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Many problems in marketing and economics require firms to make targeted consumer-specific decisions, but current estimation methods are not designed to scale to the size of modern data sets. In this article, the authors propose a new algorithm to close that gap. They develop a distributed Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for estimating Bayesian hierarchical models when the number of consumers is very large and the objects of interest are the consumer-level parameters. The two-stage and embarrassingly parallel algorithm is asymptotically unbiased in the number of consumers, retains the flexibility of a standard MCMC algorithm, and is easy to implement. The authors show that the distributed MCMC algorithm is faster and more efficient than a single-machine algorithm by at least an order of magnitude. They illustrate the approach with simulations with up to 100 million consumers, and with data on 1,088,310 donors to a charitable organization. The algorithm enables an increase of between $1.6 million and $4.6 million in additional donations when applied to a large modern-size data set compared with a typical-size data set.
参考文献:Bumbaca F (Rico), Misra S, Rossi PE. Scalable Target Marketing: Distributed Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian Hierarchical Models. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):999-1018.
In gathering information for an intended purchase decision, consumers submit search phrases to online search engines. These search phrases directly express the consumers’ needs in their own words and thus provide valuable information to marketing managers. Interpreting consumers’ search phrases renders a better understanding of their purchase intentions, which is critical for marketing success. In this article, the authors develop an integrated model to connect the latent topics embedded in consumers’ search phrases to their website visits and purchase decisions. Using a unique data set containing more than 8,000 search phrases submitted by consumers, the model identifies latent topics underlying the searches that led consumers to the firm’s website. Compared with a model lacking any textual information from consumers’ search phrases, a model using textual data in a heuristic approach, and a model based on the latent Dirichlet allocation, the proposed model provides a better evaluation of a consumer’s position on the path to purchase and achieves much better predictive accuracy, which could in turn substantially increase the firm’s revenue. The authors also extend the discussion to aggregators, affiliated websites, and segments of consumers who are exposed to the firm’s outbound ads. Marketing managers can use this method to extract structured information from consumers’ search phrases to facilitate their inference of consumers’ latent purchase states and thereby improve marketing efficiency.
参考文献:Li H (Alice), Ma L. Charting the Path to Purchase Using Topic Models. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):1019-1036.
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这项研究引入了一个消费者在制定联合消费决策时承担“请求者”或“响应者”的角色的框架。作者记录了一个强有力的偏好表达的不对称性,其中“请求者”征求他人的消费偏好(例如,“你想去哪里吃饭?”)希望偏好表达(例如“我们去这家餐厅”),而“响应者” 不要表达自己的偏好(例如“任何地方对我都可以”)。这种不对称现象在广泛的情况下普遍存在,并且是由于请求者和响应者的角色不同而发生的。与响应者相比,请求者更加专注于减轻决策的难度,而与请求者相比,响应者更加专注于通过表现出随和的态度传达喜好。因此,响应者的行为表现欠佳,从而产生了“偏好成本”(当掩盖偏好时)和“社会摩擦成本”(请求者青睐表达偏好的响应者)。请求者可以通过表达自己对决策的厌恶来引发偏好表达,这增加了响应者对减轻决策难度的关注。作者最后讨论了该框架对共同消费决策“幕后”的贡献。
This research introduces a framework wherein consumers take on “requestor” or “responder” roles in making joint consumption decisions. The authors document a robust preference expression asymmetry wherein “requestors” soliciting others’ consumption preferences (e.g., “Where do you want to go for dinner?”) desire preference expressions (e.g., “Let’s go to this restaurant”), whereas “responders” instead do not express preferences (e.g., “Anywhere is fine with me”). This asymmetry generalizes under a broad set of situations and occurs because the requestor and responder roles differ in their foci. Compared to responders, requestors are more focused on mitigating the difficulty of arriving at a decision, whereas compared to requestors, responders are more focused on conveying likability by appearing easygoing. Responders thus behave suboptimally, incurring a “preference cost” (when masking preferences) and a “social friction cost” (requestors favor responders who express preferences). Requestors can elicit preference expression by conveying their own dislike of decision making, which increases responders’ focus on mitigating decision difficulty. The authors conclude by discussing the framework’s contributions to looking “under the hood” of joint consumption decisions.
参考文献:Liu PJ, Min KE. Where Do You Want to Go for Dinner? A Preference Expression Asymmetry in Joint Consumption. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):1037-1054.
Although previous studies have established a direct link between customer-based metrics and stock returns, research is unclear on the mediated nature of their association. The authors examine the association of customer satisfaction and abnormal stock returns, as mediated by the trading behavior of short sellers. Using quarterly data from 273 firms over 2007–2017, the authors find that short interest—a measure of short seller activity—mediates the impact of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction on abnormal stock returns. Customer dissatisfaction has a more pronounced effect on short selling compared with customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction are more relevant for firms with low capital intensity and firms that face lower competitive intensity. The results show that a one-unit increase in customer satisfaction is associated with a .56 percentage point increase in abnormal returns, while a one-unit increase in customer dissatisfaction is associated with a 1.34 percentage point decrease in abnormal returns.
