专栏名称: 魔都晨曦来临
Shanghai Morning Herald by Boarhead Club
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魔都晨曦来临  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-17 04:57


Dr. Boarhead’s Summary of Global Updates on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus: 17 May 2021

1. 《美国医学会杂志》: 以色列开展了一项针对 6710 位医护人员的辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗回顾性队列研究。主要结局分析显示,在完全接种疫苗和未接种疫苗的队列中,有症状新冠感染的发生率分别为每 10 万人日 4.7 和 149.8 ,无症状感染的发生率分别为每 10 万人日 11.3 和 67.0 。 ( 5 月 6 日)

[关键信息] 接种辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗可显著降低有症状和无症状感染的风险。

Journal of the American Medical Association : A retrospective cohort study of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that included 6,710 health care workers was conducted in Israel. The primary outcome analysis has shown that the incidence rates of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection were 4.7 and 149.8 per 100,000 person-days in the fully vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts, while those of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection were 11.3 and 67.0 per 100,000 person-days. <6 May>

[key info] Vaccination of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can significantly reduce the risks of both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections.


2. 英国广播公司: 多位印度医生报告,新冠康复期患者和已康复群体中出现大量毛霉菌病病例。毛霉菌病是一种因接触毛霉菌而产生的罕见感染,毛霉菌常见于土壤、植物、肥料和腐烂的果蔬。该病总致死率 50% 。医生们认为,毛霉菌病可能由使用类固醇药物诱发。该类药物用于救治重症和危重症新冠患者。 ( 5 月 9 日)

[关键信息] 毛霉菌病正在印度新冠患者中传播。

BBC: Indian doctors have reported a rash of mucormycosis cases among recovering and recovered COVID-19 patients. Mucormycosis is a very rare infection. It is caused by exposure to mucor mould which is commonly found in soil, plants, manure, and decaying fruits and vegetables. Doctors believe mucormycosis, which has an overall mortality rate of 50%, may be triggered by the use of steroids, a life-saving treatment for severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients. <9 May>

[key info] Mucormycosis is spreading among Indian COVID-19 patients.

3. bioRxiv: B.1.617.1 变异株最初在印度发现,随后迅速传遍该国,扩散至若干其他国家。一项研究发现,该变异株对新冠康复者和莫德纳、辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗接种者血清中和作用的抵抗力是平均值的 6.8 倍。尽管如此,大部分康复者的血清和所有疫苗接种者的血清仍能中和该变异株。 ( 5 月 10 日)

[关键信息] 莫德纳和辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗很可能对 B.1.617.1 变异株保有保护性免疫作用。

bioRxiv: A study found that the B.1.617.1 variant, which was first identified in India and has rapidly spread throughout it and to several countries, is 6.8-fold more resistant to neutralization by sera from COVID-19 convalescent and Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinated individuals than average. Despite this, a majority of the sera from convalescent individuals and all sera from vaccinated individuals were still able to neutralize the variant. <10 May>

[key info] Protective immunity by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines is likely retained against the B.1.617.1 variant.


4. 社会科学研究网: 研究人员比较了 2 月 27 日至 4 月 14 日期间 2195 位强生 Ad26.COV2 疫苗单剂接种者和 21950 位未接种者的感染率。在 1779 位随访至少两周的接种者中,只有 3 人( 0.17% )在接种至少 15 天后检出新冠阳性,而在 17744 位未接种者中,有 128 人( 0.72% )检出阳性。这相当于疫苗预防接种至少两周后抗感染的有效性为 76.7% 。 ( 5 月 10 日)

[关键信息] 单剂 Ad26.COV2.S 疫苗预防接种至少两周后感染的有效性为 76.7% 。

Social Science Research Network: Researchers compared the infection rate of 2,195 individuals who received a single dose of the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine from Johnson & Johnson to that of 21,950 unvaccinated between 27 Feb. and 14 Apr. Of the 1,779 vaccinated individuals with at least two weeks of follow-up, only 3 (0.17%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 15 days or more after vaccination, compared to 128 of 17,744 (0.72%) unvaccinated individuals. This corresponds to a vaccine effectiveness of 76.7% in preventing infection with onset at least two weeks after vaccination. <10 May>

[key info] A single dose of Ad26.COV2.S is 76.7% effective in preventing infection with onset at least two weeks after vaccination.

5. 《新英格兰医学杂志》: 医疗专业人士与病患面临瘟疫和“信疫”的双重考验,前者由新冠病毒所致,后者因错误信息和虚假信息而起。由于病毒、错误信息、虚假信息夹杂传播,因此需要从实时监测、精确诊断、快速反应三方面着眼,找到应对欺骗与误解的方法。 ( 5 月 12 日)

[关键信息] “信疫”加深了瘟疫的严重性。

New England Journal of Medicine : Medical professionals and patients are facing both a pandemic and an infodemic—the first caused by SARS-CoV-2 and the second by misinformation and disinformation. The intertwining spreads of the virus and of misinformation and disinformation require an approach to counteracting deceptions and misconceptions by focusing on three elements: real-time surveillance, accurate diagnosis, and rapid response. <12 May>

[key info] The infodemic increases the severity of the pandemic.


6. 《新英格兰医学杂志》: 在一项研究中,辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗预防新冠的有效性达 95% 。包含 B.1.1.7 、B.1.351 、P.1 三种变异株 S 基因的重组新冠病毒仍易受疫苗激发产生的血清中和作用的影响。 ( 5 月 12 日)

[关键信息] 辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗对 B.1.1.7 、B.1.351 、P.1 三种变异株有效。

New England Journal of Medicine : In a study, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 95% effective against COVID-19. Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 bearing S genes from the B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and P.1 variants remained susceptible to vaccine - elicited serum neutralization. <12 May>

[key info] The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is effective against the B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and P.1 variants.

