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【活动邀请】对话金砖银行高管与世界经济论坛全球青年领袖 —— You Plus领导力嘉宾演讲第三期

普华永道  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-06-01 19:54


本期话题    Topic


Sustainable Finance and Global Leadership

本期嘉宾    Guest Introduction

Leslie Maasdorp先生现于金砖银行负责司库、投资组合管理、财务和会计职能。曾任美银美林南非分行董事总经理和行长、巴克莱银行资本副主席和南非联合资本公司首席执行官。2002年,成为非洲首位被任命的高盛国际顾问。从事全球投资银行家工作13年,转型前于南非政府担任高级领导职位。1994年,担任劳工部长特别顾问;1999年,担任南非政府公共企业部副处长,领导国有企业私有化和重组。

Leslie Maasdorp is responsiblefor the treasury, portfoliomanagement, finance and accounting functions of the New DevelopmentBank. He served as a Managing Director and President of Bank of America MerrillLynch for Southern Africa. Prior to that he served in a dual role as ViceChairman of Barclays Capital and Absa Capital. In 2002 he was the first Africanto be appointed as International Advisor to Goldman SachsInternational. Before his 13 years as a global investment banker, heserved in several senior leadership roles in the Government of SouthAfrica. In 1994 after the transition to democracy, he was appointed asSpecial Advisor to the Minister of Labour and in 1999, in his role as DeputyDirector General of the Department of Public Enterprises, he led the restructuringand privatization of state owned enterprises for the South African Government.


BRICS New Development Bank


TheNew Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, is a multilateral development bank established by the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and SouthAfrica). According to the Agreement on the NDB, "the Bank shall support public or private projectsthrough loans, guarantees, equityparticipation and other financial instruments."Moreover, the NDB "shall cooperate with internationalorganizations and other financial entities, and provide technicalassistance for projects to be supported by the Bank." Theinitial authorized capital of thebank is $100 bln divided into 1 mln shares havinga par value of $100,000 each. The initial subscribed capital of the bank wasequally distributed among the founding members. 


PeggyLiu is one of the leadingcatalysts of a green China and consults companies and governments on fosteringcollaboration with China. She introduced Smart Grid to China in 2007,educated more than 1000 Chinese government leaders (mayors and centralgovernment) on how to build sustainable cities and created the ChinaDream initiative in 2010 to reimagine prosperity for sustainable consumerismwhich led to China Dream being the second most popular slogan in 2012. Sheis an advisor to EAT Forum and Volans, an energy adviser to the ClintonGlobal Initiative in 2008 and a Governor of the Hillary Institute.Executive positions in Silicon Valley included General Manager of ConsumerApplications at Zaplet, a dynamic email communications platform, and VP ofMarketing at SeeUthere.com. She also served as a management consultant atMcKinsey.

You Plus领导力嘉宾演讲活动报名

You Plus Leadership Series Registration

时间 Time

2017年6月22日 18:00

18:00 Jun 22, 2017


地点 Location



Naked Hub

6/F, 189 Changshou Road, Shanghai


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