策划:刘 璠
本文选自 The Atlantic
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Will Trump Take Notice of the Eclipse?
Just a week shy of 40 years ago, humanity’s emissary to the stars left this planet for a journey through the solar system. The twin Voyager spacecraft carry a shimmering golden record which, if placed on a phonograph, will play the sound of laughter and language and life on Earth. The record was accompanied by a message from the president.
还有一周就到了美国成功实施旅行者计划的40周年,当时人类探索星球的使者离开地球,开始了探索太阳系的旅程。这两个姐妹探测器都携带了一张镀金唱片,放在留声机上会播放出我们的笑声、语言以及地球生命的声音,同时唱片上还有一条来自时仁美国总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)的留言。
“We are a community of 240 million human beings among the more than 4 billion who inhabit the planet Earth. We human beings are still divided into nation-states, but these states are rapidly becoming a single global civilization,” President Jimmy Carter wrote.
The record and the spacecraft are likely to survive a billion years into our future, Carter’s letter continued. The Voyagers will sail through interstellar space long after we are gone, long after Earth is gone, long into futures unimagined. If someone intercepts one, the president said, the message they should hear is this:
“We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination, and our goodwill in a vast and awesome universe.”
The journey of the Voyagers, like the landing of the Mars rovers or the death spiral of the Cassini spacecraft, still occasions poetic calls to a higher cosmic purpose. This is one reason political leaders like to talk about space. It represents the future itself, and the last place to chart something new, to explore the way our
did, to follow
the urge written into our foundational ethos. President Trump does not talk much about science, but when he does, he invokes space.
['fɔrbɛr] n. a person in your family who lived a long time ago 祖先;祖宗
To date, Trump has not spoken publicly about the eclipse. Rumors about a possible presidential visit have swept through states along the eclipse path, such as Missouri, where state lawmakers have been buzzing about it all week. But on Thursday a spokesman for Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens said there was no Trump visit in the works. A White House spokesman confirmed via email to The Atlantic Thursday that the administration has no travel plans at the moment.
到目前为止,特朗普还没有公开谈论过有关这次日食的事情。而关于总统访问的传言已经传遍了日食带的各个州。其中就包括密苏里州(Missouri)—该州的议员们已经就此讨论了整整一周。但是在本周四,密苏里州州长埃里克·格里森(Eric Greitens)的发言人表示在州政府的工作安排上,并没有特朗普到访的计划。当日,一位白宫发言人再发给本报的邮件中确认现在政府还没有相关的出行计划。