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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】基于数字孪生技术的强化学习用于在配电系统的规划和运营中提取网络结构和负荷模式

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-05-12 18:30



Digital twin based reinforcement learning for extracting network structures and load patterns in planning and operation of distribution systems




Key features of network configurations, technology installations, and load patterns are digitally represented.

A novel digital twin-based distribution network model to adapt planning and operational decisions with dynamic state transitions.

Informed decisions to minimise the investment cost, power loss, loss of load, and renewable curtailment.

Synthesising scalable and computational efficient distribution networks.



Abstr act

Low voltage distribution networks deliver power to the last mile of the network, but are often legacy assets from a time when low carbon technologies, e.g., electrified heat, storage, and electric vehicles, were not envisaged. Furthermore, exploiting emerging data from distribution networks to provide decision support for adapting planning and operational strategies with system transitions presents a challenge. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes a novel application of digital twins based reinforcement learning to improve decision making by a distribution system operator, with key metrics of predictability, responsiveness, interoperability, and automation. The power system states, i.e., network configurations, technological combinations, and load patterns, are captured via a convolutional neural network, chosen for its pattern recognition capability with high-dimensional inputs. The convolutional neural networks are iteratively trained through the fitted Q-iteration algorithm, as a batch mode reinforcement learning, to adapt the planning and operational decisions with the dynamic system transitions. Case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model by reducing 50% of the investment cost when the system transitions towards the winter and maintaining the power loss and loss of load within 5% compared to the benchmark optimisation. Doubled power consumption was observed in winter under future energy scenarios due to the electrification of heat.  The trained model can accurately adapt optimal decisions according to the system changes while reducing the computational time of solving optimisation problems, for a range of scales of distribution systems, demonstrating its potential for scalable deployment by a system operator.


Digital twin

Distribution network

Fitted Q-iteration

Load pattern

Network configuration

Reinforcement learning

Fig. 1. Framework for implementing the designed digital twin based reinforcement learning model.

Fig. 5. Schematic illustration for procedures of adapting planning and operational control decisions with transitions of a distribution system.

Fig. 6. Architecture of the designed convolutional neural networks.

Fig. 7. Flowchart of the batch reinforcement learning and interactions of the data pre-processing, neural network training, and fitted Q-iteration.


本研究由英国牛津大学、思克莱德大学、伯明翰大学的研究人员在EPSRC Analytical Middleware for Informed Distribution Networks (AMIDiNe) 项目资助下共同完成。
