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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-01-24 19:28




作者: Jennifer Swann





Is the Porn Industry Doing Enough For Performers' Mental Health?


本文选自 Rolling Stone | 取经号原创翻译

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When the Adult Video News Awards take place next weekend in Las Vegas – arguably the biggest night in the adult industry and one that has the power to transform young porn stars into household names – at least two of its nominees will be noticeably absent: Olivia Nova and August Ames. Nova, a 20-year-old Minnesota native whose friends and family knew her as aspiring singer and model Alexis Forte, was pronounced dead by the Clark County Coroner's Office at noon on January 7th in a private home in Las Vegas. She had been working in the industry for less than a year. Her cause of death has not yet been determined.

下周,成人影视新闻奖(Adult Video News Awards, AVN)的颁奖典礼将在拉斯维加斯举行,这无疑是成人产业最盛大的典礼,许多年轻演员都凭借这一奖项名声鹊起。但值得注意的是,今年将至少有两位提名者缺席该典礼,分别是奥利维亚·诺娃(Olivia Nova)和奥古斯特·艾梅斯(August Ames)。20岁的诺娃来自明尼苏达州,她的亲友知其有志于歌唱事业,模特艺名是亚历克西斯·福特(Alexis Forte)。而在1月7日的中午,克拉克县的验尸官宣布诺娃在拉斯维加斯的一处私人住宅中死亡。她进入本行业不足一年,死因不明。

The news came roughly a month after Ames, a prominent Canadian-American performer with four years of adult film credits to her name, was found asphyxiated from hanging in a public park near her Camarillo, California home. Ames, identified by the Ventura County Medical Examiner as 23-year-old Mercedes Grabowski, had battled social media accusations of homophobia after tweeting that she'd declined to shoot a scene with a male actor who'd previously shot gay porn. In a letter published to her website last week, her widow, Kevin Moore, attributed her death directly to online bullying and harassment from fellow members of the industry.

大约一个月前, 加州文图拉县卡马里奥 当地法医宣布,知名加拿大裔美国演员艾梅斯(Ames)在自家附近的公园中 上吊而亡 ,年仅23岁,从事这一行业四年。艾梅斯的真名为梅赛德斯·格拉博斯基(Mercedes Grabowski),此前因在推特上拒绝与一名曾拍摄同志视频的演员合作而被指责为“ 恐同癌 ”,她本人也不胜其扰。上周,她的丈夫凯文·摩尔(Kevin Moore)在她个人主页上发表了一封公开信,信中直言网络霸凌和同行骚扰是造成艾梅斯死亡的罪魁祸首。

Asphyxiate / əs'fɪksɪeɪt / :v. to prevent someone from breathing normally, usually so that they die(使)窒息(而死); 闷死

Homophobia /h'ɒməf'oʊbiə / : n. hatred and fear of homosexual对同性恋者的憎恶和恐惧

"We are in a crisis in the adult industry. It's almost becoming like an epidemic," says Amber Lynn, a porn star who has been performing since 1983 – far longer than many of the industry's young starlets have been alive. "Our [ideological] differences are not as important as our survival and our future."

安珀儿·琳恩(Amber Lynn)说:“成人产业正处于水深火热之中,危机四伏。”这位自1983年就开始拍摄成人视频的明星,艺龄比业内许多小鲜肉的年龄都要大。“同行之间观念上的差异相比于个人的生存状况和职业前景根本算不上什么。”

Ames' death was highly publicized in part because of the controversy surrounding it, but it was not an anomaly in the adult industry. Over the last two months, the porn community has mourned the deaths of Ames, Nova, and at least two other female performers: 35-year-old AVN Hall-of-Famer Shyla Stylez, who "died suddenly in her sleep," according to the Calgary Herald, and 31-year-old industry veteran Yurizan Beltran, who is suspected to have died of an overdose.

艾梅斯的死之所以会广为报道,在一定程度上是因为这次事件的争议性,但此类事件在成人行业中并不少见。在过去的两个月中,整个成人行业都在为艾美斯和诺娃的离世感到痛心,而且这样的遭遇还至少发生在其他两位演员身上。据加拿大《卡尔加里先驱报》报道, 曾经入选过AVN名人堂的 夏拉·史戴尔兹(Shyla Stylez)“在睡梦中猝死”,享年35岁。另外,31岁的资深演员尤丽赞·贝尔特伦(Yurizan Beltran)疑似死于用药过度。

But the rash of sudden, consecutive deaths has prompted some performers to call for change in an industry with a low barrier to entry, minimal oversight and nearly non-existent job security despite extreme working conditions. Unlike pre-Internet porn stars, performers today face the added pressures of social media interactions, increased competition without increased pay and a demand for more physically taxing sex scenes – all of which can exacerbate existing mental health or substance abuse issues. So is the adult industry doing enough to protect its performers?

