在创建产品或服务的早期阶段,我们最先需要明确的就是:用户是谁?他们长什么样儿?他们有什么需求?他们为什么要在一堆竞品中选择我们? ——
创建User Profile(用户简要)
。这两种工具对用研同学来说最为熟悉,对互联网其他职能人员也早已不是什么新鲜概念。尤其是一说到做互联网产品,大家基本都知道:我们需要弄明白用户角色(Personas)和用户使用场景(Scenarios)。Persona不但与Scenarios一对儿好同桌,与User Profile更是一对儿好拍档、彼此的关系也非常值得讨究。那么它们之间究竟有什么不得不说的联系、又有什么本质区别?本文带你温故、知新。
User Profile(用户简要)
很多可用性从业者认为人物角色(Persona)和用户简要(User Profile)这两个术语是一个意思。如果用户简要真实地从人群中统计数据生成并且包括了作者已经描述的足够深度的信息,则这样认为是没有什么问题的。不幸的是,我们发现太多的用户简要都是按照Webster对profile的定义,即“简略的传记性的简述”。换句话说,用户简要通常只是一个名字和一个照片附在简短的人口统计数据上,以及一段虚构的简短描述,诸如人们驾驶的车的类型、有多少个孩子、住在哪里、怎么生活等信息。这种类型的用户简要更像是一种用户固定模式,而作为设计工具没有什么用处。……
这段广为人知的话是Alan Cooper在About Face 3:The Essentials of Interaction Design(2007)中对两者所做的说明,明确界定它们是两个完全不同的设计工具,不能混为一谈。
2013年Digital Balance创始人兼CEO Tim Elleston 这般介绍User Profile:
… Customer Profiles describe groups of customers based on known facts or data. Because of this, profiles tend to be more numeric; counts of things, percentages, z-scores, averages, standard deviations, comparatives etc.
They tend to include demographics such as genders, age ranges, locations, lifestyle attributes such as income, family size, and behavioral attributes such as what they purchased, basket size, revenue, what they interacted with, or didn’t interact with, where they came from.
——Personas or profiles: which one to use? (Tim Elleston, August 21, 2013)
根据Tim Elleston的描述,User Profile是①基于群体
2015年,Kathy Baxter,Catherine Courage,和Kelly Caine在专著Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Research Methods中完整定义了User Profile:
Definition:User Profile is a detailed description of your user’s attributes (e.g., job title, experience, level of education, key tasks, age range, etc.). These characteristics will typically reflect a range, not a single attribute (e.g., ages 18-35). A user profile will help you understand who you are building your product for and will help you when recruiting for future user research activities.
——Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Research Methods (Kathy Baxter, Catherine Courage, & Kelly Caine, 2015)
基于Kathy Baxter,Catherine Courage,和Kelly Caine的解释,User Profile是关于用户非单一特征的、详尽的特征集。它是多维的、由诸多数据组成的;可以帮助产品团队准确定位目标用户,也能帮助用研团队快速明确要招募的用研对象。
同时,Kathy Baxter,Catherine Courage,和Kelly Caine提出User Profile通常会包含以下内容:
Demographic data
Occupation experience
——Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Research Methods (Kathy Baxter, Catherine Courage, & Kelly Caine, 2015)
Demographic data(人口数据)——如年龄、性别、籍贯、工作地、(财产收入/婚姻/子女状况等)社会经济地位等等。在实际使用过程中我们可以酌情加入星座、属相等特征。
Occupation experience(职业经历)——如当前职业、工作年限、工作职责,既往职业信息等。
综合以上专家的释义,我们可以尝试着总结和分析一下User Profile的几个特质:
(profiling或user modeling)的过程,是将用户多维度数据系统性整合的过程。
User Profile整合的是
;这些信息广泛而散乱、维度诸多,需要我们通过一定的方法进行排序整合,如我个人比较喜欢使用的Affinity Diagram(亲和图/相关关系图)+Excel工具。
User Profile含有用户的人口数据、生活习惯、行为习惯等特性信息,这些特征信息既有人的自然属性,也有人的社会属性。
User Profile更偏重用户有哪些行为,这些行为特征是什么、而非“为什么”。“为什么”属于Personas的范畴,下文将有介绍。
由于人本身的属性和习惯在一定客观因素下会产生变化,比如居住地更换(工作从北京调往上海)、饮食习惯改变(非素食主义者变为素食主义者)、购物内容变化(从痴迷网购化妆品变为母婴用品)等等,因此User Profile是一个动态变化、不断更新的过程,我们需要有计划地
对User Profile进行“迭代“管理
不难看出,User Profile越系统化、越完整化,我们寻找目标用户的方向就会越清晰。当然,单有User Profile还不够,它毕竟是一个数据庞大的、泛化的用户表征,我们需要更具象、更直接的“用户形象”帮我们一眼看穿用户的长相。Personas就是助我们趋近终极理想用户的绝妙工具。
一旦有了User Profile,我们就可以创建Personas。
关于Personas,我们可以查证的定义非常多。最早提出Personas的是交互设计师鼻祖Alan Cooper,他在1999年出版的The Inmates are Running the Asylum一书中首次给出了Persona的定义:
A precise description of our user and what he wishes to accomplish.