参考文献:Malshe A, Colicev A, Mittal V. How Main Street Drives Wall Street: Customer (Dis)satisfaction, Short Sellers, and Abnormal Returns. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):1055-1075.
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Negotiations today are less likely to be characterized by information asymmetry—the notion that buyers are less informed than sellers—due to the amount of information available to buyers. A number of industries have reacted to this change by shifting their attention to earning profits in aftermarkets: products and services that augment the main purchase (e.g., add-ons, insurance, financing, service and maintenance). In these aftermarkets, firms often retain an information advantage, even if information asymmetries are eliminated from the main purchase. This has given rise to an interesting setting untapped by prior research: information “symmetry” in the front end (main purchase) and information “asymmetry” in the back end (aftermarket). The authors argue that symmetry in the front end provides an opportunity to build trust, as the knowledgeable customer can verify the information disclosed by the seller. In an observational study in the automotive industry, the authors find that customers to whom the salesperson revealed the cost of a car at the beginning of the negotiation spent significantly more in the back end than others. As corroborated in subsequent studies, this effect holds only when cost is disclosed at the beginning of the negotiation and when customers can verify the cost information.
参考文献:Atefi Y, Ahearne M, Hohenberg S, Hall Z, Zettelmeyer F. Open Negotiation: The Back-End Benefits of Salespeople’s Transparency in the Front End. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):1076-1094.
This research examines the impact of defaults on product choice in sequential-decision settings. Whereas prior research has shown that a default can affect what consumers purchase by promoting choice of the preselected option, the influence of defaults is more nuanced when consumers make a series of related choices. In such a setting, consumer preferences may evolve across choices due to “spillover” effects from one choice to subsequent choices. The authors hypothesize that defaults systematically attenuate choice spillover effects because accepting a default is a more passive process than either choosing a nondefault option in the presence of a default or making a choice in the absence of a default. Three experiments and a field study provide compelling evidence for such default-induced changes in choice spillover effects. The findings show that firms’ setting of high-price defaults with the aim of influencing consumers to choose more expensive products can backfire through the attenuation of spillover. In addition to advancing the understanding of the interplay between defaults and preference dynamics, insights from this research have important practical implications for firms applying defaults in sequential choices.
参考文献:Donkers B, Dellaert BGC, Waisman RM, Häubl G. Preference Dynamics in Sequential Consumer Choice with Defaults. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):1096-1112.
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Multichannel sales systems in business-to-business markets vary substantially in their designs and thereby either attenuate or aggravate agency conflicts between manufacturers and sales partners. Drawing on multiple agency theory, the authors introduce direct and indirect channel usage as focal design dimensions of multichannel sales systems and investigate each channel’s performance effects using a matched manufacturer–sales partner data set. Whereas direct channel usage predominantly lowers agency conflicts in terms of information asymmetry and sales partner moral hazard, indirect channel usage amplifies moral hazard concerns. How those sales partner effects translate into manufacturer performance outcomes critically depends on governance mechanisms, confirming predictions from governance value analysis: formalization enhances performance outcomes for manufacturers in the case of indirect channel usage but diminishes performance in the case of direct channel usage. The authors observe converse effects for centralization and information exchange: centralization and information exchange enhance outcomes of direct channel usage but diminish outcomes of indirect channel usage. The focal managerial implication is that managers must align the design of their multichannel sales systems with effective governance mechanisms.
参考文献:Homburg C, Vomberg A, Muehlhaeuser S. Design and Governance of Multichannel Sales Systems: Financial Performance Consequences in Business-to-Business Markets. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):1113-1134.
Consumers increasingly expect brands to “pick a side” on divisive sociopolitical issues, but managers are reluctant to risk alienating customers who oppose their position. Moreover, research on identity-based consumption and negativity bias suggests that corporate political advocacy (CPA) is more likely to repel existing customers who oppose the CPA than to attract new customers who support it, implying that the net effect will be negative even if consumers overall are evenly divided in their support/opposition. In this research, the authors posit that despite this negativity bias in individual-level choice, the net effect of CPA at the market level is determined by a sorting process that benefits small-share brands and hurts large-share brands. This is because having few customers to lose and many to gain can offset the risk of the negativity bias in consumers’ identity-driven responses to CPA, potentially leading to a net influx of customers for small-share brands. Five experiments provide support for this theorizing and identify authenticity as a necessary condition for small share brands to benefit.
参考文献:Hydock C, Paharia N, Blair S. Should Your Brand Pick a Side? How Market Share Determines the Impact of Corporate Political Advocacy. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020;57(6):1135-1151.