Love: 爱
Hate: 恨
The use of "love" and "hate" in English is completelydifferent from Chinese: 爱、恨在英语里的用法和中文非常不同
It's nowhere near the same: 大相径庭、完全不同
比如:如果你听到"I love you",你的第一反应是?
"So sweet!"
"I love you too!"
大家记得最近节目放过一首歌"Something stupid"吗?
Then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like "I love you"
Why is saying "I love you" stupid? 说“我爱你”怎么会很傻呢?
Isn't it sweet? 不是很甜蜜吗?
We call it "drop the L bomb": 英语有个说法,叫扔L炸弹
Too much too soon: 压力太大、来得太快
Americans tend to be very careful when it comes to saying "I love you": 美国人对说“我爱你”特别谨慎
McDonald's slogan "I'm lovin' it": 麦当劳的广告语“我就喜欢”
I loved that movie. It was the best! 我太喜欢那部电影了,真好看!
Did you see the show? 你看那个节目了吗?
Yes, I totally love it! 看了,太喜欢了!
How is the food? 菜好吃吗?
I love it! Just love it! 好吃!我太喜欢了!
如果用“I like it", 反而容易造成误解!
"I like it" or "I like it very much" doesn't sound very sincere or enthusiastic: 我喜欢、我非常喜欢在英语里听起来反而有点不真诚、没什么热情
"Love" is also used a lot between family members, parents and kids: love在亲人、父母、孩子之间也很常用
I don't think I've ever said "我爱你" to my parents: 我好像从来没对我父母说过“我爱你”
It feels so awkward. I don't know how to say it: 感觉很尴尬,不知怎么开口
My parents don't really say it to me either: 我爸爸妈妈好像也不会跟我说
But I say "mommy loves you" to my sons all the time: 但是,我倒常用英语跟孩子说“mommy lovesyou"
I don't really say it in Chinese though, feels really awkward: 但是我不太用中文跟他们说“妈妈爱你”,也觉得很尴尬
Maybe when it's not your mother tongue, it's easier to say: 有可能不是自己的母语,反而更容易说
不过有些美国人也觉得对家人说"I love you"有点儿别扭
WASPs don't say it as much: 英国血统的美国人好像没那么常说“I love you"
WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant): 新教徒的盎格鲁撒克逊裔美国人
They are more reserved: 他们比较含蓄
Sons don't say "I love you" as much as daughters: 还有儿子,也不像女儿那么愿意对父母说"I loveyou"
Girls, even grown-up girls say it all the time to their parents: 女儿,就算是成年了,也常跟父母说“Ilove you"