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ECO中文网  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-09-30 21:48


Tradition’s voice


Obituary: ShanTianfang


China’s favourite storyteller died on September 11th, aged 84

2018 9 11 日,中国人最喜爱的说书人去世,享年 84

WHAT struck Shan Tianfang most, as he walked into the studio for his first radio broadcast at the end of the 1970s, was the lack of things. No brightly painted screen to set the scene for his pingshu, or storytelling. No block of wood on the table, to make the audience pay attention or to scare them stiff. No folded fan to snap open for a surprise, simper behind, or whip through the air as as word. A traditional storyteller needed only those three props. Still, he could manage. With the side of his left hand, he could bang emphatically. And with his voice alone he could evoke the creaking wing beats of a flying bird, the pealing, descending glugs of a man taking poison or the power of an adversary, “the corners of his eyes and brows showing a thousand streams of killing aura”.

20 世纪70年代末期,单田芳走进演播室第一次录制电台广播节目时,感触最深的,是那里缺东少西:没有可以为他的评书布景的绚丽屏风;没有可以吸引听众注意或者让其吓一大跳的醒木;也没有一把折扇,可以忽地打开让人为之一震,可以以扇掩面偷笑,可以当成剑在空中挥舞。传统的说书人只需要这三种道具。尽管如此,他依然能应付过去。他能用自己的左手侧掌敲击发出棒喝,用自己的声音再现飞鸟扑扇翅膀的吱吱声、一长串的铃声、一个人喝下毒药时渐渐减弱的汩汩声以及敌手的狠劲,“他的眼角眉梢都透着千层杀气”。

Thething he missed most was an audience. He was used to the teeming tea houses ofnorth-east China, packed with old folk smoking in bamboo chairs and childrenrunning round. Here there were only two sound guys in headphones. He remembered, though, that for his first official performance in an Anshan teahouse, in 1956 when he was 23 and faint with nerves, he had tried his routineon a few colleagues first. A few were as good as a crowd. So he told “The Three Heroes and Five Gallants” to the sound guys, improvising and with lots of slang as usual, watching closely to see where they laughed, and where they dozed off.


That broadcast, he later found out, was heard by 100m people. It brought him suchfame that by the end of a 60-year career he had performed more than 12,000 episodes of more than 100 stories on 500 TV and radio stations. He had filled stadiums. His hoarse, smoky voice, “cloud covering the moon” as the saying went, was listened to everywhere, by farmers in fields, workers commuting and,especially, by taxi drivers, to while the traffic away. “Wherever a well has water”, people tuned in to him.


He had grown up in Liaoning province before the Communist revolution of 1949, hismother (“The Pale Girl”) an actress and his father a player of thethree-stringed lute. But he knew from childhood, as he shook the money-basket round after their shows, that this was not much of a living. Folk arts might becenturies old, but they had low social status. He hoped to be a doctor or an engineer, until the collapse of his parents’ marriage threw him back on pingshu to maintain his seven sisters. Fate ordained it so. He had always been good at memorising, diligent at practice, and after more instruction he was happy to spend the decade from 1956 to 1966 playing the tea-house circuit.


His favourite stories were always the classics, not least China’s four greatnovels: the medieval “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, “The Journey to the West”, where an intrepid monk went searching for Buddhist texts, “The Dream of the Red Chamber”, in which 40 main characters portrayed a noble family’s18th-century decline, and “Water Margin”, with its wild band of 108 scheming outlaws. Some stories had hundreds of chapters, each ending with a coy “To be continued”. As a keen student of history he altered some tales a bit, playing down the demons and spirits and giving his listeners, instead, characters that made sense. He also turned recent events into stories, poring over newspapers,as soon as the sun came up, to find reports of policemen foiling notorious robbers. Fighters against injustice touched a soft spot with him: the wrongly court-martialled General Sheng of “I Know Your Name Well”, or the“White-Eyebrow Hero” Lord Bao, China’s most righteous judge, whose story he had been telling all and sundry since he was five years old.


During the Cultural Revolution, however, he fought injustice himself and lost. The builders of the New China did not need his old tales, those remnants of theimperial and feudal system. They sent him to the far north-east, his teeth knocked out to silence him, to cut hay and cart manure. He escaped, and lived with his family on the streets for four years, selling artificial flowers. In 1978 he was rehabilitated, though with a mouth full of painful plastic through which he had to learn to speak again. He summed up life then in one word, “Endure”. But it rapidly got better.

