Qin X, Huang M, Ding J. AITurk: Using ChatGPT for Social Science Research[J]. Available at SSRN 4922861, 2024. -PDF-
Dang C T, Volpone S D, Umphress E E. The ethics of diversity ideology: Consequences of leader diversity ideology on ethical leadership perception and organizational citizenship behavior[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2023, 108(2): 307. -Link-
1. 研究概要
中山大学的秦昕教授及其合作团队最近开展了一项研究,探讨了利用人工智能 (AI) 模拟真实人类被试参与研究的有效性。该研究开发了 AITurk 平台 (网址:www.aiturk.cc),借助 ChatGPT 的能力模仿人类反应,将 AI 作为被试来收集数据。研究团队复制了 2023 年 1 月至 6 月间在顶级心理学期刊上发表的 22 项研究,为 AI 模拟人类行为的应用奠定了基础。
秦昕教授原文共复现了 22 项研究,本文选择了其中一篇论文进行复现,该论文为 The ethics of diversity ideology: Consequences of leader diversity ideology on ethical leadership perception and organizational citizenship behavior,以下是论文的假设及实验过程 (由于本文重点在于如何使用 AITurk 平台复现顶刊论文的数据,并验证基本假设,因此该论文的研究背景、基本概念等不做赘述)。
we used an adapted experimental design from previous leadership research (Dang et al., 2017). Participants were told that they were completing a multipart study about leadership. In Part 1, participants were instructed to write a short essay about a time when they were a leader, and what they were asked/task to do. We did this to set up the leader–follower simulation in Part 2, where participants were told that they would be randomly presented with another participant’s essay to review. In Part 3, participants were told that they would be participating in a team task led by the participant whose leadership essay they read in Part 2. To enhance realism, when participants submitted their personal essay in Part 1, the computer initiated a wait screen with a continuous circle until the supposedly randomly selected essay appeared for participants’ assessment. After completing Parts 1–3, participants were directed to an ostensibly different study where institutional discrimination awareness, controls, and demographics were measured. We manipulated leader diversity ideology in Part 2 by varying the statements the leader made in their essay about managing race/ ethnic diversity in the workplace.
实验分组:4 组
multicultural 组:
As someone who has had many work experiences, I can talk about a time when I was asked to deliver a speech to my work unit about how to manage diversity in the workplace. Personally, I believe that multiculturalism is the best way to approach diversity. We are all human But it is important to acknowledge and value people’s racial/ethnic differences. So as a leader, employees’ racial/ ethnic differences are important to me and should be valued. In fact, I think it’s important for leaders of companies to expose their followers to the different racial and ethnic groups within the company. As such, I like to create environments where our differences—both racial and ethnic— are recognized. I achieve this by acknowledging people’s heritages.
colorblind 组:
As someone who has had many work experiences, I can talk about a time when I was asked to deliver a speech to my work unit about how to manage diversity in the workplace. Personally, I believe that being colorblind is the best way to approach diversity. We are all human. We should acknowledge and value our similarities rather than our racial/ethnic differences. So as a leader, employees’ racial/ ethnic differences aren’t that important to me and shouldn’t be overly valued. In fact, I think it’s important for leaders of companies to not expose their followers to the different racial and ethnic groups within the company. As such, I like to create environments where our differences—both racial and ethnic— are minimized. I achieve this by not acknowledging people’s heritages.
meritocracy 组:
As someone who has had many work experiences, I can talk about a time when I was asked to deliver a speech to my work unit about how to manage diversity in the workplace. Personally, I believe that meritocracy is the best way to approach diversity. We are all human. If we judge people by their merits (meaning we judge them by their qualifications like their job-relevant knowledge, skills and abilities), we shouldn’t acknowledge and value our racial/ ethnic differences. So as a leader, so long as employees have been treated in a meritocratic way and judged based on their qualifications, employees’ racial/ethnic differences aren’t that important to me and shouldn’t be overly valued. In fact, I think it’s important for leaders of companies to not expose their followers to the different racial and ethnic groups within the company so long as the company operates under meritocratic ideologies. I achieve this by making sure that policies and procedures are meritocratic.
assimilation 组:
As someone who has had many work experiences, I can talk about a time when I was asked to deliver a speech to my work unit about how to manage diversity in the workplace. Personally, I believe that assimilation is the best way to approach diversity. We are all human. We should put aside our racial/differences and assimilate to the mainstream group and the mainstream group’ norms. So as a leader, employees’ racial/ ethnic differences aren’t that important to me and shouldn’t be overly valued. In fact, I think it’s important for leaders of companies to not expose their followers to the different racial and ethnic groups within the company. I achieve this by having people blend in with their environment.