——The Inmates are Running the Asylum (Alan Cooper, 1999, p.123)
The more specific the persona is, the more effective they are as design tools. With more specific, idiosyncratic detail, the persona becomes a “real” person in the minds of the developers.
——The Inmates are Running the Asylum (Alan Cooper, 1999, p.128)
User models, or personas, are fictional, detailed archetypical characters that represent distinct groupings of behaviors, goals and motivations observed and identified during the research phrase.
——SHS Orcas: The first integrated information system for long-term healthcare facility management. Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems, Case studies of the CHI2002/AIGA Experience Design Forum. New York, NY: ACM Press, (Clade, Goodwin, Reimann, 2002)
同年,设计师Stefan Blomkvis也对Persona做出了更完整的解说。他强调Persona与User Profile有一定相似度但又有本质区别,它描述的并非一个字生物学上现实真正存在的人、也不是一个所有用户情况的“平均值“;它是基于真实用户数据补充了一些细节后抽象出来的一个典型用户,它关注的是
A persona is a model of user that focuses on the individual’s goals when using an artefact. …… The persona model resembles classical user profiles, but with some important distinctions. It is an archetypical representation of real or potential users. It’s not a description of a real, single user or an average user. The persona represents patterns of users’ behavior, goals and motives, complied in a fictional description of a single individual. It also contains made-up personal details, in order to make the persona more “tangible and alive” for the development team.
——Persona—an overview (Stefan Blomkvist, September 3, 2002)
由于这一概念理解起来并不复杂,到近几年大家对Personas的认识基本是一致的。2015年,Kathy Baxter,Catherine Courage,和Kelly Caine定义说:
Definition:Persona is a fictional individual created to describe the typical user based on the user profile. It represents a group of your end users during design discussions and keep everyone focused on the same target.
——Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Research Methods (Kathy Baxter, Catherine Courage, & Kelly Caine, 2015)
2015年2月,NN/g的UX专家Aurora Harley也对Persona做了权威定义和说明:
A persona is a fictional, yet realistic, description of a typical or target user of the product. A persona is an archetype instead of an actually living human, but personas should be described as if they were real people.
The description should be thorough, including details about the persona’s needs, concerns, and goals, as well as background information such as age, gender, behaviors, and occupation. This focus on a singular individual — or a small set of individuals. … It is likely that a business will have several personas to cover the various aspects of their organization, with one or two of them identified as the main targets for each product or service, feature set, or content area of a website.
——Personas Make Users Memorable for Product Team Members (Aurora Harley, February 16, 2015)
同时,Aurora Harley也提出Persona所包含的具体内容:
Name, age, gender, and a photo.
Tag line describing what they do in “real life”.
Experience level in the area of your product or service
Context for how they would interact with your product and how often would they use it.
Goals and concerns when they perform relevant tasks: speed, accuracy, thoroughness, or any other needs that may factor into their usage.
Quotes to sum up the persona’s attitude.
——Personas Make Users Memorable for Product Team Members (Aurora Harley, February 16, 2015)
今年,NN/g的另一位UX专家Kim Flaherty也进一步补充道:
Personas are fictional representations and generalizations of a cluster of your target users who exhibit similar attitudes, goals, and behaviors in relation to your product. They’re human-like snapshots of relevant and meaningful commonalities in your customer groups and are based on user research.
——Why Personas Fail (Kim Flaherty, January 28, 2018)