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中農立華: 公司主業穩步復甦,出海業務加速佈局!

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-05 22:47


Sino-Agri Leading Biosciences

(603970 CH)


Initiating coverage: core business in stable recovery, while the international market buildout gains

TP:RMB30.00    BUY(Initiation)

投資要點/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


中農立華前身爲中國供銷聯社的成員,具備全國性的倉儲配送和銷售服務網絡、專業的植保技術服務團隊和完善的產業鏈佈局。公司收入和利潤規模總體保持增長趨勢,公司營業總收入4年CAGR爲25%;歸母淨利潤4年CAGR爲17 %。從公司業務板塊來看,公司農藥流通收入規模當前佔據主要地位,種子流通肩負使命,植保收入作爲重要補充。

Company profile: China’s largest-scale pesticide distributor and service provider

About SAL: formerly a member of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACFSMC), Sino-Agri Leading Biosciences (SAL) has built up a nationwide warehousing, distribution, sales and service network run by an accomplished crop protection technical service team. Its business spans the full industry value chain.

Financials: SAL’s revenues and profits have generally trended upward: revenue tracks a 4-year CAGR of 25% and net profit rose at a 4-year CAGR of 17%. Among its business divisions, pesticide distribution is the main revenue driver, followed by seed distribution, with crop protection services contributing key supplemental earnings.



Macros: supply chain enhances China’s food security; CSOEs push B&R exports

China market: SAL helps drive China’s food security, which is a cornerstone of national security, with a modernized agricultural supply chain the main means to improving food security. Since a modern agricultural supply chain helps increase data transparency and saves production costs, food security effectiveness would depend on the extent of modernization in a supply chain.

Global buildout: as one of China’s centrally managed SOEs (CSOEs), SAL drives a globalization strategy in line with the pioneering role of CSOEs as core drivers of the country’s collaborative Belt and Road Initiative (B&R). B&R is a global infrastructural development strategy responsible for a multitude of pilot projects, with CSOEs running more than 8,000 institutions and projects in 190 markets around the world. Their total foreign assets amount to nearly RMB8tr, having doubled in the past 10 years. They are constantly exploring ways to enhance Chinese companies’ global competitiveness.



Scarce stock: sole listed China pesticide distribution platform; diverse businesses

Diverse businesses: as China’s only listed distribution platform, SAL leads the pesticide industry and its storage, distribution, sales and service network covers major grain production areas across the country. This positioning enables the company to efficiently service vast numbers of farmers in terms of collective pesticide procurements, sales, packaging and processing services, as well as crop protection services and crop protection machinery operations. Pesticide distribution generated RMB10.4bn in revenue in 2023. SAL provides authoritative technical price index services and industry-leading packaging and processing support services for the Chinese market. Its data service provides market trend indicators.

Seed synergy: SAL invested in a stake in Sino-Agri Seed Holding (SAS) in 2022 and started to develop both seed and pesticide businesses in tandem. SAS owns many premium rice, wheat and corn varietals and crop breeding materials, including Taifeng A and Taimai 198. SAL’s deep channel resources in pesticide formulations and distribution complement SAS’s R&D experience, which increase their combined advantage. We expect both businesses will grow in tandem.



Globalization: brand refresh; R&D registrations drive strategic global buildout

Widening footprint: SAL’s international footprint spans more than 90 countries and regions. Its foreign business revenue has risen rapidly in recent years and shot past RMB4bn in 2022. Stable long-term partnerships with pesticide manufacturers help maintain the company’s core competitiveness in both the Chinese and foreign markets. We expect it will continue to implement various measures to expand its global footprint by entering more foreign markets.

It has made the following major measures to date:

•2014 onwards: focusing on obtaining product R&D registrations in foreign markets and the registration process in dozens of countries, both independently and collaboratively.

•2019: collaborating with Nanjing Red Sun to expedite its global business buildout and deepen its global influence.

•2023: expanding cooperation with industry leaders, while it launched a new logo and brand concept to raise its international profile. SAL’s product R&D activity places the company at the industry forefront, developing to register 3,599 substances and registering 1,735 as of end-2023.

投資建議/Investment Ideas

盈利預測和投資建議: 我們預計 2024-2026年,公司實現營收 116/132/156億元,淨利潤2.50/3.18/4.22億元,同比增長11%/27%/33%。我們認爲中農立華作爲供銷社旗下唯一農藥流通上市平臺,其渠道網絡佈局全國主要糧食產區,有望助力國內糧食安全大戰略,具備稀缺性;公司積極開拓國內海外業務,並推動農藥、種子等多元業務協同發展,具備較強成長性。我們看好公司未來發展潛力,給予2025年25倍PE,目標價30元,給予“買入”評級。

Valuation and risks

We forecast SAL will generate revenue of RMB11.6bn/13.2bn/15.6bn and net profit of RMB250m/318m/422m in 2024/25/26E, up 11/27/33%. SAL represents a scarce stock as the ACFSMC’s only listed pesticide distribution platform. Well positioned with its channel network covering China’s grain belt, we expect it will help drive the country’s food security strategy. SAL is expanding both its Chinese and foreign markets, while it sped up business diversity with pesticides and seeds as dual main drivers. We are confident of SAL’s growth potential and assign a 25x PE for 2025E, along with our RMB30 target price. We initiate coverage with a BUY rating.

風險提示: 農藥銷售的季節性和地域性引致的風險、市場競爭加劇的風險、公司可能存在產品質量風險、存貨損失風險等公司運營相關風險、匯率波動風險、測算主觀性風險。

Risks include: pesticide sales seasonality and regionality risks; intensifying competition; product quality and inventory loss risks; FX volatility; and financial estimates’ subjectivity risks.

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