PhD Project
· Griffith University| Griffith Institue for Drug Discovery
· Location: Gold Coast| Australia
· ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Project Description
The profound and specific biological activity of natural products coupledwith their immediately recognizable structures suggests a code within thesestructures that we are not as yet aware of. The long-standing challenge is tobe able to decode the functional information entangled in the structures ofthese metabolites, selected over millions of years by continuous evolution.
1. The project will address one of chemistry’s grand challenges: to find afunction for every metabolite produced by Nature.
2. Develop a method to predict the function of a compound produced bynature by looking at its chemical structure.
3. Use artificial intelligence to build a metabolite-function knowledgebase.
4. Use Native mass spectrometry to confirm the identify of protein-ligandcomplexes
Native mass spectrometry can be used to identify protein-ligand complexes.The technology is robust and relies on non-denaturing electrospray-ionization(ESI) to firstly recognize multi-charged proteins in their near-native states. Highresolution, high mass accuracy measurements, coupled with soft ionizationtechniques to preserve the integrity of complexes, allows for the determinationof ligand mass by measuring the mass of the protein and the mass of the intactprotein-ligand complex. Native mass spectrometry has been shown to be apowerful tool for fragment-based drug discovery.
Research Plan
The work will involve developing the chemical information that can beapplied to a Matrix for AI.
We will address the questions:
• What scaffoldsare embedded in bioactive natural products?
• What fragmentsoccur in larger natural products?
• What similarityexists between proteins detected by fragment-based approaches and other targetID methods.
• How can theinformation be used in AI?
Funding Notes
The 2019 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has anannual stipend of $27,596 (indexed) for a period of up to three years offull-time study. Please see View Website for Conditions of Award.
A successful International applicant will also be awarded a GriffithUniversity International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuitionfees for up to three years. Please see View Website for Conditions of Award.
PhD Program
· Masaryk University |CEITEC
· Location: Brno |Czech Republic
· ApplicationDeadline: 31 October 2019
Project Description
We are looking for a motivated PhD student that would like to work on thefollowing project funded by the ERC (European Research Council) Starting grant.It is now understood that B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling is the key pathwayderegulated during the onset of many B cell leukemias and lymphomas, and thispathway crosstalk’s with other microenvironmental interactions such as adhesionand chemokine signalling. Targettin these interactions is considered apromising target for therapy in B cell malignancies, however, the recentlyapproved inhibitors of BCR signalling are not able to permanently control orcure B cell maliganncies. We have recently revealed for the first time thatCD20, and microRNAs miR-150 and miR-155 regulate the B-cell receptor signaling(Mraz et al., Blood, 2014; Musilova et al…Mraz, Blood, 2018; Mraz and Kipps,2013, Musilova and Mraz, Leukemia, 2015). We have performed a complex profilingof mRNAand non-coding RNAs in the context of the tumor microenvironmentinteractions. In our preliminary data we have identified several transcriptionfactors that likely modulate the BCR signalling, and its crosstalk withadhesion and chemokine signalling. The PhD candidate will work on theidentification of key transcription factors (TFs) and their targets thatorchestrate the microenvironmental interactions and activation of malignantcells. This has potential implications for therapy since some of our candidateTFs can be targeted by novel inhibitors, which will be tested pre-clinically invitro and in mouse models
who wish to pursue a degree at theCEITEC PhD programme must hold the equivalent of a Master’s degree (MSc) insimilar field (four or five year undergraduate degree).
PhD Project
· Griffith University| Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre
· Location: Gold Coast| Australia
· ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Project Description
Queensland Microtechnology Facility at Griffith University, Australia,provides a leading research environment for the development of next generationSiC- and GaN-based power semiconductor devices. Further information about thefacility can be found at: https://www.griffith.edu.au/science-aviation/queensland-micro-nanotechnology-centre.
PhD positions
are available inalignment with our ongoing industrial funded project to develop a normally-offhigh electron mobility transistor (HEMT).
Interested applicants
should send their CV toDr. Hamid Amini ([email protected]).