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收到论文,期刊编辑最先看什么:Science Talks 问答集锦

研之成理  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-04-01 08:00


第三期 Science Talks 顺利结束,此次活动主题:


诸多用户的提问得到了嘉宾们的详细解答。本文,我们整理问题“ 稿件的第一印象真的可以决定去留吗? 期刊编辑判断稿件能否送审时,第一眼会关注哪些点? ”相应的回答。


Science Talks 是由 意得辑 科学网 合办的在线问答栏目。栏目邀请国内外专业人士,以文字形式解答并讨论学术界的各类问题。Science Talks 目前已经举办三期,用户踊跃提问,嘉宾悉心解答。



Thomas Sharp
英国物理学会出版社(IOP Publishing)出版人


First impressions definitely count. Firstly, we’ll check our plagiarism detection software to see if the article has significant overlap with published work before we read the paper. Articles with significant overlap are likely to be rejected, or we may ask the authors to address problematic areas. Then we’ll read the paper.

Editors have their own personal way of working and reading an article, but I like to start with the title and abstract for a preliminary assessment of whether the article fits the scope of the journal. At this stage if the article doesn’t fit the scope, we may offer a transfer to another IOP title. After reading the abstract I will read the article in full, but paying particular attention to the introduction, figures and conclusions as this helps form an opinion regarding the article’s novelty and impact. At this stage we’re not looking to critique the science of the paper - that is the job of the reviewers - but to quickly assess whether the article matches the journal’s scope and submission requirements. If it does, it will be sent out for review.

In my opinion it is worth spending lots of time on the title and abstract of your article and writing them after you’ve written the rest of the paper! The abstract is often the only part that reviewers can see when deciding to accept or decline an invitation to review, so make it count! It should be a clear, concise overview of what you did, what you found out, and why you did it. Make sure your title is clear and descriptive and easy to search for.



编辑们有自己的工作和阅读文章的方式,但我喜欢从标题和摘要开始,初步评估文章是否符合期刊的范围。在这个阶段,如果文章不符合范围,我们会转到 IOP 的其他期刊。在阅读了摘要之后,我会完整阅读文章,但是会特别注意文章的引言,图表和结论,因为这有助于让人了解文章的新颖性和影响力。在这个阶段,我们不深究论文的科学性 —— 这是审稿人的工作 —— 而是要快速评估这篇文章是否符合期刊的范围和提交要求。如果符合,就会送去审稿。


G Kartikeyan
BMJ 旗下《心脏:亚洲》(Heart Asia)主编


A first impression is very important and is often gathered from simply reading the abstract. Subsequently, a quick reading of the paper is sufficient to provide an idea regarding the relevance of the research question/topic being addressed, the rigor of the methods used, and the validity of the results.



Nithya John


It may not be the most important but it’s definitely important. Good first impressions are crucial for avoiding desk rejections. Several journals form an initial view of the paper based on the language quality, format, title, and abstract of the manuscript and the cover letter.

The title, especially, can make a lasting impression on the editor. Avoid titles that start with “The analysis of,” “The study of,” “The role of,” etc. and get to the point. For example, instead of using “A study on the role of X in the ABC metabolic cycle,” you could say “X in the ABC metabolic cycle: a mere intermediate compound or key regulator?” It’s also important to avoid generic titles. If you have a title in mind, use it as a search query on Google Scholar. If the search retrieves papers with similar titles, you’ll know you have to make your title more specific. Is your study the first on t his topic? Is your methodology novel? If your answer to these questions is “yes,” make sure your manuscript title captures that. It’s also important to not oversell or undersell your study findings in an effort to create an interesting title.



编辑特对会对标题产生持久的印象。避免以这几个表达开头作为标题:“The analysis of”、“The study of”、“The role of”等,尽量做到”开门见山“。例如,与其使用“A study on the role of X in the ABC metabolic cycle,” ,你可以这么表达“X in the ABC metabolic cycle: a mere intermediate compound or key regulator?”。避免通用型标题也很重要。如果你脑海里已经想好一个标题,将他输入谷歌学术,如果检索结果有都是用了高度相似的文章标题,这说明你应该修改标题使之更具体。你是领域内首个研究该课题的吗?你的方法极具创新性吗?如果都是,建议您的稿件标题着重强调首创性和创新型。不要低估你的研究发现!

Christopher Leonard
Cactus Communications 战略及产品总监


It might seem superfluous, but the cover letter is a good way to summarize your findings, explain why you submitted to this particular journal, and give the editor a good feeling that this work was meant for this journal - it also shows the authors have spent some time considering this as well.

Another strange thing authors may not be aware of. When you submit an article, the editor receives an email detailing the submission with the authors names and article title. The title is their first impression of a paper. If it is short and descriptive, that is ideal. If it is long or whimsical, then you may not be creating the best first impression with the editor. Spend some time refining the title as it’s the first thing the editor sees.


这似乎是多余的担心 ,但投稿信是关于你研究成果,解释为什么投稿给这个期刊的一个很好总结。让编辑知道你是经过深思熟虑投这家期刊,并且你的文章符合期刊要求。





第一眼关注的有:1. 论文是不是新颖;2.是不是符合期刊定位;3. 是不是会吸引引用率;4. 作者是不是似曾相识,即有相关方向研究的论文发表过;5. 论文的格式规范问题。

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