演员们接二连三地突然死亡,这也让有些演员站出来,呼吁整个行业能做出改变。成人产业准入门槛低,缺乏监管,工作环境极端恶劣但饭碗几乎得不到任何保障。相比互联网时代之前的演员,当今的从业者还面临许多额外压力,比如要在社交媒体上互动,竞争愈发激烈但收入依旧不高,拍摄内容对身体条件的要求愈发 严苛 等。这些都加剧了行业内积弊已久的心理问题与滥用药物问题。那么,成人产业对演员们的保护到底到位吗?

taxing /ˈtæk.sɪŋ/ : adj. needing a lot cfort繁重的,累人的,费劲的

To Ruby, an AVN Hall of Famer who performs under a single name, the answer is a resounding no. "In my opinion, they really don't care whether we die or not," she says of the industry's producers. "In fact, I'm going to be probably a little crass here, but this is true: They'd prefer we die because they can make money off of us forever."


That wasn't always the case. When Ruby began performing in adult films in the early 1990s, she says, women had far more agency and a lot more choice. "You used to be able to pick exactly who you wanted to work with and exactly what you wanted to do," she says on a phone call from her home in Ohio, where she now works as a cam girl – a job she says is more appealing because it cuts out the middlemen. "They don't let them choose anymore. They expect extraordinarily rough scenes for most of the work now and that has to take a toll on you mentally. It just has to."


Jewels Jade, a retired porn star based in San Diego, can attest to that. She recalls getting hired for a so-called "light bondage" scene in which she was restrained in the back of a dump truck with suction cups, clothespins and rope. The experience, she says, made her suicidal . "I just wanted to eat a bullet. On the way home I was just crying my eyes out and calling my husband. Like, I couldn't even function. And this has happened to a lot of girls," she says. "They go on set and [directors] want to capture that fear because this is what the fans want, and there are some sick people who want some really bad stuff. They do this to these girls and if you think you're going to recover from that, I barely recovered from that."

尤尔斯·玉儿(Jewels Jade)已经退出成人产业,现居芝加哥,她对于这一点 深有体会 。据她本人回忆,她曾拍摄过一场“轻束缚”的戏。在那场戏中,她被吸盘、晾衣夹和绳子绑在一辆自卸卡车后面。她说那次经历简直 想让人自杀 。“我恨不得饮弹自尽。回家的路上我一边哭,一边和我的丈夫通电话。在那里我害怕得无法动弹,许多女演员都有过这样的经历。”她说,“剧组工作人员在一旁就位,导演想要捕捉到我恐惧的神情,因为观众们就喜欢这样。一些变态的观众就想看这种过分的镜头。剧组认为女演员们事后能恢复状态,所以肆无忌惮。但我是一点都没能走出阴影。”

attest /ə'test/: v. to show or prove that something is true证明,作为(…的)证据 [+ to ] 例:Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.豪华的家具陈设说明了主人的财力。

suicidal /suːɪ'saɪdl/ :adj  wanting to kill yourself想自杀的,有自杀倾向的。例:For many years before treatment, Clare had suicidal tendencies (=behaviour that showed she wanted to kill herself) .在治疗前的许多年间,克莱尔都有自杀倾向。

Jade, who made national news last spring after her Navy SEAL husband was investigated for costarring in videos with her, says the scene went on to become one her most popular. Had she refused to shoot it, she says, it likely would've been the end of her career. "Girls, they're told not to speak, to shut up or you won't work again," she says. Like Ruby, Jade believes porn production companies, producers and directors are complicit in the deaths of young women: "They don't care about the girls. They care about the fans."


Despite the physical and mental demands of a job with a notoriously high turnover rate, Jade says the reasons women get into porn are obvious: The money is good, the hours are flexible and the attention can be intoxicating. "A lot of girls have low self esteem. All of a sudden they have fans, people who are wooing over them, they're feeling beautiful and, of course, as you get more and more popular you get recognized," says Jade, who now owns a rental car business with her husband and says she plans to write a tell-all book about the porn industry. Aside from the awkward encounters she now fields as a parent – among the fans that have recognized her lately are her 11-year-old son's friends – fame can be a double-edged sword for any performer: "You can't get a normal job. The more and more popular you get, no one's going to hire you. You're trapped," she says.

尽管成人产业对演员的身体和心理素质要求苛刻,演员 替换率 也出了名得高,但玉儿认为,女性出演成人影片的原因也是显而易见的:报酬高,工作时间灵活,获得的名声也容易让人迷乱。“很多女孩缺少自尊心,一夜之间,粉丝成群,众星捧月,她们肯定会自我感觉良好,而且越出名意味着她们的认同感越高。”她现在和丈夫开了一家租车店,并打算写书详细讲述成人产业。对任何演员来说,名声都是把双刃剑。玉儿现在身为人母,很多新粉丝都是她11岁儿子的朋友,个中尴尬不言自明。但除此之外,她还说:“女演员不可能像一般人一样找个工作。在这行越出名,越难找到正常的工作。我们陷入了恶性循环之中。”

turnover /ˈtɝːnˌoʊ.vɚ/ :n. the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others人事变动率,人员流动率

Lynn, who hosts a weekly radio show about the industry, sees things differently. She attributes her atypical longevity as a porn star to her stints working in other fields including real estate, drug addiction recovery and mainstream acting. To her, the onus is on performers to better define their boundaries and learn to step away from the gig – including its social media obligations – if it becomes hazardous, mentally or physically. "A lot of these people get into the business and they don't think they can be anything else. They don't think they can survive outside the industry and that's not true," she says. "You can get out of the industry tomorrow if it no longer works."

