2019年,来自郑州大学第一附属医院鼻科的 Zheqing Cui , Yulin Zhao (通讯作者)在
BMC Cancer 期刊发表了一篇论文,题目为:
microRNA-342-3p targets FOXQ1 to suppress the aggressive phenotype of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells。
2022年7月,国际著名职业学术打假人Hoya camphorifolia 在 Pubpeer 论坛发表评论:
The marked panel is familiar:
[upper left] Fig 5B from "Sirtuin 6 contributes to migration and invasion of osteosarcoma cells via the ERK1/2/MMP9 pathway" (Lin et al 2017).
[upper right] Fig 8 from "Macrophage Deficiency Makes Intestinal Epithelial Cells Susceptible to NSAID-Induced Damage" (Wang et al 2020).
[below] Fig 4C from "IL-1β-induced activation of p38 promotes metastasis in gastric adenocarcinoma via upregulation of AP-1/c-fos, MMP2 and MMP9" (Huang et al 2014).
Fig 2C [left] seems to have been sourced from [right] Fig 6A of "Epithelial mesenchymal transition status is associated with anti-cancer responses towards receptor tyrosine-kinase inhibition by dovitinib in human bladder cancer cells" ( Hänze et al 2013).