专栏名称: 北斗之光
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北斗之光  · 简书  · 架构  · 2018-02-09 08:45



we know our world is the best one , but there is some small little problem in this world, that is to say , adam the first made committed sin, the original sin , of course it's not that easy to admit , that, the world in which adam committed sin, is better than all the worlds in which , there was another non senior it's not that easy well.

we have to admit this of course there is one argument i have to tell you , but uh uh that is not the most important for us one argument , if adam had not committed sin, then jesus wouldn't have come to save us , and such a great event makes all where our world better than all the worlds in which adam would have not committed sin , okay and jesus came and said all of us that is a reason , one of the reasons leibniz is trying to imagine,  he's not the only one to to say something like that

in fact but it doesn't matter ,that is not my problem in fact ,my problem is to know , how it is possible to make this, there is a proof okay i will pick to , i told you  there is a proof that this world is the best one even if adam committed sin ,there is a rational proof according to leibniz, but that's the point ,the point is how to make it plausible, so how can we do meet that we can understand the proof, but on a very abstract way the question now is to figure a true continuous belief  in that , that's the point how to make it possible, okay and then lady needs again uses the argument of novels.

so i am considering these phases in order to show you , that novels are in no way similar to true worlds, they are not constructed in the same way , that is the reason why i'm considering this argument now remember , so how can we easily believe that god is good , whereas he permitted sin , original sin, this difficult case , yeah this difficult very difficult case, is as difficult to understand as would be that a father overgorge and doing the same way.

please read those lines , it won't probably work as well as before , uh it is not very easy to accept or you'd beat that the father, that award on the friend could have such reasons in the case at hand, however it is not absolutely impossible, uh okay it is not impossible to figure that  , and a skilful creator of novels could perhaps find an extraordinary case , that would justify even a man in the circumstances , i have just written down that is very interesting , a skilful creator of novels could perhaps find an extraordinary case, that will justify even a man in the circumstances , i have just written down are , we will pay attention to this and then but with regard to god , there is no reason to imagine,  or to check particular reasons which led him to a road ,pevil general reasons surface ah are sufficient .

that is an extraordinary text in fact, and that will help us to understand ,that leibniz does not so easily believe that were a novel refers to a possible world , the advantage of such a novel made by you skinful creator ,the advantage of such a novel is that it ruled understand the greatest evils in circumstances , that determine them out of moral necessity in view of some higher good, and yet as concerns human history .

it is what we have the greatest difficulty in grasping , though we must admit it in principle, the novel here the fictional account leads us to believe through the imagination , that is said on quite a sensitive way, it leads us to believe three magination , that certain reasons some cases justify evil , even though the fiction only demonstrates these reasons in proximity to the subject, i hope you've got this point .

okay we have difficulties to believe that god is good and choose has chosen the best world, when we consider the original scene , which of course he's an evi,l of course the problem  does not concern here the proof that our world is the best , it's a question , the question is to make us believe that okay to help us to admit that , novels can play that role ,a skillful writer can imagine and represent circumstances in which evil is necessary,  for a higher good , therefore those novels make the big paradox to us.

yes yes of course we may represent that an evil , a terrible one may be necessary to obtain how are you good,  so novels here are learning a thing about the relation between evil and perfection in our world, but there is a very important difference from volvf will not uh represent will not mention a very important one , a very important one, in order to justify an evil a creator, would have to represent earth particular symptom stances in such circumstances .

i can not uh give you an example,  but you have many in mind i guess in such circumstances , it might be necessary even for father to admits an evil  , concerning his children , his daughter in order to obtain and i'll good but the reasons produced by the creator here, ah particular reasons , this is very important . what is beyond our reach completely beyond our reach our understanding , what is accessible solely to divine intelligence , is a completely determined connection of particular evil to general perfection , that is completely beyond our understanding , in no way , in no way we can produce all the reasons that make a particular evil necessary for the perfection of the whole world.

we know that this particular evil , the start of the global structure, but it's beyond our mind to understand all the reasons that connect this evil with the global perfection , the most important thing for us now is to clearly understand clearly understand , what makes this fictional novel deficient, we have to understand what makes this fictional novel so deficient , to the extent, that it is that it is incapable of expressing in detail.

the evils whose justification is closely related to the architectonic reasons of perfection, for these reasons , the novel would succeed only in presenting these cases as extraordinary events ,as extraordinary circumstances, what are they that of the father the chu zhou or a friend who puts their daughter , they've got some of the friend in a position to sin, that is the case the the values cases line it's considers a father framed, but to zhou that who puts her daughter thrown godson in a position to sin , but the novel would only succeed in presenting these cases as extraordinary events , events necessitating particular reasons.

okay fictions focus fictions focus coming from the incomplete mess of the relationships , it can expose of course those relationships are incomplete fictions cautious focus, pay pay much attention to this  , fictions focused leads to an inversion of the structure of the world , an inversion of the structure of the world,  that is to say of the general order , the world a real world and especially our world the best one is entirely , that is in detail determined by a global structure, by general reasons , and god is the only one to be able to connect those general reasons to particular evils , but what makes a world world, that it possesses a global structure which leibniz calls the general order, and in the cases we are considering here,  the novel produces an inversion of this world structure complete inversion of the world structure.

because evils here ah justification by only by particular reason, particular circumstances, it's not a detail, it means that novel even in novels , even if they give us some excess , so mean imaginary access to the possible worlds , novels do not share the same structure with the wills . in fact i repeat on this particular on these extraordinary cases , they are precisely extraordinary , extraordinary for god ,evil and even the original sin is not extraordinary , it's part of the order of the global or general order of the world , it's anything , but extraordinary the original sin is just about of the general structure , that makes the world the best as possible.

so you see here novels produce this remarkable inversion of what i would call a world structure , the novels whole reason , the novels whole reason does not extend to the general order, so you see remember when god shed was talking about a piece of the world, a piece of a world,  he was considering it was not that important to talk like this way , but a piece of a will is not a world at all not at all, a novels all reason the novels or reason does not extend to the general order,  which it may even conceal given its internal system of consistency, in itself, i mean in the written symbols that baby leave as a novel to us , as this system of symbols this or this in itself fiction only ever attains what it can express in the condition specific to the way , in which it depicts , on the other hand on the other hand , the pragmatic use a fiction in rational argumentation .
