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中国电影资料馆  · 公众号  · 电影  · 2025-03-18 21:14


第十四届 中国电影史年会(2025)

征 稿 通 知

“第十四届中国电影史年会”拟于2025年6月20至22日在重庆举行。现正式开始征集稿件。本届年会由中国电影资料馆(中国电影艺术研究中心)与重庆大学联合主办。年会主题为 “银幕上的抗战:战斗意志·民族精神·文化血脉”

为保证学术水准,凡报名参会者,必须提交正式学术论文,且论文应为在 本论坛首次发表 ,字数在 10000-15000字(含注释) 。论坛组委会将聘请专家评审组进行匿名论文评审。论文符合规范且通过评审者,将会收到正式参会通知。本论坛鼓励有志于电影史学研究的青年学者,将在邀请比例、论坛发言、论文结集出版等方面给予重点考虑。依照以往年会的惯例,本次年会仍将设置主论坛、分论坛、互动点评、珍贵影片学术放映等环节。



  • 自通知发布之日起,至 2025年5月10日前 为投稿阶段,请阁下将论文全文 (10000-15000字,含注释) 发至论坛专用信箱[email protected];为了提前预估参会人数,我们建议您先填写参会回执 (附件2) ,便于我们随时将年会信息发送给您。
  • 2025年6月5日左右 ,论文经过专家组审定通过后,将发送正式邀请函。
  • 论文的格式须按照拟定的相关学术论文规范 (参见附件1)

本届年会的具体召开日期初步定于 2025年6月20-22日 。关于会议的更多细节,我们将在正式邀请函中与您及时沟通。会务组联系方式如下:

  • 联系地址:北京市海淀区小西天文慧园路3号中国电影艺术研究中心 电影史学研究部; 邮编: 100082 ;
  • 联系电话:8610-82296081;
  • E_mail:[email protected]
  • 联系人:彭  琨(18511085956)




The 1 4 th Chinese Film History Annual Conference (202 5 )

Invitation Letter

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Chinese Film History Annual Conference of this year, co-sponsored by China Film Archive (China Film Art Research Center) and Chongqing University , is scheduled to be held from 20 th to 22 nd June 2025, in Chongqing.

The theme of the conference this year is “Screening the War of Resistance: Will to Fight, National Spirit, and Cultural Lineage” . To ensure academic standard s , all invitees must submit original formal academic papers, which should be issued for the first time in this forum (not presented before). Each paper should be no less than 10,000 words, and no more than 15,000 words in length (inclusive of annotations). The Organizing Committee of the forum will engage an expert reviewing panel to review the papers anonymously. Those whose papers meet standard and have been approved by the reviewing panel, will receive a formal notification of invitation. We particularly encourage young scholars in the research on film historiography to apply, and will give the priority consideration in terms of proportion of invitations, forum presentations and the publication of papers.

Similarly to the previous annual conferences, this year will still set up the main forum, sub-forums, group discussions, parallel sessions, interactive reviews, and academic screenings of rare films, etc.

We are honored to invite you to this annual academic event and to get your fine works published for the benefit of the whole academia.

The schedule of the preparations for the annual conference is as follows:

  • By the end of 10 th May 202 5 : please send your full-text paper (between 10,000- and 15,000-words including annotations) to [email protected] . The format of the paper should conform to the academic paper specifications in attachment 1. I f you are interested in attending, please fill your personal information and your selected topics in the Forum Registration (see attachment 2) and sent it to the above email as soon as possible, this will help us estimate attendance and keep you informed of news from the conference committee .
  • By the end of 5 th June 202 5 : if your paper has been approved by the expert reviewing panel, you will receive a formal invitation letter.
The exact date of this annual conference is tentatively scheduled for 20 th to 22 nd June 2025. More details of this conference will be communicated to you in the formal invitation letter. Here is the contact information of the committee of conference affairs:

  • Address: Film history research laboratory, China Film Art Research Center, No.3, Wenhuiyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing; Post code: 100082

  • Contact number: 8610-82296081

  • E-mail: [email protected]

  • Contact person: Kun Peng (18511085956)

China Film Archive (China Film Art Research Center)