但琳恩对此事持有不同看法。她曾是一名AV女演员,现在自己创办了一个关于成人行业的每周电台。 不同于 其他业内同事,琳恩的职业生涯特别长。在她看来,这一切都应归功于自己曾涉足过其他行业,比如房地产、药物成瘾康复和主流演艺圈。她认为,女演员应当自己把握分寸,一旦感觉演艺活动危害了自己精神或身体健康,便要学着适当远离,比如权衡好社交媒体方面的义务。“许多人进入这一行之后就觉得自己干不了别的了。”她说,“但其实如果在这一行干不下去了,随时都可以改行。”

atypcal /‚eɪ'tɪpɪkl/:adj. not typical or usual非典型的,不同寻常的

Having survived her share of tragedy – her brother, the late porn performer Buck Adams, died of heart failure in 2008 and she says she was there when porn star Savannah killed herself in 1994 – Lynn, like many veteran performers, sees it as her responsibility to ensure her younger peers are getting the help they need. She serves as an officer at the Adult Performers' Actors Guild – a chapter of the International Entertainment Adult Union, which was formed just two years ago and bills itself as the only adult actors' union recognized by the United States Department of Labor – and says the group is working to strengthen its network of mental health resources for performers. Meanwhile, the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, a separate, non-union group chaired by porn star Tasha Reign, offers a mentorship program for newer performers and a list of industry-friendly psychologists and therapists, mental health support organizations, and hotlines for suicide, abuse, and addiction. Still, the industry lacks any kind of established support system for mental health.

琳恩也经历过一系列悲剧,但她都缓过来了。她的亲弟弟,已故AV男演员巴克·亚当斯(Buck Adams)在2008年死于心力衰竭。并且她说1994年同事萨瓦娜(Savannah)自杀时她也在场。因此,琳恩和许多资深演员都认为,她们有责任确保后辈得到应得的帮助。她目前供职于成人影片演员公会(Adult Performers' Actors Guild, APAG),该公会隶属于国际娱乐成人协会(International Entertainment Adult Union)。国际娱乐成人协会成立于两年前, 自称是 美国劳工部唯一承认的AV演员协会。琳恩说,该协会正致力于完善AV演员的心理健康保障体系。AV演员塔莎·莱恩(Tasha Reign)主导的成人演员促进委员会(Adult Performer Advocacy Committee)是一个非工会的独立组织,他们为新人提供指导项目以及一系列支持成人产业的心理医生与治疗医师的名单,同时能联系到许多心理健康关怀组织,还针对自杀、虐待与药物成瘾开通了热线电话。但尽管如此,成人产业仍然缺乏完善的心理健康关怀体系。

bill sth as sth :to advertise or describe something in a particular way把…宣传为…

"We really don't have anything to help the performers. We just kind of offer outreach to them," admits APAG board member Kelly Pierce, a performer who now focuses on cam work because of the freedom it offers. "We're working on getting something together as far as a mental health facility for our performers, which will obviously take time and we'll have to utilize grants for that, but most of it is outreach."

APAG董事会成员凯莉·皮尔斯( Kelly Pierce )说:“我们帮不上演员们什么大忙,只能提供一些外展服务。”她此前也是一名AV演员,后来看中了主播工作时间自由而转型。“我们想努力整合现有资源,为演员们建立一个心理健康机构,但这项工作肯定要花费时间,同时我们也将发动捐款,但大部分还只是外展服务活动。”

In the absence of a comprehensive mental health care network, some performers have taken matters into their own hands. Performer and director Nikki Hearts says she and her wife, porn actor Leigh Raven, have opened up their "really clean, wholesome household" as a safe haven to performers so often that they've been nicknamed mom and dad. Part of the problem, Hearts says, is that most performers lack health insurance and many don't know how where to begin when it comes to finding a therapist; others use drugs to self-medicate. "Female performers are suffering because we're not being taken care of by the industry that we give everything to," says Hearts, who is quick to add that she loves her job and the people she works with, many of whom she now thinks of as family. "There's no person saying, 'What you're dealing with is really difficult mentally, it's taking a toll on you.'"

在全面的心理健康关怀体系缺位的情况下,有些演员自发组织了相关工作。妮姬·哈茨(Nikki Hearts)兼任AV导演和演员两份工作,她和妻子丽·瑞雯(Leigh Raven,AV演员)经常邀请AV演员来自己家,对于这些演员来说,这是她们真正洁净、健康、安全的避风港,她们还称呼哈茨和她的妻子“老爹”“老妈”。哈茨认为,当今AV演员中存在这样的问题:绝大部分演员没有健康保险,大部分在寻找医师治疗时感觉无从下手,还有一部分自己开方用药。她说:“女演员饱受痛苦,因为她们为之付出一切的行业并没有给予她们相应的关怀。”随后,她还说她喜欢自己的工作和同事,并且将许多同事视为家人。“没有人告诉你:‘你现在正在面临极大的精神压力,它正在摧毁你。’”
