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唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-07 23:29


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: 林迪芬
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: Eric.J, 明月奴
编辑 | 悠悠



Nearly all of the scholarship in the area of leader-follower relationships hinges on one construct: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX). Given the central role of this construct in leadership and organizational studies, it is critical that LMX be clearly understood and both measured and analyzed in a valid manner. This critique identifies systemic conceptual (e.g., unclear definition and unclear nomological net), measurement (e.g., measures that do not capture LMX's theoretical foundations and misalignment between conceptualization and measurement) and treatment (e.g., endogeneity) issues associated with the construct. Collectively, these issues lead us to conclude that the LMX construct is incapable of serving the needs of the theories it has traditionally served, and as currently constituted, is unlikely to advance leadership theory and practice in significant or meaningful ways. We conclude with recommendations for how scholars can move forward with the opportunity and challenge of replacing the LMX construct.

参考文献:Gottfredson, R. K. , Wright, S. L. , & Heaphy, E. D. . (2020). A critique of the leader-member exchange construct: back to square one. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(6):101385.


我们在慈善背景下的实地实验中,对魅力型领导和基于绩效的奖励对个人绩效的正向主效应尝试进行了两次复制性研究(Antonakis, d'Adda, Weber, and Zehnder, 2015)。第一个研究是使用基于视频的干预——而不是原始研究中的现场干预——我们只在118名参与者的样本中复制了基于绩效的奖励的效果;我们没有发现魅力对绩效的影响。在第二个研究中,我们讨论了为什么不能成功复制魅力效应的原因:(a)使用更大的样本(n=274)和(b)确保实验任务背景具有内在的文化特性,从而使员工与慈善机构的受益人之间具有价值契合。在第二项研究中,我们完全复制了个人魅力和基于绩效的奖励对个人绩效的积极影响。在扩展原研究的过程中,我们发现经济激励和魅力之间没有交互作用。此外,通过运用实验随机化工具变量(ERIVs, see Sajons, 2020),我们发现魅力对个人绩效的影响是通过领导的愿景维度来传导。

We report two replication attempts for the positive main effects of charismatic leadership and performance-based rewards on individual performance from a field experiment in a charitable context (Antonakis, d'Adda, Weber, and Zehnder, 2015). Using video based treatments - instead of the live treatments in the original study - we only replicate the effect of performance-based rewards in a sample of 118 participants; we do not find an effect of charisma on performance. In a second study, we address the reasons that could explain the unsuccessful replication of the charisma effect by: (a) using a larger sample (n = 274) and (b) ensuring the experimental task context to have ingroup - cultural and hence value - fit between the workers and the beneficiaries of a charity. In the second study we fully replicate the positive effects of charisma as well as performance-based rewards on individual performance. In extending the original work we tested and found no interaction between economic incentives and charisma. Furthermore, using the manipulations as experimentally randomized instrumental variables (ERIVs, see Sajons, 2020), we find that the effect of charisma on individual performance is channelled through the vision dimension of leadership.

参考文献:Mesleca, N., Curseu, P. L., Fodor, O. C., & Kenda, R.. (2020). Effects of charismatic leadership and rewards on individual performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(6):101423.



Managerial oversight is strengthened and firms' strategic performance improved when boards are gender-diverse. Yet the rate of women's appointment to corporate boards is decelerating. This study proposes an explanation for the unexpected attenuation rooted in social movement dynamics, particularly cross-movement influences originating from the contemporary governance reform movement. Seeking to alleviate managerialist tendencies, the governance reform movement has compelled major changes to board structure, composition, and activity, as well as the broader logic surrounding corporate boards. By definition, social movements' cognitive and structural advances manifest “spillover” effects – unintentional impacts affecting the opportunity structure, and ultimately progress, of neighboring campaigns. Drawing on social movement theory, a conceptual model is outlined explicating the mechanisms by which governance reform's broad enactments have incidentally impeded board gender diversity's advance. Theoretically-grounded strategies for reversing those effects are also outlined and the study closes with a discussion of implications for research, practice, and policy.

参考文献:Geletkanycz, M. A. . (2020). Social movement spillover: barriers to board gender diversity posed by contemporary governance reform. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(6):101438.

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In the last 40 years, leadership studies (LS) have moved from a condition of near despair, where complaints of slow progress were commonplace, to a situation of self-confidence and self-praise. However, during recent years we have seen an upsurge in criticism alongside a contradiction between positive leadership ideas and a working life bearing little imprint of the upbeat messages said to characterize successful leaders. LS primarily produces results where “positive” leadership is correlated with various “positive” outcomes. This is made possible through peculiar conventions characterizing LS, which produce a recipe for flawed, but publishable, research and career progress. This paper points at 20 elements of this recipe and argues for a radical rethinking of LS norms and practices to develop more complex and sophisticated knowledge that is intellectually and methodologically sounder, facilitating less ideological and more relevant and insightful studies and research results.

参考文献:Alvesson, M. . (2020). Upbeat leadership: a recipe for – or against – "successful" leadership studies. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(6):101439.


传统上,领导力研究集中在单向性的问题上,在这些问题中,领导者的属性被认为是决定追随者结果的因素。然而,领导者(x)和追随者(y)之间的许多现象都涉及到同时发生的影响过程,其中x影响y, y也影响x(即同时性)。遗憾的是,这种同时性偏差产生了内生性,并且在现存的领导力文献中往往没有得到恰当的处理。在三项研究中,我们论证了同时性偏差的挑战,并提出了两种有助于纠正同时性偏差问题的方法论对策。我们着重研究追随者抵抗与领导者控制之间的同时性问题。我们用模拟的数据集从数学上证明了同时性偏差,并说明了如何用工具变量估计方法从统计上解决这个偏差。此外,我们还介绍了如何通过实验设计来解决同时性偏差问题。最后,我们讨论了本研究路径是如何推进领导力研究的理论和方法的。

Traditionally, leadership research has focused on unidirectional questions in which leader attributes are considered to determine follower outcomes. However, many phenomena between leaders (x) and followers (y) involve a simultaneous influence process in which x affects y, and y also affects x (i.e., simultaneity). Unfortunately, this simultaneity bias creates endogeneity and is often not properly addressed in the extant leadership literature. In three studies, we demonstrate the challenges of simultaneity bias and present two methodological solutions that can help to correct problems of simultaneity bias. We focus on simultaneity that occurs between follower resistance and leader control. We mathematically demonstrate the simultaneity bias using a simulated dataset and show how this bias can be statistically solved using an instrumental variable estimation approach. Furthermore, we present how the simultaneity bias can be resolved using an experimental design. We discuss how our approach advances theory and methods for leadership research.

参考文献:Güntner, A. V., Klonek, F. E. , Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. , & Kauffeld, S. . (2020). Follower behavior renders leader behavior endogenous: the simultaneity problem, estimation challenges, and solutions. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(6):101441.

