专栏名称: pc859107393
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pc859107393  · 掘金  ·  · 2017-12-21 04:10




  • 数据类型
  • 变量和常量
  • 运算符
  • 语句
  • 数组、集合
  • 方法
  • 资源引入



package builtin

// bool is the set of boolean values, true and false.
type bool bool

// true and false are the two untyped boolean values.
const (
	true  = 0 == 0 // Untyped bool.
	false = 0 != 0 // Untyped bool.

// uint8 is the set of all unsigned 8-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 255.
type uint8 uint8

// uint16 is the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 65535.
type uint16 uint16

// uint32 is the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 4294967295.
type uint32 uint32

// uint64 is the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 18446744073709551615.
type uint64 uint64

// int8 is the set of all signed 8-bit integers.
// Range: -128 through 127.
type int8 int8

// int16 is the set of all signed 16-bit integers.
// Range: -32768 through 32767.
type int16 int16

// int32 is the set of all signed 32-bit integers.
// Range: -2147483648 through 2147483647.
type int32 int32

// int64 is the set of all signed 64-bit integers.
// Range: -9223372036854775808 through 9223372036854775807.
type int64 int64

// float32 is the set of all IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers.
type float32 float32

// float64 is the set of all IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers.
type float64 float64

// complex64 is the set of all complex numbers with float32 real and
// imaginary parts.
type complex64 complex64

// complex128 is the set of all complex numbers with float64 real and
// imaginary parts.
type complex128 complex128

// string is the set of all strings of 8-bit bytes, conventionally but not
// necessarily representing UTF-8-encoded text. A string may be empty, but
// not nil. Values of string type are immutable.
type string string

// int is a signed integer type that is at least 32 bits in size. It is a
// distinct type, however, and not an alias for, say, int32.
type int int

// uint is an unsigned integer type that is at least 32 bits in size. It is a
// distinct type, however, and not an alias for, say, uint32.
type uint uint

// uintptr is an integer type that is large enough to hold the bit pattern of
// any pointer.
type uintptr uintptr

// byte is an alias for uint8 and is equivalent to uint8 in all ways. It is
// used, by convention, to distinguish byte values from 8-bit unsigned
// integer values.
type byte = uint8

// rune is an alias for int32 and is equivalent to int32 in all ways. It is
// used, by convention, to distinguish character values from integer values.
type rune = int32

// iota is a predeclared identifier representing the untyped integer ordinal
// number of the current const specification in a (usually parenthesized)
// const declaration. It is zero-indexed.
const iota = 0 // Untyped int.

// nil is a predeclared identifier representing the zero value for a
// pointer, channel, func, interface, map, or slice type.
var nil Type // Type must be a pointer, channel, func, interface, map, or slice type

// Type is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for any Go type, but represents the same type for any given function
// invocation.
type Type int

// Type1 is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for any Go type, but represents the same type for any given function
// invocation.
type Type1 int

// IntegerType is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for any integer type: int, uint, int8 etc.
type IntegerType int

// FloatType is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for either float type: float32 or float64.
type FloatType float32

// ComplexType is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a
// stand-in for either complex type: complex64 or complex128.
type ComplexType complex64


  • int、uint 整形、无符号整形
    • int8、int16(2字节,-32768~32767)、int32(rune)、int64
    • uint8、uint16(2字节,0~65535)、uint32、uint64
  • string 字符串(原生utf-8编码支持)
  • bool 布尔型
  • float 浮点型
    • float32、float64 (4/8字节,精确到小数后7/15位)
  • byte 1字节 uint8的别名
  • nil 空类型
  • complex64、complex128 复数类型(实数、虚数),8字节、16字节
  • uintptr 足够大的位模式保存指针的整数类型(uintptr is an integer type that is large enough to hold the bit pattern of any pointer.)


  • 指针类型(Pointer)
  • 数组类型
  • 结构化类型(struct)
  • Channel 类型
  • 函数类型
  • 切片类型
  • 接口类型(interface)
  • map类型


go 1.9版本对于数字类型,无需定义int及float,系统会自动识别。


package main

import "fmt"

var (
	personA = "小王"
	personC = "小张"
	ageA    = 18

func main() {
    //快捷申明变量 省却var标识符
	mName := "程先生"
	//var 标明数据是变量
	var mSex = "汉子"
	fmt.Println(mName + ",哎哟我去,你是" + mSex)

	var a = 1.5
	var b = 2
	fmt.Println(a, " ====我是分隔符==== ", b)

	fmt.Println(personA, " ====我是分隔符==== ", personC, " ====我是分隔符==== ", ageA)


1.5  ====我是分隔符====  2
小王  ====我是分隔符====  小张  ====我是分隔符====  18


  • 必须申明包,且主程序包为:main
  • 入口函数为:main,且没有任何参数
  • var为变量申明标识符
  • 变量可以分组申明(导包可以分组吗?)
  • 可以采用快捷申明变量 := ,注意:仅仅能在函数中使用
  • 变量的基本数据类型无需申明,系统会自动推导
    • 当然手动申明变量类型如: var aa string = "糍粑"
  • 所有的变量都是使用过的(未使用的变量会产生编译异常)
  • java中输出语句基本数据类型和string可以通过“+”连接,但是go中不允许这种骚操作
  • 变量可以即时申请
  • 无需“;”结尾,换行既是语句的结束
  • 虽然允许多变量一行赋值,但是不推荐如此做,所以也未举例


常量是一个简单值的标识符,在程序运行时,不会被修改的量。 常量中的数据类型只可以是布尔型、数字型(整数型、浮点型和复数)和字符串型。

常量定义格式: const identifier [type] = value


  • 显式类型定义: const b string = "abc"
  • 隐式类型定义: const b = "abc"
  • 多个相同类型的声明可以简写为: const c_name1, c_name2 = value1, value2 (当然,我一样不推荐这样定义,降低了可读性)



	const PI = 3.14
	r := 4
	fmt.Println("圆的面积为:", PI*r*r)


# command-line-arguments
./demo001.go:26:38: constant 3.14 truncated to integer



	const PI float32 = 3.14
	r := 4
	fmt.Println("圆的面积为:", PI*r*r)

这次更加凄惨,代码甚至不能通过编译,在“PI *r *r”这里提示类型匹配错误!emmmm····


	const PI = 3.14
	r := 4.0
	fmt.Println("圆的面积为:", PI*r*r)


圆的面积为: 50.24


	const PI float32 = 3.14
