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What are some cycles you've noticed throughout history?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-06-20 08:14


What are some cycles you've noticed throughout history?

Arjun Satheesh Menon, works at Médecins Sans Frontières (2017-present)

Answered Jun 8

137.1k Views · 19.1k Upvotes

There is one cycle that repeats itself without any change and no civilisation, country, empire or institution of power is immune to this.

It goes like this:

“Hard times bring forth strong men.

Strong men bring forth good times.

Good times bring forth weak men.

Weak men bring forth hard times.”

Just go through any period in World history, you'll find this pattern repeating itself in cycles.


Shane Rooney

        Mediocre times brings forth just so-so men.

        Just so-so men bring forth mediocre times.

        And so the cycle continues.