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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济金融学写作小组:
1、不确定性和经济活动: 一个多国视角
We develop an asset pricing model with heterogeneous exposure to a persistent world growth factor to identify global growth and financial shocks in a multicountry panel VAR in volatility and output growth. The econometric estimates yield three sets of empirical results about (1) the importance of global growth for the interpretation of the correlation between volatility and growth over the business cycle and the possible presence of omitted variable bias in single-country VAR studies, (2) the extent to which output shocks drive volatility, and (3) the transmission of volatility shocks to output growth.
Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, M Hashem Pesaran, Alessandro Rebucci, Uncertainty and Economic Activity: A Multicountry Perspective, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3393–3445, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz098
We find that the degree and dynamics of sovereign bond market integration across 21 developed and 18 emerging countries is significantly heterogeneous. We show that better spanning can significantly enhance market integration through dissipating local risk premiums. Integration of the sovereign bond markets increases by about 10% on average, when a country moves from the 25th to the 75th percentile as a result of higher political stability and credit quality, lower inflation and inflation risk, and lower illiquidity. The 10% increase in integration leads to, on average, a decrease in the sovereign cost of funding of about 1% per annum.
Ines Chaieb, Vihang Errunza, Rajna Gibson Brandon, Measuring Sovereign Bond Market Integration, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3446–3491, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz107
We relate the risk characteristics of currencies to measures of physical, cultural, and institutional distance. Currencies of countries which are more distant from other countries are more exposed to systematic currency risk. This is due to a gravity effect in the factor structure of exchange rates: When a currency appreciates against a basket of other currencies, its bilateral exchange rate appreciates more against currencies of distant countries. As a result, currencies of peripheral countries are more exposed to systematic variation than currencies of central countries. Trade network centrality best predicts a currency’s average exposure to systematic risk.
Hanno Lustig, Robert J Richmond, Gravity in the Exchange Rate Factor Structure, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3492–3540, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz103
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本文证明,在经济不景气时期,美国股票市场的股息增长和回报与消费增长之间的关系更为密切。在一个具有普遍厌恶投资者和较小的独立同分布(IID)的消费冲击的资产定价模型中,尽管风险规避度低,但此特征仍可导致现实的股本溢价。该模型与从股指期权中推断出的关于股票市场风险溢价的主要事实是一致的,即结果仍然为严格参数化,并且可以为资产价格提供分析解决方案。具有非独立同分布(IID)动态的扩展模型可解决过度的波动性和收益预测性问题,并同时保留模型与期权矩(option moment)的一致性。
I document that dividend growth and returns on the aggregate U.S. stock market are more correlated with consumption growth in bad economic times. In a consumption-based asset pricing model with a generalized disappointment-averse investor and small, IID consumption shocks, this feature results in a realistic equity premium despite low risk aversion. The model is consistent with the main facts about stock market risk premiums inferred from equity index options, remains tightly parameterized, and allows for analytical solutions for asset prices. An extension with non-IID dynamics accounts for excess volatility and return predictability, while preserving the model’s consistency with option moments.
David Schreindorfer, Macroeconomic Tail Risks and Asset Prices, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3541–3582, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz105
We show that in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneity in risk aversion or belief, shifting wealth from an agent who holds comparatively fewer stocks to one who holds more reduces the equity premium. From an empirical view, the rich hold more stocks, so inequality should predict excess stock market returns. Consistent with our theory, we find that when the U.S. top income share rises, subsequent 1-year excess market returns significantly decline. This negative relation is robust to controlling for classic return predictors, predicting out-of-sample, and instrumenting inequality with estate tax rate changes. It also holds in international markets.
Alexis Akira Toda, Kieran James Walsh, The Equity Premium and the One Percent, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3583–3623, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz121
We show that time-varying risk premium in financial markets can explain a key, yet puzzling, feature of labor markets: the large differences in unemployment risk across worker age groups over the business cycle. Our search model features a time-varying risk premium and learning about unobserved heterogeneity in worker productivity. Their interaction generates large real effects through firms’ labor policies. Our model predicts higher unemployment risk of younger workers relative to prime-age workers when risk premium is high, and the employment ratio of prime-age to young workers to be more cyclical in high beta industries. We find empirical support for these predictions
Indrajit Mitra, Yu Xu, Time-Varying Risk Premium and Unemployment Risk across Age Groups, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3624–3673, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz122
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Using trading data from a sports wagering market, we estimate individuals’ dynamic risk preferences within a prospect theory paradigm. This market’s experimental-like features facilitate preference estimation, and our long panel enables us to study whether preferences vary across individuals and depend on earlier outcomes. Our estimates extend support for experimental findings—mild utility curvature, moderate loss aversion, and probability overweighting of extreme outcomes—to a market setting and reveal that preferences are heterogeneous and history dependent. Applying our estimates to a portfolio choice problem, we show prospect theory can better explain the prevalence of the disposition effect than previously thought.
Angie Andrikogiannopoulou, Filippos Papakonstantinou, History-Dependent Risk Preferences: Evidence from Individual Choices and Implications for the Disposition Effect, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3674–3718, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz127
We propose a no-arbitrage model of the nominal and real term structures that accommodates the different persistence and volatility of distinct inflation components. Core, food, and energy inflation combine into a single total inflation measure that ties nominal and real risk-free bond prices together. The model successfully extracts market participants’ expectations of future inflation from nominal yields and inflation data. Estimation uncovers a factor structure common to core inflation and interest rates and downplays the pass-through effect of short-lived food and energy shocks on inflation and interest rates. Model forecasts systematically outperform survey forecasts and other benchmarks.
Andrea Ajello, Luca Benzoni, Olena Chyruk, Core and ‘Crust’: Consumer Prices and the Term Structure of Interest Rates, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3719–3765, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz094
Equity markets fail to account for the value-relevant nonpublic information enjoyed by syndicated loan participants and reflected in publicly posted loan prices. A long-short strategy that buys (sells) the equities of firms with recently appreciated (depreciated) loans earns large risk-adjusted returns, suggesting a surprising and economically important level of segmentation across the same firm’s capital structure. The information lag captured by trading strategy returns is not affected by drivers of firm-specific attention, including the publication of loan returns in the Wall Street Journal. Instead, returns to the strategy are eliminated among equities held by mutual funds also trading in syndicated loans.
Jawad M Addoum, Justin R Murfin, Equity Price Discovery with Informed Private Debt, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3766–3803, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz128
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Stock prices occasionally move in response to unverified rumors. I propose a cheap talk model in which a rumormonger’s incentives to tell the truth depend on the interaction between her investment horizon and the information acquisition decisions of message-receiving investors. The model’s key prediction is that short investment horizons can facilitate credible information sharing between investors, thereby accelerating the information capitalization into market prices. Analyzing a data set of takeover rumors covered by U.S. newspapers, I find suggestive evidence in support of this prediction.
Daniel Schmidt, Stock Market Rumors and Credibility, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 3804–3853, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhz120