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民航数据控  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-02 08:11


航数 | CA DATA

2 11 日发布的穆迪( Moody's - 美国航空公司的燃油节省量超过因冠状病毒相关服务减少而损失的收入

穆迪高级副总裁乔纳森 · 罗特说: 1 月初以来,航空燃油价格一直跟踪石油价格的下跌,这两种商品的价格也是如此。 ” “ 相关的节省因航空公司而异,但如果到 2020 年全年喷气燃料的平均现货价格保持在每加仑 1.75 美元,那么美国七家航空公司穆迪运价的喷气燃料总成本将比 2019 年降低约 23 亿美元。总计燃油费用约为 340 亿美元。按当前的现货价格约 1.58 美元计算,航空公司的年度燃油节省将跃升至约 55 亿美元。
2020 年,穆迪评级的航空公司每年可节省的燃油价格为每加仑约 1.75 美元,这将比 2019 年的成本以及穆迪对冠状病毒在 2020 年之前的预期下降 7 %。 ” Root 说。
同时,美国航空公司( UnitedAirlines Holdings Inc. AmericanAirlines Group Inc. )的业务覆盖中国大陆和香港,以及飞往中国的达美航空( DeltaAir Lines ),但这些航线仅占各自合并航线的一小部分营业利润。但是,如果冠状病毒传播得更广泛,则对航空旅行的需求将大大下降,因此,航空公司的收入和经营利润将面临越来越大的压力。
-- Geographic breadth and duration of the coronavirus' activeperiod will determine the extent of the fuel savings benefit fro US airlines
-- United Airlines' larger Pacific network and China serviceincreases its exposure versus that of Delta Air Lines and American Airlines
The coronavirus will suppress demand for air travel to and fromChina and potentially, the wider Asia-Pacific region, Moody's Investors Servicesays in a new report. Nevertheless, the decline in global oil prices based onexpected slowing economic activity due to the virus will more than offset thelost earnings of US airlines, unless the illness spreads more widely.
"Since the beginning of January, jet fuel prices havetracked declines in oil prices, as is the norm for these two commodities,"said Jonathan Root, a Moody's Senior Vice President. "The associatedsavings will vary by airline, but if the average spot price of jet fuel remainsat $1.75 per gallon for all of 2020, the aggregate cost of jet fuel for theseven US airlines Moody's rates would fall by about $2.3 billion, versus 2019'saggregate fuel expense of about $34 billion. At the current spot price of about$1.58, the airlines' annual fuel savings would jump to about $5.5billion."
