全球可持续发展年鉴和富时罗素社会责任指数系列,并同时获评Sustainalytics“行业最高评级”和“区域最高评级”企业;2024年,公司加入了“联合国全球契约组织”(United Nations Global Compact,UNGC),承诺支持全球契约十项原则;2023年,公司加入“科学碳目标倡议”(Science Based Targets initiative,SBTi)以减少碳排放。药明康德出色的ESG表现也受到了CDP、ISS等全球ESG评级机构的高度认可。


WuXi AppTec’s Commitment to Sustainability Recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the Fourth Consecutive Year

SHANGHAI, December 30, 2024 - WuXi AppTec, a global company that provides a broad portfolio of R&D and manufacturing services to enable companies in the pharmaceutical and life science industries, announced that it has been recognized by the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the fourth consecutive year. The company was included in both the 2024 DJSI World and the 2024 DJSI Emerging Markets, an achievement that acknowledges WuXi AppTec’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and the integration of responsible practices across its operations and strategies. 

The DJSI is a globally respected benchmark that assesses the sustainability performance of companies based on long-term economic, environmental and social criteria. It is widely used by investors who integrate sustainability considerations into their portfolios. The DJSI World represents the top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global BMI, while the DJSI Emerging Markets honors the top 10% of the largest 800 companies in 20 emerging markets. 

Inclusion in the DJSI is based on a company’s performance in the annual S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). In November 2024, WuXi AppTec ranked first in the Life Sciences Tools & Services sector in the 2024 S&P Global CSA. In addition, WuXi AppTec is one of only four companies in its sector globally included in this year’s DJSI World and the only one company included in the DJSI Emerging Markets. 

“We are honored that WuXi AppTec has been recognized by DJSI for its commitment to advancing sustainability and has once again been included in both the DJSI World and the DJSI Emerging Markets,” said Edward Hu, Vice Chairman of WuXi AppTec and Chairman of WuXi AppTec’s ESG Committee. “We will continue to emphasize our ESG commitment while supporting our customers to develop and deliver innovative new therapies to patients worldwide.”

As an enabler of innovation, a trusted partner, and a contributor to the global pharmaceutical and life sciences industry, WuXi AppTec integrates ESG priorities in all aspects of its global business operations. In 2024, WuXi AppTec ranked #1 in the Global Life Sciences Tools & Services Industry in S&P Global’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment, received an AA ESG rating from MSCI for the fourth consecutive year, and earned a gold medal in EcoVadis sustainability rating. The company was also named to the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook and the FTSE4Good Index Series in both 2023 and 2024, and was recognized as an Industry and Regional “Top-Rated” company by Sustainalytics. WuXi AppTec’s outstanding ESG performance has been widely acknowledged by major global ESG rating agencies, including CDP and ISS.

In addition, WuXi AppTec participates in global efforts to advance sustainability. In 2024, WuXi AppTec joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) to support its ten sustainability principles. In 2023, WuXi AppTec joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to reduce carbon emissions.

About WuXi AppTec
As a global company with operations across Asia, Europe, and North America, WuXi AppTec provides a broad portfolio of R&D and manufacturing services that enable the global pharmaceutical and life sciences industry to advance discoveries and deliver groundbreaking treatments to patients. Through its unique business models, WuXi AppTec’s integrated, end-to-end services include chemistry drug CRDMO (Contract Research, Development, and Manufacturing Organization), biology discovery, preclinical testing and clinical research services, advanced therapies CTDMO (Contract Testing, Development and Manufacturing Organization), helping customers improve the productivity of advancing healthcare products through cost-effective and efficient solutions. WuXi AppTec received an AA ESG rating from MSCI for the fourth consecutive year in 2024, and its open-access platform is enabling more than 6,000 customers from over 30 countries to improve the health of those in need – and to realize the vision that "every drug can be made and every disease can be treated."
