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药物简讯  · 公众号  · 药品  · 2017-09-11 17:00


中国成都 2017 9 11 ,成都先导药物开发有限公司宣布与武田药品工业株式会社( Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited )达成针对多个靶点的新药研发合作,以期针对武田关注的靶点发现全新的小分子先导化合物。根据合作协议,成都先导将利用其 DNA 编码化合物库( DEL )设计、合成与筛选的核心技术平台,将筛选出的先导化合物排他性地转让于武田,武田将向成都先导支付首付款及后续里程碑款,具体金额未披露。

成都先导董事长兼首席执行官李进博士表示“武田是日本最大的制药公司,我们很高兴跟武田建立合作。这次跨国合作进一步体现了 DNA 编码化合物库技术对于新药发现的影响以及工业界对该技术逐步加深的认可,也体现了成都先导在这个快速发展的技术领域的行业竞争力。我们将与武田的科研人员紧密合作,共同产生新的先导化合物,开发新药项目,以满足未被满足的医疗需求。



成都先导是一家创新驱动型生物技术公司。总部位于中国成都,在美国有实验室。成都先导已建立了一个独特的早期新药发现平台,即 DNA 编码化合物库设计与筛选技术。目前,成都先导基于数百种不同的骨架结构,已经完成逾 900 亿结构全新、具有多样性和类药性 DNA 编码化合物的合成,并且已有多个案例证实了其针对已知靶点和新兴靶点筛选苗头化合物的能力。成都先导已与多家制药、生物技术企业以及研究机构建立合作,致力于发现、开发新的治疗方案。


李进博士,董事长兼 CEO ,成都先导药物开发有限公司,电话: +86 28 85197385( 分机 8001)

Barry Morgan 博士,首席科学官,成都先导药物开发有限公司,电话: +1 5088409646

HITGEN andTAKEDAEnter DNA-Encoded Library Based Drug DiscoveryResearch Collaboration

Chengdu, China,S ep. 11 th , 2017, HitGen Ltd announced that the company has entered into a research collaboration with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited to discover novel small molecule leads for multipletargets in Takeda’s therapeutic areas of interest . Accordingto the agreement, HitGen will apply its advanced technology platform,based on DNA-encoded library design, synthesis and screening, to discover novelleads which will be licensed exclusive lyto Takeda .Under the terms of the agreement, HitGen will receive upfront compensation, and beeligible for milestone payments from Takeda . Specific financial details were notdisclosed.

“We are very pleased to enter this collaboration with Takeda , Japan’s largest pharmaceutical company . This world-wide collaboration further underscoresthe growing recognitionand impact of DNA-encoded libraries for innovative drugdiscovery research. It also confirms the role of HitGen in this rapidlydeveloping field. We will work closelywith Takeda scientists to generate new lead compounds for their researchprogrammes to address unmet medical needs. ” said Dr. Jin Li , Chairman of the Board and ChiefExecutive Officer of HitGen .


About HitGen Ltd

HitGen is abiotech company withheadquarters and main research facilities based in Chengdu, China and withlaboratory in USA.HitGen has established a unique platform for drug discovery researchcentred aroundDNAencoded chemicallibraries (DELs). HitGen’sDELs contain more than 90 billion novel, diverse, drug-like small moleculeand macrocycle compounds.These compounds are members of DELssynthesised from many hundreds of distinct chemicalscaffolds, designed with tractable chemistry and proven results for findingdrug leads against biological targets from known and novel classes.  HitGen is working with multiplepharmaceutical, biotech companies and research institutes to discover anddevelop novel therapeutics of the future.

For further information,please contact

Dr. Jin Li, Chairman& CEO, HitGen Ltd. Tel: +86 28 85197385 (EXT. 8001)

Dr. Barry Morgan, ChiefScientific Officer,HitGen Ltd.Tel: +1 5088409646


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